Suppose you were strapping on a vest full of dynamite to blow up a market in Baghdad. Suddenly your cell phone rings -- it's your imam, telling you the Koran verse promising martyrs a reward of six dozen virgins has been misunderstood. Actually, your reward for blasting yourself to pieces will be a bunch of grapes. Do you still go through with it?
Naj povem, da muslimani celo dvigajo roke nad svojimi..........
lep primer je Iran, Irak Suniti in Šiiti...
The question that drives Inside The Koran is the same one countless Westerners have asked as the tectonic plates of Islamic and Judeo-Christian civilizations have ground against one another with increasing violence over the past 30 years: How can Sufi pacifists and Shiite suicide bombers draw their inspiration from the same book? How can a woman be head of state in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation, but not even permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia, the home of its holiest sites?
kako si razlaga koran vsak po svoje....
UPORABLJA SE SAMO ZA ZATIRANJE ŽENSK IN TERORIZEM........ vse ostalo vam je postranska dejavnost.........
Koran v prevodih celo omenja tanke.... kako se lahko take besede znajdejo v koranu... veste samo musliči....
najbolj pa sovražite ateiste........ Stavek Osame Bin Ladne, da najbolj izmed vseh pa sovraži nevernike.....
res ste dobroljubna sekta...........