The Judgment day

Zmagal/a bo:

Rezultati so vidni samo po glasovanju.


19. jul 2007
Uporabnik MrDaco pravi:
Sem mislil, da bo kak resen posnetek, potem pa vidim, da gre za nek night show, v smislu, da je na JJ anemy listi, Kučan, Čuš in Cerar.
Tale zadeva je daleč od night show-a, je alternativa velikim TV postajam v ZDA.
Uporabnik ynos pravi:
Vir: The Young Turks
In kaj je tukaj za tepst po glavi?
Namig (dneva)
: Urban Dictionary: Young Turks


majski hrošč
28. jul 2007
TV-ja nisem gledal v teh dneh (niti nočem), internet pa radio sta dovolj.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Tudi jaz ne gledam TV-ja, včeraj pa sem hotel videti Dnevnik RTVSLO, da sem videl, kako jim je hudo. In imel sem prav.


10. maj 2014
17 let star članek. November 1999.

ROGER J. STONE has worked with Donald J. Trump for 19 years, a relationship longer than any of their marriages that is now reaching its blissful apotheosis with Mr. Stone as director of the Donald J. Trump Presidential Exploratory Committee.

Like his client, Mr. Stone is thin-skinned, with a shatter-proof ego. Adores power, and the myriad ways to grab it. Has a Sisyphean struggle with hair color. A history with the National Enquirer.


This is, after all, the corporate and political fixer who, at 19, was an entry-level dirty trickster for Richard M. Nixon; whose 30th birthday party was given at the ''21'' Club by Roy Cohn; who consulted on campaigns for Ronald Reagan, George Bush and countless lesser Republicans; and who cites, among his shining moments, his successful $27 million strategy for the United States Sugar Corporation to defeat a penny-per-pound tax on sugar to help restore the Everglades.


Second question: just how ruthless is Mr. Stone?


A leading Republican consultant said, ''Roger does have a sense of ethics, loath as he is to admit it.''

That said, Mr. Stone is an exuberant negative campaigner, known for drawing journalists to seamy rumors. As a Nixon fan and a volunteer for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, he donated money to the presidential primary campaign of a Republican challenger, using the name of a left-wing group, and then mailed the receipt to a newspaper.


When it comes to political shrewdness, Mr. Stone was precocious. As a junior, then vice president of his northern Westchester high school, he manipulated the ouster of the president and his own succession. Running for re-election as a senior, ''I left nothing to chance,'' he said. ''I built alliances and put all my serious challengers on my ticket. Then I recruited the most unpopular guy in the school to run against me. You think that's mean? No, it's smart.''


After Mr. Trump announced his tax-the-rich notion, ''Every Wall Street economist trashed our plan,'' Mr. Stone said. ''A conventional politician would pull his hair out, but we love it!'' Attention, for better or worse, was paid.

He professes little interest in the mainstream candidates, although he keeps his four Washington Rolodexes spinning for his corporate clients. As long as Mr. Trump is in the race, Mr. Stone said, by way of understatement, ''We're not going to bore anyone to death.''

Morda so šli demokrati na limanice?


10. maj 2014
Trumpova kampanja/promocija knjige l. 2000. Zanimivo.,_2000

Trump focused his campaign on the issues of fair trade, eliminating the national debt, and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve, released in January 2000. He named media proprietor Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate and said he would instantly marry his girlfriend, Melania Knauss, to make her First Lady. Critics questioned the seriousness of Trump's campaign and speculated that it was a tactic to strengthen his brand and sell books.


On the issues, Trump labeled himself "very conservative," but described his views on healthcare as "quite liberal" and "getting much more liberal," explaining "I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better . . . . It's an entitlement to this country if we're going to have a great country." He expressed opposition to NAFTA, gun control, and said he would like to see alcohol corporations sued in the same manner as tobacco corporations. For his first presidential term, he proclaimed, "I want to do the right job: straighten out Social Security, get the trade deficits in order, and lower taxes."


He said that the Republican Party has become "too crazy right." Notably, he identified Buchanan as a "Hitler-lover" and mused, "I guess he's an anti-Semite . . . He doesn't like the blacks, he doesn't like the gays. It's just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy."


On his first campaign stop, Trump traveled to Miami, Florida and spoke before the Cuban American National Foundation.[63] The foundation invited Trump after he wrote a Miami Herald article denouncing Cuban President Fidel Castro and favoring the U.S. embargo against Cuba several months earlier.


Soon thereafter, the actual Trump floated possible running mates and members of his presidential cabinet during a November 28 episode of Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. He identified Senator John McCain, a Republican presidential candidate, as a possible Secretary of Defense. Trump said he would consider Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and mentioned retired General Colin Powell as a possible Secretary of State.


On the final day, Trump visited the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance and walked through an exhibit of The Holocaust. He delivered a speech and held another press conference at the museum atrium, where he denounced Buchanan's views on Nazis.


At Trump's final event, he spoke at a Tony Robbins motivational conference.[68] Robbins and Trump had made an agreement that would pay Trump $1 million for showing up at ten of Robbins' events. Trump planned to make campaign stops to coincide with Robbins' shows, speculating that he "could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it."


