The Judgment day

Zmagal/a bo:

Rezultati so vidni samo po glasovanju.


10. maj 2014
Od koder ga je Obama nogiral, od takrat pa drži čudno družbo. Bomo videli, kaj sledi.

The most interesting possibility is Mike Flynn, a retired army lieutenant general who’s been close to the Trump campaign from the start. (...)Flynn is a far from conventional choice. In the first place, he was a career intelligence officer—not a combat arms guy—and his tenure as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency was cut short in 2014 when he was cashiered by President Obama.

General Flynn has worn his firing from DIA as a badge of honor, claiming the White House canned him because he demanded that the truth be told about the rise of Islamic State. In Flynn’s account, Obama refused to take jihadism generally and ISIS specifically very seriously, and the DIA director’s hardline on these issues led to his firing.

While it’s undeniably true that Obama’s take on jihadism and ISIS is far from reality-based, as I’ve explained many times, Flynn’s version of events is at best a half-truth. Some of it seems to be based on hurt feelings that the White House never took Flynn as seriously as he takes himself.

Yet Flynn’s dismissal from DIA had more to do with the general’s poor leadership style than anything about ISIS. Flynn had a fine army career, including a successful tour as the intelligence boss of our Joint Special Operations Command—the famously spooky JSOC—but he was simply promoted beyond his level of competence.


The civilian workforce at DIA is uninspired even by Beltway standards, and they objected when Flynn repeatedly threatened them with firing if they didn’t submit to his radical plans for the agency.(...)After two years under Flynn, DIA employees had enough and were in more-or-less open revolt. The final straw came with a bizarre presentation to the workforce by a staffer which encouraged women to not be “Plain Jane” and wear makeup at work: “No flats…Paint your nails…Brunettes have more leeway with vibrant colors than blondes or redheads.”

Although Flynn apologized to his agency, the damage was done. The White House had no choice but to move him out, along with his deputy—a rare move in the Department of Defense to cashier a whole leadership team.

It seems that Flynn remains furious at Obama for firing him, and that anger may be the driving force behind his cozy relationship with the Kremlin. General Flynn has frequently appeared on RT (formerly Russia Today), the Russian government’s news channel aimed at the outside world. RT is unadulterated Kremlin propaganda—not a normal news network—as evidenced by its showcasing avowed neo-Nazis and having its own Illuminati correspondent.

Since Flynn is a Cold War veteran and a career spy, he knows exactly what RT is—he has no excuses.


It’s safe to say Putin would have a word for any top retired Russian intelligence general who regularly appeared on official U.S. television and did a photo op with President Obama. It’s not a nice word, and that general would be well advised to avoid drinking tea.

Morda pa ZDA na koncu odkonspirirajo Ruse.


18. dec 2011
Murska republika
Veliko zadovoljstvo Putina ob njegovi izvolitvi je malce čudno verjetno imata oba skupni interes..zavladati svetu kjer bodo samo bogataši!

Izbrisan uporabnik #9334

Če sta se s Putinom poštekala, to ne bi smelo biti slabo. (
sprasujem se.gif


18. avg 2007
Uporabnik Pepe pravi:
Samo socialist zagrozi podjetnikom, da bo dvignil carine, če bodo proizvodnjo selili iz države in ukinjali delovna mesta.

Sploh ni res. Enako lahko zagrozi nacjonalist in kapitalist.
Le da ima vsak drugačen razlog za tako grožnjo.


10. sep 2007
Brand je pro muslič pa lgbt blablabla zvezda, ampak obnovo je pa super zadel! Škoda le, ker je trump tako zahojen, drugače bi tudi mi rabili eno jekleno palco v to levičarsko birokratsko gnezdo. V Slo jasno trenutna desnica nikakor ni to kar rabimo, je bila pa leta nazaj z Mrkaiæem ipd. Folk bi mel vse drugače, na volitvah pa potem pokažejo, da bi stalno vse isto in to politikom izredno ustreza, sploh pa lobistom in "kolegom", saj v Slo sploh ni smiselno lobirat, samo zrihtaš preko "frenda".



22. sep 2008
Retro a ti drugače si seznanjen s sistemom volitev evroposlancev npr.? In da med njimi najdeš tudi take ki so dobili manj glasov kot marsikateri predsednik krajevne skupnosti v slo. Rekorder po tem je hrvat.

Imamo v Evropi še bolj bizaren sistem, ampak ker nihče niti imena predsednika ne pozna je pač to nepomembno. Hkrati se pa zgražamo nad ameriškim sistemom. Glede na rezulate volitev, oziroma bolje rečeno glede na izbiro kandidatov pri nas in pri njih pa gre brez dvoma za demokracijo v vsem njenem sijaju in bedi.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Od koder ga je Obama nogiral, od takrat pa drži čudno družbo. Bomo videli, kaj sledi.

