Naprimer trije ki so zabeleženi da so umrli 11 dni po cepljenju, to so bili 3-je mlajši med umrlimi in sicer v svojih 50 letih (ampak so na seznamu ne glede na vzok smrti). Tolk angleško znate da ne bom prevajal drugače pa google vabi.
The first case had a history of stroke, heart disease, kidney dialysis, and diabetes. For the first eight days after vaccination, the man appeared to be functioning normally, but on the ninth day, family members were unable to wake him.
The second case had high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and a mental disorder. He died suddenly, four days after being vaccinated. An autopsy found that the primary cause of death was gastric perforation, peritonitis, and paralytic intestinal obstruction (sami znani stranski učinki cepljenja).
The third case had a history of stroke and cardiovascular disease. He had three stents, had undergone bypass surgery, underwent kidney dialysis, and felt fatigued after undergoing the vaccination. An autopsy found , the cause of death was determined to be coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, stent obstruction, and 95 to 100 percent obstruction of three arteries.
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Among the deaths, 536 received the AstraZeneca brand of vaccine while the rest received the Moderna vaccine.
A total of 145 autopsies of the 653 deceased have been completed so far, with 139 indicating no direct link to the COVID-19 vaccine and six cases still undetermined, according to CECC.
Among the 145 autopsies performed, 91 of the deceased died of chronic illnesses.