Covid-19 Zakaj se ne cepiti?


2. mar 2010
"Neskončna neumnost ljudi je cepljenje s cepivi, čigar vsebine sploh ne poznajo"



Anti-vaxxer still hasn’t opened Christmas presents because he doesn’t know what’s inside

Inovativen bi ga dal na rentgen.


12. jul 2016
Hvala za Terškove blodnje. Naj se raje s pravom ukvarja, cepiva in epidemijo pa prepusti komu drugemu.
Ob takih nebulozah (pa sem sam zelo skeptičen do cepljenja v tem trenutku s tem cepivom) bi jaz močno podvomil tudi v njegovo pravo.

Pred mojimi očmi se je okužilo sedaj v 2 tednih preko 30 ljudi. Necepljeni, 1x cepljeni, 2x cepljeni, prebolevniki, prebolevniki + cepljeni, vse je popadalo. Edini, ki se še držijo so 3x cepljeni pa jest, ki sem 1x. Vprašanje, če bo tako tudi na koncu seveda. Zato mi je tudi mimo PCT pogoj in siljenje v cepljenje. Ne deluje ne eno, ne drugo.

Seveda pa niso cepljeni nič na slabšem proti necepljenim na dolgi rok. Prej obratno.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Ytbnd


1. nov 2007
Ob takih nebulozah (pa sem sam zelo skeptičen do cepljenja v tem trenutku s tem cepivom) bi jaz močno podvomil tudi v njegovo pravo.

Pred mojimi očmi se je okužilo sedaj v 2 tednih preko 30 ljudi. Necepljeni, 1x cepljeni, 2x cepljeni, prebolevniki, prebolevniki + cepljeni, vse je popadalo. Edini, ki se še držijo so 3x cepljeni pa jest, ki sem 1x. Vprašanje, če bo tako tudi na koncu seveda. Zato mi je tudi mimo PCT pogoj in siljenje v cepljenje. Ne deluje ne eno, ne drugo.

Seveda pa niso cepljeni nič na slabšem proti necepljenim na dolgi rok. Prej obratno.
Jaz sem prešel čez okužbo z malo utrojenosti in malo je teklo iz nosa.
Prebolevnik pa je padel, sicer ne tako kot prvič ampak vseeno.
Hitri test pri meni ni zaznal virusa, pa sem probal tudi iz grla.

In ukužil me je prebolevnik.
Aja 3x cepljen sem.
19. jul 2007
Hvala za Terškove blodnje. Naj se raje s pravom ukvarja, cepiva in epidemijo pa prepusti komu drugemu.
Še to ne vem ali je pametno da se s pravom ukvarja. Če je nekdo sposoben napisat citiran stavek, se resno človek vpraša o sposobnostih logičnega razmišljanja
Če spodnje drži, ali ni to šokantno?

Vsak razumen se bo ukvarjal s tem, koliko stvar drži, šele potem bo ocenjeval "šokantnost". In človek je doktor znanosti z nazivom izredni profesor.


bom jaz vas
7. feb 2011
Sami alter strokovnjaki kateri pravijo, da maske delujejo in ceplenje tudi, sploh pa pct. :aplauz:
Učinek vsega se vidi že od daleč.
Če boste kdaj rabili pravni in zdravstveni nasvet, obvezno na alter, tu so strokovnjaki tipa vse v enem oz, "če sam ne znam, bom pa druge učil" :aplauz:
  • Haha
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Hanzi in Ytbnd


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Whistleblowers have been extracting data out of the DOD database, and Attorney Tom Renz reveals what they have found regarding vaccine injuries at Senator Ron Johnson's Covid Panel. Attorney Renz names the names of the Whistleblowers with their permission. Attorney Renz also describes the shocking findings in the declarations of the Whistleblowers. They gave their declarations under the penalty of perjury. Attorney Renz will be filing these findings in court.

Renz Whistleblowers Data Finds:

* Substantial Data Showing Miscarriages increased by over 279% since the Covid-19 vaccine. The data was compared to a 5 year average of miscarriages.

* Substantial Data Showing Cancers increased by over 296% over the 5 year average.

* An Extreme Increase in Neurological Issues since the vaccine (which would impact our pilots.) The Whistleblower DOD data shows a 1048% increase. Neurological Cases went from 82K a year to 863K in just 1 year...the year of the Covid-19 vaccine.

* Whistleblower data shows U.S. Military are being experimented on, injured, and in some cases possibly killed.

*Allegations of doctored Department of Defense data on the number of cases of myocarditis. Last August myocarditis cases were up 20+%. The number in Jan. 2022 now only shows a 2+% increase.

*DOD Project Salus says that the 71% of new cases were in the vaccinated and a 60% of hospitalizations comes from fully vaccinated people. Not the unvaccinated as Fauci stated on Television multiple times. (The DOD removed this data from their once public website when Renz first revealed it last year. We have screenshots at
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Ytbnd


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Data, transparency, and surveillance. That is what has been missing from the greatest experiment on humans of all time throughout this pandemic. Now, military medical whistleblowers have come forward with what they claim is perhaps the most accurate and revealing data set on vaccine safety one could possibly find.
The pro-pharma politicians and media claim the CDC’s pharmacosurveillance tool “VAERS” is not good enough to trigger investigations into the shots because anyone can supposedly submit a vaccine adverse event entry. Thus, all the concerning safety signals from VAERS are being ignored, even though that system was put in place as a consolation to the public for absolving vaccine manufacturers of liability. Well, now some military whistleblowers are coming forward to present data that, if verified, would signal extremely disturbing safety concerns about the vaccine that make the VAERS data look like child’s play.


21. avg 2007
Zadnji teden sem prehlajen kot še nikoli. Vsi simptomi covida-19 razen izguba okusa in bolečin v mišicah. Opravljen vsak dan HAG test, po naroku zdravnika tudi PCR test vse negativno. 3 doze cepljena s strupenim cepivom ti nima nobenega pomena. Če bi bil antiwaxwer bi zdaj verjetno že ležal na intenzivni negi priključen na aparate, v plenicah in s katetrom v k....u.