Trump's book, consisting of 286 pages,[76] covers Trump's political positions and policy proposals, including strict anti-crime measures, increased pressure on China, fair trade, border control, increased military spending, support for public capital punishment, and the implementation of single-payer health care.[78] It advocates eliminating soft money contributions to political parties and full disclosure of campaign donations to political candidates, but calls for the removal of limits on the amount of donations, arguing, "if you want to give your life savings to Al Gore, that should be between you, Al Gore and your psychiatrist." In addition, it raises concerns about terrorism, proposing the creation of a national lottery to raise funds for anti-terrorism programs,[79] and offers a choice to North Korea to disarm or face military strikes.[17] The America We Deserve also includes praise for former boxer Muhammad Ali, Teamsters leader James P. Hoffa, as well as Trump's future political opponents Florida governor Jeb Bush and New York governor George Pataki, among others.


At the fundraiser, Trump identified North Korea as the nation's greatest foreign policy threat, blasted Japan for "ripping us off" for the last 25 years, and ripped Russia as being "totally mixed up" for placing "people nobody ever even heard of" in charge of missiles.*


Ventura held a press conference on February 12 and officially left the national Reform Party, remaining a member of his state party, which he urged to disaffiliate and return to its original name, the Independence Party of Minnesota. He voiced dissatisfaction with the presidential contest, explaining that Pat Buchanan was running "virtually unopposed" and receiving support from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke; something with which Ventura could not associate. Ventura invited Trump to run for the presidential nomination of the Independence Party, which Ventura believed could become a national entity.[


On February 14, Trump withdrew from the race.[105] In a press release, he cited infighting in the Reform Party as not "conducive to victory," concluding he could not win the election as the party's nominee and so, as pledged, would not continue his campaign. He expressed concerns about the direction of the party, particularly its membership, referring to David Duke, Pat Buchanan, and Lenora Fulani as a Klansman, a Neo-Nazi, and a Communist, respectively.

*mr. Nobody je Putin? Ravno takrat je prišel na oblast.
Nazadnje urejeno:


majski hrošč
28. jul 2007
Glede na to, da bolj nakladaš kot mediji, daj piši povzetke v največ treh stavkih. Misliš, da bo kdo tvoje umotvore bral?


18. avg 2007
Sej jih ne rabiš, so vsi po istem kopitu

Bla, bla, bla, Rusi, bla, bla, Putin, bla, bla, Russia evil, bla, bla, bla,...


13. dec 2015
Veliko zadovoljstvo Putina ob njegovi izvolitvi je malce čudno verjetno imata oba skupni interes..zavladati svetu kjer bodo samo bogataši!

A ti se moker zbujaš, danes pa je kaj elita vlada raji.
Če gledamo s'tega vidika je najbolj sporna lih Clintonova, kjer je bla financirana iz skladov, ki so največ pokradli raji in Saudske Arabije in Wall streata.

Ravno ti so odgovrni za največjo pizdarijo na tem svetu...

Tko kot bi dal recimo Akrapoviča na oblast in reku zdej nam bodo pa vladali bogataši, obenem pa ti današnji komunajzerji delajo 7 miljardne luknje v bankah...

Dej povej kje je tvoj problem.
Tudi zmanjšanje davka bogatim je edina pametna poteza, ker bo tako kapital ostal doma ne pa v davčnih oazah. To vejo vsi. Raje poberem 5% davek od miljard kot nobenega.

Seveda je to nekateim težko razumet. Tudi protekcija trga ni slaba stvar, ko se je Trump postavil pod Ford fabrko je dejal, če selite proizvodnjo v Mehiko in boste nam nazaj prodajal izdelke vam bom obesil 45% carino...

Clintonova pa ima komunajzarske fore vsi ste enaki blabla... Pa noben nima nič od tega, največji rasni kriminal (policija-preb) je ravno pod Obamovo vladavino itd...

Skratka Trump ima par dobrih idej tudi v zunanji politiki, če bo iskal skupne točke ne slabe v državah bodo vsi funkcionirali in se bodo celo kompromisno marsikej dogovorili.


8. apr 2010
Uporabnik keber pravi:
Ampak tale RTV SLO je pa prav eno ogromno AntiTrump trobilo. Že to, ko poslušam novice po radiu, me je kar groza, kako paniko še zdaj in vedno bolj zganjajo s tem, da je bil Trump izvoljen in da so njihove "zanesljive" prerokbe o Hillary pričakovano padle v kanto.

a ni zanimivo, glede vsega do sedaj so se motili a vseeno majo obraz da pa že zdaj napovedujejo kaj bo v naslednjih 4 letih.
dandanes ljudje ki jim še zaupajo so žal prave ovce.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Sej jih ne rabiš, so vsi po istem kopitu

Bla, bla, bla, Rusi, bla, bla, Putin, bla, bla, Russia evil, bla, bla, bla,...

Tole je Pac_Man-ova tipkovnica:



8. apr 2010
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
17 let star članek. November 1999.

