To je odlicno ,plina polhnega ukrajinske krvi ,civiliziran del sveta ne zeli, naj to posilja posevnookim rdece petokrkrakim bratom.
On July 14th it published on its website a list of politicians, academics, activists that are “promoting Russian propaganda” — including several high-profile Western intellectuals and politicians. Republican Senator Rand Paul, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, military and geopolitical analyst Edward N. Luttwak, realist political scientist John Mearsheimer and heterodox journalist Glenn Greenwald were all included on the list. The list does not explain what the consequences are for anyone mentioned.
Je to dobro ali slabo?
Vsakega bo prej ali slej srečala pamet. Če pa koga slučajno ne bo, bo sam na slabšem...
....glede na tvoje pisanje mi ni jasno kako je lahko iz bajte sploh prišlo kaj živih.Ne glede katero verzijo vzameš, tudi če so se umaknili v mestno hišo, je malo bolano zunaj prepevat od delanju molotovk, jih metati noter in potem streljati še vse, kar bi rado pobegnilo. Da pa pri tem sodeluje najvišji državni vrh, pa je še toliko bolj fucked up
....glede na tvoje pisanje mi ni jasno kako je lahko iz bajte sploh prišlo kaj živih.
in še 2 del, če je kdo spregledal......
Putin Lied About the 2014 Odessa Tragedy – Part 2
Odessa tragedy: “About 40 anti-Maidan activists died in Kulikovo Square on May 2, 2014.” But were they killed deliberately?
Gargy, vem zakaj pri tem dogodku vedno "pozabljaš" omeniti širšo sliko .
The first fire crews took up to 40 minutes to arrive at the scene even though the closest fire station was less than a five-minute drive away. The audio recording of the telephone calls to the dispatch centre was later posted on the Internet, and the dispatcher can be heard telling callers that there was no risk involved in burning tents in an open space, and then hanging up; at some point she consulted a superior as to whether she should continue to respond in this way and was instructed to do so. Representatives of the State Emergency Service claimed that the large number of people gathered around the building and the aggressive behaviour on some of them prevented the fire crews from performing their job promptly, but the investigation by the 2 May Group did not find any evidence of access by fire crews having been obstructed.
UN Human Rights office states in its 2016 report:
criminal prosecutions ... appear to have been initiated in a partial fashion. Only activists from the 'pro-federalism' camp have been prosecuted so far, while the majority of victims were supporters of 'pro-federalism' movement... The investigations into the violence have been affected by systemic institutional deficiencies and characterized by procedural irregularities, which appear to indicate an unwillingness to genuinely investigate and prosecute those responsible.
To je tisti, ki je trdil, da je videl, kako so vrgli molotovko v zaprto okno in v bistvu sami začeli požarPro-Maidan activist Serhiy Khodiak was officially accused of murder, but he was not arrested. He was released after two days in custody due to the pressure of other Euromaidan activists on the court.
A Euromaidan activist Vsevolod Honcharevskii is accused in beating people who jumped out of the windows of the House of Trade Unions. He was detained in August 2014, but the court decided to release him one month later. In 2015 the court resumed an investigation against him, but in October 2016 Goncharevskii was still free and participating in military operations against separatists
At the same time, around a dozen anti-Maidan supporters were held in custody for at least two years. Three years after the events, five anti-Maidan supporters remain in custody.
The May 2 Group is a civic initiative and was formed soon after the tragedy with representatives from both sides of the conflict. It has worked tirelessly on studying the evidence, speaking with witnesses and the families of those killed, in order to establish what actually happened.
Je to dobro ali slabo?
Zaprtje pomeni samo to, da bomo primorani po pospešenem temu iskat alternative (kak drug, naprednejši in bolj efektiven način pridobivanja energije). Tudi rusi bodo za vse kar je odšlo od njih iskali alternative.
Zdaj je samo vprašanje kdo je pri tem boljši. Ko, (upam, da nam bo uspelo) se rešimo odvisnosti od ruskega plina, bo pa definitivno to slabše za ruse.
Zahod je pač bolj razvit. Ne samo tehnološko, tudi po razmišljanju nismo ostali v kameni dobi.
Jaz mislim in upam, da bo to pospešilo iskanje pridobivanja energije na drugačen način, kot ga poznamo zdaj. Tehenolški napredek....Torej na eni strani bomo imeli EU, ki bo še vedno energetsko odvisna od drugih (predvsem LNG iz ZDA in ker lastnih alternativnih virov pač nimamo v zadostni količini) in sicer za precej višjo ceno, kar bo gospodarstvo potisnilo še bolj nazaj oz. bopostalo še bolj nekonkurenčno. Na drugi strani bo Rusija (kar že počne in bo še v večjih količinah) dobavljala plin Kitjaski in Indiji, ki bodo tako povečali (Kitajska) in priključili (Indija) gospodarsko (pre)moč.
Torej - Rusija se le preusmeri, Kitajska dobi poceni energent, Indija dobi poceni energetn, EU izgubi poceni energent in ga nadomesti z dražjim energentom... Good plan
Jaz mislim in upam, da bo to pospešilo iskanje pridobivanja energije na drugačen način, kot ga poznamo zdaj. Tehenolški napredek....
Kaj je narobe ce si odvisen od prijateljske drzave? A mi nismo odvisni od nikoga v okolici?Torej na eni strani bomo imeli EU, ki bo še vedno energetsko odvisna od drugih (predvsem LNG iz ZDA in ker lastnih alternativnih virov pač nimamo v zadostni količini) in sicer za precej višjo ceno, kar bo gospodarstvo potisnilo še bolj nazaj oz. bopostalo še bolj nekonkurenčno. Na drugi strani bo Rusija (kar že počne in bo še v večjih količinah) dobavljala plin Kitjaski in Indiji, ki bodo tako povečali (Kitajska) in priključili (Indija) gospodarsko (pre)moč.
Torej - Rusija se le preusmeri, Kitajska dobi poceni energent, Indija dobi poceni energetn, EU izgubi poceni energent in ga nadomesti z dražjim energentom... Good plan
Kaj je narobe ce si odvisen od prijateljske drzave? A mi nismo odvisni od nikoga v okolici?
V globalnem svetu pa res ni nic narobe odvisnost. Ampak je nekaj biti odvisen od rusa ali americana.Absolutno ni nič narobe. Račun še pride.