Petrus Alphonsi, Spanish-born astronomer and doctor [1]
Edward Neville da Costa Andrade (JYB 1977 p207)
Sir Michael Berry [6], mathematical physicist (JYB 2005 p214)
Moses Blackman (JYB 1977 p207)
David Bohm,[2] physicist, philosopher
Sir Hermann Bondi [7], Austrian-born British cosmologist
Max Born [8], [9], physicist, Nobel Prize 1954 (converted to Lutheranism) (JYB 2000 p212 - list of Jewish Nobel Prizewinners)
Samuel Devons, physicist (JYB 2005 p214)
Cyril Domb [10], physicist, President of Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists
Paul Eisler [11] [12], inventor of printed circuit board
Michael Fisher [13]
Otto Robert Frisch [14] (JYB 1980 p182)
Herbert Frohlich (JYB 1990 p201)
Dennis Gabor [15] [16] Nobel Prize for Physics 1971; British.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: "In 1946 Dennis Gabor became a naturalized British citizen."
Sir David Lionel Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons [17], scientist and inventor
Jeffrey Goldstone (JYB 2005 p214)
Ian Grant (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Peter Hirsch, physicist (JYB 2005 p213, 214)
Herbert Huppert, 1987 (JYB 2005 p214)
Brian David Josephson [18], physicist, Nobel Prize (1973)
George Kalmus, 1988 (JYB 2005 p214)
Andrew Keller [19]
Olga Kennard, crystallographer 1987 (JYB 2005 p214)
Rudolf Kompfner [3], invented traveling wave tube
Hans Kronberger (physicist)[4], nuclear physicist
Nicholas Kurti [20], physicist, Vice-President of the Royal Society 1965-67. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography:
"study at the university was open to him, despite being a Jew ... Kurti became a naturalized British citizen just before the outbreak of the Second World War"
Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell [21], physicist and politician
Henry Lipson (JYB 1990 p201)
Sir Ben Lockspeiser (JYB 1990 p201)
Stanley Mandelstam (JYB 2005 p214)
Kurt Mendelssohn (Encyclopaedia Judaica 13:492)
Leon Mestel, astronomer (Who's Who entry & JYB 2000 p211)
F.R. Nunes Nabarro (JYB 2005 p214)
Rudolf Peierls (JYB 1995 p193)
Michael Pepper (JYB 2005 p214)
Douglas Ross [22]
Sir Joseph Rotblat [23], physicist, Nobel Peace Prize (1995)
Arthur Schuster (Encyclopedia Judaica, 14:1012]]
Dennis Sciama, FRS [24], cosmologist
David Shoenberg, physics of low temperatures (JYB 1995 p193)
Sir Francis Simon, 1941 (Encyclopedia Judaica, 14:1578)
David Tabor (JYB 2005 p214)
Samuel Tolansky, spectroscopist
Concise Dictionary of National Biography: "son of Lithuanian-Jewish immigrants"
Felix Weinberg (JYB 2005 p214)
Michael Woolfson, crystallographer, computer simulation 1984 (JYB 2005 p214)
Alec David Young, aero-engineer (JYB 2005 p214)
John Ziman [25]
[edit] Chemists
Herbert Brown, chemist (JYB 2005 p215) Born in London - see refs in article
Sir Arnold Burgen (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Roy Calne (JYB 2005 p214)
Jack David Dunitz [26], chemist
Martin Fleischmann [5], chemist
Rosalind Franklin [27], physical chemist and crystalographer, helped to discover structure of DNA
Eugen Glueckauf (JYB 1980 p182)
Sir Ian Heilbron (Encyclopedia Judaica 8:262)
Walter Heitler [28]
Sir Aaron Klug [29], physicist & chemist, Nobel Prize (1982) (JYB 2000 p211-2)
Harold Kroto [30], discoverer of buckminsterfullerene, Nobel Prize (1996) (Jewish father; raised Jewish)
Raphael Meldola (Encyclopaedia Judaica 11:1290)
Alfred Mond, chemist 1928 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 4:1298, 12:241)
Ludwig Mond [31], chemist & industrialist
Sir Robert Mond, chemist and archaeologist (Encyclopaedia Judaica, art. Mond)
Albert Neuberger [32], chemical pathologist
father of Prof. James Neuberger, Lord Justice Sir David Neuberger and Prof. Michael Neuberger, and father-in-law of Julia Neuberger
Friedrich Paneth (Encyclopaedia Judaica 13:54)
Sir Max Perutz [33], molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1962)
Michael Polanyi [34], chemist; naturalised British 1939 (Dictionary of National Biography)
Ralph Raphael (JYB 1995 p193)
Michael Rossmann [35]
Anthony Segal, 1998 (JYB 2005 p214)
Franz Sondheimer, organic chemist (JYB 2005 p214)
Michael Szwarc, polymer chemistry (Encyclopedia Judaica, 15:670]]
Dr Nikita Poltavsky, and his wife Denise Mancheste.
