Even before Tesla reported the first known death of a driver using its autopilot feature, some employees worried the car company wasn't taking every possible precaution.
However, Tesla CEO Elon Musk brushed aside certain concerns as negligible compared to autopilot's overall lifesaving potential.
Eric Meadows, a former autopilot engineer at Tesla, recalls testing the feature on a Los Angeles highway in mid-2015, a few months before its release, when he was pulled over on suspicion of driving drunk. The car, he says, had struggled to handle the sharp turns while in autopilot mode.
Meadows knew he was "pushing the limits" of autopilot, but he assumed customers would push those limits too. That's why the incident worried him.
"I came in with this mentality that Elon had: I want to go from on-ramp to off-ramp and the driver doesn't have to do anything," says Meadows, who was fired from Tesla two months later for performance reasons. "The last two months I was scared someone was going to die."
Uporabnik Gasper008 pravi:
Se pa lepo vidi napredek baterij, leta 2012 je bilo približno pri isti masi in velikosti 85 kWh danes 100 kWh, 18% napredek.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Pospešek je useless podatek, veliko bolj uporaben bi recimo bil, koliko metrov porabi od 60mph do 0.