V tem času ko je ta letel na 17.000 feetČakajte malo, gre za Brazilijo, ne Kanado pozimi, da bi sedaj opletali z ledom na krilih.
Res da je na južni polobli zima, kar v Br pomeni temperature okoli 20C, višje proti ekvatorju 25 in več.
Vreme Rio de Janeiro
Anti ice in de ice sta isti šmorn, razlika je le v načinu uporabe. ATR je že imel nesrečo zaradi nepravilne uporabe in delno zaradi ne najboljšega dizajna. Turbopropi imajo na krilu večinoma gumijaste obloge, ki se napihnejo in razpokajo ledeno plast, ki jo obtok zraka odpihne. Do izpred nekaj let je bila filozofija uporabe takšna, da se je pustilo akumulirati nekaj mm ledu, zaradi strahu, da bi prezgodnja uporaba teh "bootov" pretanko plast ledu le malo odrinila od sebe, nato pa je ne bi več dosegla. S testiranji se je to ovrglo in sedaj se boote vklaplja ob prvem znaku zaledenitve. Vstopniki motorjev imajo drugačen sistem, na vroč zrak ali pa električne grelce in jih vklopimo ko je zunanja temperatura pod +10c in vidljivost pod 1 miljo (venturi efekt povzroči zaledenitev tudi pri tej temperaturi).
Da bi te nesrečneži tako naenkrat nabrali toliko ledu, da letalo ne bi več letelo, je nenavadno. Na 747 sem v skoraj osmih letih razledenitev kril v zraku (vroč zrak) uporabil 1x, gretje vstopnikov motorjev pa skoraj na vsakem letu.
Sem pogledal yt video od andreja YT , res je.Letalo je bilo pred začetkom zadnjega padca na 5000+ metrih.
Tudi v Braziliji je na teh višinah večinoma pod nulo
years ago, same aircraft type (Dolomite Air?) encountered severe icing conditions by trying to cross the Swiss alps South-North. Loss of control, everyone perished. At the very same time I was in command of a Saab 340B, flying North - South attempting to cross Swiss Alps at FL170. MSA 14500. From normal flight to severe icing in less than 1 minute, max continuous power needed to maintain save icing airspeed and still 1500 feet rod. Immediately 180° turn back Zurich, just made it with about 1500 feet terrain clearance and radar vectoring assistance. Upon landing big junks of ice falling off the tail of the aircraft. Luck and swift positive reaction saved the day. RIP all victims.
Perhaps you are referring to the Aero Trasporti Italiani (ATI) accident of Conca di Trezzo in 1987. That flight was from Italy Milano Linate to Köln in Germany on a spanking new ATR-42 on the 15th of October. The subsequent accident analysis resulted in a complete review of the flight parameters for icing conditions which were considered un-adequate at the time and cause of the disaster.
Ohladi živce.Ma ytbnd je pojedel vse znanje YT, njegove izjave o aviaciji so ranga andzy o cepivih in ruzziji.
V tem času ko je ta letel na 17.000 feet
je bilo na tem območju opozorilo pred "ledom" med 12 in 21.000 feet.
While I do not disagree with the icing theory, such a violent, abrupt, and upward move could not be the result of loss of lift. The vehicle powered itself upwards, trading kinetic energy for potential energy. This happened in seconds, until there was no forward motion. Generally, icing does t do this, the plane simply begins dropping, even as it gains forward velocity. This tells me there was a major malfunction of the aircraft, or major pilot error, or both. There are at least a couple, out of hundred, no doubt, of possible reasons for this plane behavior. The engines could have entered reverse thrust mode, the plane could have entered Hotel Mode, or the pilot may have catastrophically reacted to an otherwise recoverable but surprising electrical/mechanical failure. The sudden gain in altitude and loss of forward velocity screams equipment failure combined with potential pilot response error/response, even if the pilots did everything by the book.
Some people near the crash site mentioned to a news station that the plane was very loud prior to crashing Probably they had the plane at full power which made recovery harder News station also mentioned the plane had requested to fly lower but the request was denied due to traffic heavy icing was reported by 3 other planes Also luckily 10 people missed this flight because they bought their pass with latam and waited by their front desk, which didn't open. they just sold tickets for voepass
Saj so zaprliA res ne more policija odveslati in za čas zajemanja zapreti plažo?
Ali celo patruljirati lokacijo zajema vode?