Chaim Weizmann, acetone production (First President of Israel)
[edit] Biologists
Saul Adler (JYB 1960 p216)
Ephraim Anderson [36], microbiologist
Charlotte Auerbach (JYB 1977 p207)
Walter Bodmer [37], geneticist
Gustav Victor Rudolf Born [38], Professor of Pharmacology
Sydney Brenner [39], molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2002)
Leslie Brent: TimesAd
Edith Bülbring,[7] pharmacologist (Jewish mother)
Sir Ernst Chain [40], co-developer of penicillin, Nobel Prize (1945)
Sir Philip Cohen [41], biologist
Sydney Cohen, pathologist (JYB 2005 p214, 230)
Emanuel Mendes da Costa [42], 18th century botanist
Julius Dreschfeld [8], medical researcher
Raymond Dwek, biologist (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Michael Epstein, co-discoverer of the Epstein-Barr virus (JYB 2005 p214)
Wilhelm Feldberg (JYB 1977 p207) biologist
Sir Alan Fersht [43], protein folding
Sir Otto Frankel, geneticist[9]
Ian Glynn (JYB 2005 p214)
Professor Sir Abraham Goldberg, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Glasgow and world authority on porphyria [10]
Susan Greenfield, Baroness Greenfield [44], neuroscientist and writer (Jewish father)
Hans Gruneberg (JYB 1967 p208) biologist
Sir Ludwig Guttmann[11], neurologist
Sir Henry Harris (Encyclopedia Judaica 4:138]])
Philip D'Arcy Hart [45], medical researcher
Sir Gabriel Horn (JYB 2005 p214)
Alick Isaacs [46] [47], virologist, interferon
David Ish-Horowicz, 2002 (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Bernard Katz [48], biophysicist, Nobel Prize (1970)
David Keilin [49], entomologist
Sir Hans Kornberg, 1965 (JYB 2005 p214)
Hans Kosterlitz [50]
Sir Hans Adolf Krebs [51], biochemist, Nobel Prize (1953)
Sir John Krebs [12], zoologist
Roland Levinsky [13], biologist
Michael Levitt [52]
Hans Lissmann (JYB 1995 p193)
Joel Mandelstam (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Michael Marmot, epidemiologist (JYB 2005 213)
César Milstein [53], immunologist, Nobel Prize (1984)
Leslie Orgel [54], evolutionary biologist
Guido Pontecorvo, 1955 (JYB 1995 p193)
Juda Quastel [55]
Ivan Roitt, immunologist 1983 (JYB 2005 p214) (JYB 2000 p211)
Steven Rose [56], biologist
Sir Martin Roth, psychiatrist (JYB 2005 p214)
Dame Miriam Louisa Rothschild [57], entomologist
Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild 1953 (JYB 1990 p199,202,259)
Oliver Sacks [58], neurologist and author
Isaac de Sequeira Samuda [59] (first Jewish FRS; elected 1727)
John Vane [60], pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1982) (Jewish father)
Lawrence Weiskrantz, psychologist (JYB 2005 p214)
Robert Winston, Baron Winston [61], fertility expert and broadcaster
Lewis Wolpert [62], developmental biologist and broadcaster
Lord Solly Zuckerman, anatomist, evolutionist (JYB 1965 p214)
[edit] Mathematicians and statisticians
Abraham Manie Adelstein [14], statistician
Hertha Ayrton [15], mathematician and engineer
Laurence Baxter, statistician[16]
Abram Besicovitch [63], Russian-born British mathematician (karaite)
Selig Brodetsky [17], mathematician and President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Jacob Bronowski [64], mathematician & broadcaster
Paul Cohn, algebraist [18]
H.E. Daniels [19], statistician
Philip Dawid [65], statistician
Arthur Erdelyi [20], mathematician
John Fox, statistician
Albrecht Frohlich [66]
David Glass [21], demographer
Sir Samuel Goldman [22], British Government statistician
Sydney Goldstein [67], expert on fluid mechanics
Benjamin Gompertz [68], mathematician
Eugene Grebenik [69], demographer
