Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Očitno 'interesi', ki stojijo za Hillary Clinton, pripravljajo 'barvno revolucijo' oz 'arabsko pomlad' v ZDA. Imajo že izkušnje iz arabskih držav in bivših sovjetskih držav. Njim legitimne volitve ne predstavljajo ovir.
Povečana aktivnost Pac_Man-a v tej temi, glede te tematike in na kateri strani stoji, ko je bil pred tem dosti neaktiven, je zelo zanimiva.
Uporabnik pinkobalinko pravi:
daj, preberi članek na linku od pacmana
video je nastal 2015, po resničnih dogodkih, zemljevid pa 2012 in nima zveze z aktualnimi volitvami, niti ni identičen dejanskemu zemljevidu.
tista objava, ki si jo prilepil je BS
Uporabnik pinkobalinko pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Očitno 'interesi', ki stojijo za Hillary Clinton, pripravljajo 'barvno revolucijo' oz 'arabsko pomlad' v ZDA. Imajo že izkušnje iz arabskih držav in bivših sovjetskih držav. Njim legitimne volitve ne predstavljajo ovir.
Povečana aktivnost Pac_Man-a v tej temi, glede te tematike in na kateri strani stoji, ko je bil pred tem dosti neaktiven, je zelo zanimiva.
Na, zdaj si ga pa rezkrinkal Pac_Man je v resnici taglavni Iluminat. Tisti, ki drži vse niti v svojih rokah in vodi svet. Sproža revolucije, škropi kemikalije iz letal, ustvarja potrese...
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
Only in Serbia:
Ob nakupu cajtng dobiste še poster:
Uporabnik pinkobalinko pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Očitno 'interesi', ki stojijo za Hillary Clinton, pripravljajo 'barvno revolucijo' oz 'arabsko pomlad' v ZDA. Imajo že izkušnje iz arabskih držav in bivših sovjetskih držav. Njim legitimne volitve ne predstavljajo ovir.
Povečana aktivnost Pac_Man-a v tej temi, glede te tematike in na kateri strani stoji, ko je bil pred tem dosti neaktiven, je zelo zanimiva.
Na, zdaj si ga pa rezkrinkal Pac_Man je v resnici taglavni Iluminat. Tisti, ki drži vse niti v svojih rokah in vodi svet. Sproža revolucije, škropi kemikalije iz letal, ustvarja potrese...
We will be submitting the #Calexit independence referendum ballot measure to the Attorney General in the near future. Already written!
Numbers: #YesCalifornia #Calexit campaign has grown by 12K on FB, 10K on Twitter, 9K new volunteers. 18K+ unanswered emails. 2m site visits.
Louis J. Marinelli is a Californian nationalist political activist and leader of the California independence movement organized under the Yes California Independence Campaign, an umbrella organization representing the coalition of parties and organizations supporting the proposed California independence referendum planned for 2019.
Marinelli's first political experience came through his volunteer work on the John Edwards presidential campaign in 2004 in the Iowa Democratic Caucuses.
In 2009, Louis relocated to Saint Petersburg, Russia where he began working for another private language school as an English teacher and became a student himself at Saint Petersburg State University, the alma mater of Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.
Yeah I knew him at @northerniowa - he was completely different before going to Russia. I mean completely
With many mainstream Republican defense experts having denounced his candidacy, President-elect Donald Trump is assembling a team of lesser known national security figures to staff his transition team, intelligence and military officials told NBC News.
Two other polarizing names on the list are Clare Lopez a former CIA officer who has said the Muslim Brotherhood has "infiltrated" the Obama administration; and Walid Phares, is a Lebanese born Maronite Christian who speaks frequently about radical Islam.
A Trump adviser said Lopez, who specialized in Russia during her CIA career, has been "one of the intellectual thought leaders about why we have to fight back against radical Islam," and Phares has briefed Trump and is trusted by him.
"This is a very eclectic group of folks," said Admiral James Stravidis, the former NATO commander. "Collectively they're going to come at international affairs with a bias towards hard power" — meaning military force — "as opposed to soft power" — meaning diplomacy and economic influence.
A Trump national security aide said he could not confirm the list, but told NBC News that revamping policies toward Iran and Russia are at the top of Trump's security agenda.
As for Russia, the adviser said Trump will seek to immediately establish "better relationships with Russia across the board and not have so much hostility. We need to cooperate on countering radical Islam and combating all of these Sunni jihadist terrorist groups" like Islamic State and al Qaeda.
Iran and Middle East expert Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy agreed, telling WND, “Russia is there to save Assad’s regime, which the combined forces of Hezbollah, Iran and Syria forces could not do.”
Lopez explained it wasn’t a contradiction; Russia has different goals than the U.S.
“They (the Russians) are not there to destroy ISIS. In fact, I think there is an argument to be made that both Iran and Russia, in a way, ‘need’ ISIS to continue to exist – as a ‘reason’ for their military campaign, which, in fact, is about destroying all the other forces” attempting to topple Assad, Russia’s key Mideast ally.
Lopez suggested Obama might not even mind the Russian incursion, despite what he says publicly.
“We should not be surprised if the Obama White House reaches some kind of accommodation with Russia, just as it already has with Russian partners in Baghdad, Damascus, Tehran, and Beirut.”
That’s because, Lopez believes, despite what he has said, Obama has no wish to see Assad toppled.
“In fact,” she asserted, “the Obama strategy is not so very different than Putin’s: keep the Assad regime in power in Damascus by working with Hezbollah and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and its special forces Quds unit, and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence. And now, soon, Russia.”
Lopez, who spent two decades in the field as a CIA operations officer, was an instructor for military intelligence and special forces students and has published two books on Iran. She has long-asserted, and previously described to WND in great detail, her contention that Obama wants to enable “Iran to become the overall nuclear-armed hegemon of the Persian Gulf-al-Sham region.”