The most interesting possibility is Mike Flynn, a retired army lieutenant general who’s been close to the Trump campaign from the start. (...)Flynn is a far from conventional choice. In the first place, he was a career intelligence officer—not a combat arms guy—and his tenure as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency was cut short in 2014 when he was cashiered by President Obama.

General Flynn has worn his firing from DIA as a badge of honor, claiming the White House canned him because he demanded that the truth be told about the rise of Islamic State. In Flynn’s account, Obama refused to take jihadism generally and ISIS specifically very seriously, and the DIA director’s hardline on these issues led to his firing.

While it’s undeniably true that Obama’s take on jihadism and ISIS is far from reality-based, as I’ve explained many times, Flynn’s version of events is at best a half-truth. Some of it seems to be based on hurt feelings that the White House never took Flynn as seriously as he takes himself.

Yet Flynn’s dismissal from DIA had more to do with the general’s poor leadership style than anything about ISIS. Flynn had a fine army career, including a successful tour as the intelligence boss of our Joint Special Operations Command—the famously spooky JSOC—but he was simply promoted beyond his level of competence.


The civilian workforce at DIA is uninspired even by Beltway standards, and they objected when Flynn repeatedly threatened them with firing if they didn’t submit to his radical plans for the agency.(...)After two years under Flynn, DIA employees had enough and were in more-or-less open revolt. The final straw came with a bizarre presentation to the workforce by a staffer which encouraged women to not be “Plain Jane” and wear makeup at work: “No flats…Paint your nails…Brunettes have more leeway with vibrant colors than blondes or redheads.”

Although Flynn apologized to his agency, the damage was done. The White House had no choice but to move him out, along with his deputy—a rare move in the Department of Defense to cashier a whole leadership team.

It seems that Flynn remains furious at Obama for firing him, and that anger may be the driving force behind his cozy relationship with the Kremlin. General Flynn has frequently appeared on RT (formerly Russia Today), the Russian government’s news channel aimed at the outside world. RT is unadulterated Kremlin propaganda—not a normal news network—as evidenced by its showcasing avowed neo-Nazis and having its own Illuminati correspondent.

Since Flynn is a Cold War veteran and a career spy, he knows exactly what RT is—he has no excuses.


It’s safe to say Putin would have a word for any top retired Russian intelligence general who regularly appeared on official U.S. television and did a photo op with President Obama. It’s not a nice word, and that general would be well advised to avoid drinking tea.

Morda pa ZDA na koncu odkonspirirajo Ruse.

Obama je zamenjal mnozico generalov, ki mu niso bili po godu in se niso strinjali z njim.

Rezultat? Vakum v Iraku iz katerega je nastal ISIS, unicena drzava Libija, destibilizirana Sirija in do nedavnega - neresno posredovanje proti ISISu.


10. maj 2014
Tale je bil verjetno samo močno jezen + Rusija lahko dobro plača.

Bolj sumljiv je dvojec Manafort/Stone. Stara republikanska operativca, specialista za umazane trike. Ne bi bil preveč presenečen, če sta s (praznimi) obljubami Kremelj prepričala v pomoč preko FSB/Wikileaks naveze. Sploh Stone, dostikrat je v naprej vedel, kaj sledi na WL.


10. maj 2014
In postali so zgovorni.

Sergey Markov, previously described as an "informal adviser" to Russian President Vladimir Putin, spoke out following the rise to power of Donald Trump, who successfully won the US presidency on 9 November after facing off against Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton.


Markov branded the outcome of the election as "a great day for American democracy". As with previous denials from both Putin and Assange, the analyst rubbished any claims of state involvement, yet also teased: "Maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks."


On 10 November, it came to light that Russian officials were in contact with President-elect Trump's campaign team in the run-up to the election. Sergei Ryabkov, Russian deputy foreign minister, told the Interfax news service: "There were contacts. We continue this work, of course."

Unlike the Democratic Party campaign, which reportedly refused similar meeting requests, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Bloomberg that Russian embassy staff met with Trump's staffers, however described it as "normal practice."

Pred volitvami so strogo zanikali kakršnekoli stike.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Hej Pac_Man, kako kaj tista ruska podmornica v švedskih vodah? Ste jo že našli?


majski hrošč
28. jul 2007
Ampak tale RTV SLO je pa prav eno ogromno AntiTrump trobilo. Že to, ko poslušam novice po radiu, me je kar groza, kako paniko še zdaj in vedno bolj zganjajo s tem, da je bil Trump izvoljen in da so njihove "zanesljive" prerokbe o Hillary pričakovano padle v kanto.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Si morda videl Edija Žitnika, ki se je oglašal iz New Yorka? Še danes je grozno izgledal, ampak včeraj zvečer, ko se je javljal, je bil pa kot zombi.