Uporabnik Demz pravi:
Ja, tudi jaz računam na to, dobro si povzel. Ampak vse kaže, da je amerika na barikadah, oz. da je precej proti rezultatu. Kwa bo pa to?
Uporabnik Demz pravi:
To bo še lep hudir!!![]()
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
V navezi na vse te antiTrump proteste po USA, kar "naenkrat" so tisti, ki se oglašujejo za najbolj strpne, dejansko najbolj nestrpni.
Was at a bar last night with @Middleditch. At the end of the night, 2 white dudes, 20's, who'd been there for hours came up to us.
"We're big fans of you guys. (To Thomas) I trolled you on twitter yesterday." He goes on to say how we're wrong about Trump.
I go "Hey we don't wanna discuss politics right now." His friends goes "oh they're cucks." Then starts yelling at us. "CUCKS CUCKS CUCKS!"
He starts getting in my face. Thomas puts his hand on the dude's chest to stop him. "Don't touch me you cuck. Wanna go outside?"
At this point, the bouncer runs over, grabs them, kicks them out. The bartender is awesome & apologetic. Thomas & I are stunned.
This happened at a bar in LA surrounded by ppl. I can't imagine what it must be like to be someone who looks like me in other parts.