to vse naredil...sej pravim, da ze na tem zacetku nimam v hbootu opcije hboot usb
evo...tocka 3 zasteka..sicer sem jo preskocil in direkt kabel vstekal in posnel driverje, ampak ne dela...unrevoked samo caka na telefon. Driverji so pa gor, ker mi v device managerju kaze Android Bootloader Interface. HTC sync pa sploh nisem nikol instaliral
1 Download the unrEVOked modified USB driver and expand it somewhere you will remember.
2 Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.
3 On your phone, you will have to select HBOOT USB at that menu by pressing volume down four times, then power. Wait until the screen flashes through an “SD Checking” message before pressing buttons; otherwise, the phone will ignore keypresses.