Steven Haberman [70], professor of actuarial science
John Hajnal, demographer (JYB 2005 p215)
Hans Heilbronn (JYB 1977, p207)
Marie Jahoda [71], psychologist
Thomas Körner, mathematician [23]
Ruth Lawrence [72], mathematician & child prodigy
Leone Levi [73], statistician
Kurt Mahler, mathematician (JYB 2005 p214)
Sir Claus Moser [74], statistician
Louis Mordell [75], number theorist
Bernhard Neumann, 1959 (JYB 2005 p214)
Richard Rado [76], mathematician
Klaus Roth [77], mathematician, Fields Medal (1958)
Bernard Silverman, statistician [78]
David Spiegelhalter, statistician (JYB 2007 p.198)
James Joseph Sylvester [79], mathematician
[edit] Computer scientists
Samson Abramsky, computer scientist (JYB 2007 p.198)
David Deutsch [80], quantum computing pioneer
I.J. Good [81], cryptographer, philosopher of statistics & computing pioneer
David Levy [82], computer chess expert
Leo Marks [83], cryptographer & screenwriter
Max Newman [84], mathematician & computing pioneer (Jewish father)
Gordon Plotkin [85], computer scientist
Leslie Valiant [86], computer scientist parallel computation
[edit] Economists
Lord Bauer [87], economist
Samuel Brittan, economist
Charles Goodhart,[24] Bank of England economist
Noreena Hertz [88], economist & activist
Richard Kahn, Baron Kahn [89], economist: multiplier
Nicholas Kaldor [90], economist
Michael Kidron, South African born Marxist economist, writer, cartographer and publisher.
Israel Kirzner [91], economist (UK-born)
Ludwig Lachmann, economist[25]
Harold Laski, economist (The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, ed Geoffrey Wigoder, 5th ed 1977, pp. 1182–3)
Alexander Nove, economist (JYB 1990 p202)
Sigbert Prais, economist (JYB 2005 p215)
David Ricardo [92], economist (converted to Quakerism)
Arthur Seldon [93], economist
Sir Hans Singer, economist; The Economist, March 11 2006 p95: "born a Jew"
Piero Sraffa [94], economist
Basil Yamey, economist (JYB 2005 p215,315)
[edit] Social scientists
Roy Clive Abraham [26], linguist
Michael Balint [95], psychoanalyst (converted to Unitarianism)
Zygmunt Bauman [96], sociologist
Basil Bernstein [97], linguist
Vernon Bogdanor, professor of politics (JYB 2005 pp215,223)
Georgina Born, anthropologist (daughter of Gustav Victor Rudolf Born‎
Gerald Cohen, Professor of Social and Political Theory (JYB 2005 p215)
Norbert Elias[27], sociologist
Herman Finer [28], political scientist
Samuel Finer [29], political scientist
Sir Moses I. Finley [30], historian and sociologist
Meyer Fortes, anthropologist (JYB 1980 p183)
Eduard Fraenkel, philologist [31]
Anna Freud [98], child psychoanalyst
Norman Geras [99], professor of Government
"You are a Jewish, Zimbabwean, Mancunian philosopher... I have lived in Manchester more than half my life and am very much at home here."
Morris Ginsberg [100]
Max Gluckman, anthropologist (JYB 1975 p213)
Theodor Goldstücker [32], orientalist
Jean Gottmann [33], professor of geography, Oxford University
Julius Gould, sociologist (JYB 2005 p249)
Frank H. Hahn, economist
Paul Hirst [101], social theorist (Jewish mother)
Marie Jahoda [102], psychology of discrimination
Melanie Klein [103], psychotherapist
Paul Klemperer, economist
Geoffrey Lewis Lewis, professor of Turkish (JYB 2005 p215)
Steven Lukes, political scientist (JYB 2005 p215)
Ashley Montagu [104], anthropologist & humanist
Nikolas Rose, Martin White Professor Sociology, LSE.
Isaac Schapera, anthropologist (JYB 2005 p215)
Roger Silverstone, first professor of Media Sociology, LSE.
Edward Ullendorff, linguist (JYB 2005 p215)