ROGER J. STONE has worked with Donald J. Trump for 19 years, a relationship longer than any of their marriages that is now reaching its blissful apotheosis with Mr. Stone as director of the Donald J. Trump Presidential Exploratory Committee.

Like his client, Mr. Stone is thin-skinned, with a shatter-proof ego. Adores power, and the myriad ways to grab it. Has a Sisyphean struggle with hair color. A history with the National Enquirer.


This is, after all, the corporate and political fixer who, at 19, was an entry-level dirty trickster for Richard M. Nixon; whose 30th birthday party was given at the ''21'' Club by Roy Cohn; who consulted on campaigns for Ronald Reagan, George Bush and countless lesser Republicans; and who cites, among his shining moments, his successful $27 million strategy for the United States Sugar Corporation to defeat a penny-per-pound tax on sugar to help restore the Everglades.


Second question: just how ruthless is Mr. Stone?


A leading Republican consultant said, ''Roger does have a sense of ethics, loath as he is to admit it.''

That said, Mr. Stone is an exuberant negative campaigner, known for drawing journalists to seamy rumors. As a Nixon fan and a volunteer for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, he donated money to the presidential primary campaign of a Republican challenger, using the name of a left-wing group, and then mailed the receipt to a newspaper.


When it comes to political shrewdness, Mr. Stone was precocious. As a junior, then vice president of his northern Westchester high school, he manipulated the ouster of the president and his own succession. Running for re-election as a senior, ''I left nothing to chance,'' he said. ''I built alliances and put all my serious challengers on my ticket. Then I recruited the most unpopular guy in the school to run against me. You think that's mean? No, it's smart.''


After Mr. Trump announced his tax-the-rich notion, ''Every Wall Street economist trashed our plan,'' Mr. Stone said. ''A conventional politician would pull his hair out, but we love it!'' Attention, for better or worse, was paid.

He professes little interest in the mainstream candidates, although he keeps his four Washington Rolodexes spinning for his corporate clients. As long as Mr. Trump is in the race, Mr. Stone said, by way of understatement, ''We're not going to bore anyone to death.''

Morda so šli demokrati na limanice?
brez skrbi, trump je igral 4d chess tele volitve.
se je pa že leta 2008 vedelo da bo killary kandidirala 2016. demokrati so sami sebe zajebal trump je pa to izkoristil.

Izbrisan uporabnik #9334

Bote videli da tole ni slabo. Zares je skrajni čas, da amerika zamenja politiko - tako mogočna kot je. Od 45 leta naprej se samo še napihuje, edina država na svetu ki ni bila porušena in je pravzaprav zaradi tiste vojne tudi strašansko zaslužila
, ter praktično zavojevala cel svet!

Da, zares je čas, da se njihova politika spremeni. Samo če ga vmes ne pospravijo

Seveda se ne spoznam, niti se nikoli nisem hotel, samo gobec prav rad vrtim, to je. Občutek imam pa dober.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
In postali so zgovorni.


Markov branded the outcome of the election as "a great day for American democracy". As with previous denials from both Putin and Assange, the analyst rubbished any claims of state involvement, yet also teased: "Maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks."

Pred volitvami so strogo zanikali kakršnekoli stike.

Reddit users take WikiLeaks to task over email dumps, Russia

Russia’s alleged involvement

Q: Many people have suggested that WikiLeaks was brazenly partisan in this election and colluded with Team Trump (and by extension, Russia). Just today a top Russian ally to Putin is quoted as saying Russia did not interfere in the election but “maybe helped a bit with WikiLeaks”.1

1. Note: the ally was speculating, not admitting -

A: The allegations that we have colluded with Trump, or any other candidate for that matter, or with Russia, are just groundless and false. We receive information anonymously, through an anonymous submission platform. We do not need to know the identity of the source, neither do we want to know it.

The intention of the source is irrelevant in our editorial process. Every source of every journalist has an intention and an agenda, may it be hidden or clear. Requesting the intention from our sources would firstly likely jeopardize their anonymity, and secondly form a bias in our understanding of the information we received.

Their authenticity and their relevance to the public or the historical record are the only preconditions for us to publish the documents we are given.

Q: Yesterday, while denying Russian interference in the US electoral process, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, said “maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks.”

Who is the “we” that Ryabkov is referring to here?
Why would a member of the Russian Foreign Ministry claim credit for the work that you do?

A: I dont know. We are rather annoyed though he tried to take credit for our work!

He is just a political pundit, akin to the likes of Bill O’Reilly, and was just repeating speculative claims.
Nazadnje urejeno:


21. nov 2007

Videl sem en star posnetek, ker Trump razlaga naslednje;
Če bom šel kdaj v politiko, bom šel na strani republikancev. Njihovi volivci so sami bedaki, ki gledajo in verjamejo Fox News. Tako bodo kot sveto resnico požrli vse, kaj jim bom nakladal.


10. maj 2014
Videl posnetek ali prebral tekst?

Kolikor vem, gre za apokrifno izjavo.