Andrej, ni vse v panelu. Tudi procesiranje je zelo pomembno. Procesor v C3 uporablja LG-jevo napredno tehnologijo globokega učenja, ki jo poganja AI, da zagotovi odlično kakovost slike in zvoka. Omogoča izboljšano povečanje ločljivosti za večjo jasnost, izboljšano dinamično preslikavo tonov pa pomaga poudariti globino in podrobnosti v vsaki sliki. Vključuje tudi tehnologijo za obdelavo slik, ki zaznava predmete ali obraze in jih izboljša za bolj realistično kakovost HDR. Poleg tega vsak stereo zvok pretvori v prostorski zvok, in s tem zagotavlja, da so gledalci še bolj potopljeni v dogajanje na zaslonu, tako da prek sistema zvočnikov, vgrajenih v televizor, zagotavlja virtualni prostorski zvok 9.1.2.
Čez koliko let bo Philips vse to omogočal? Poleg tega pa še, samo dva HDMI 2.1 vhoda, nizka sivina (gama). Pa višek sramote, kar se prvorazrednim proizvajalcem TVejev ne dogaja že 20let, telekomanda, ki dobro deluje samo pred televizorjem.
Kaj ti se delaš res neumnega..? AI procesor v glavnem tako uprabljajo vsi proizvajalci v televizorjih višjega in najvišjega ranga..! Seveda so razlike, vendar med temi vodilnimi proizvajalci so te razlike majhne. Tukaj si lahko pogledaš kar se tiče samega Philips procesorja.. Lani mu je ta primat vzel Sony. Sicer pa sam procesor ne more nadomestit prevelike razlike v samih panelih, kakor je razlika med MLA in EX paneli..Kar se tiče zvoka tudi pišeš neumnosti, seveda , ker v praksi sploh nisi slišal še kako zvenita omenjena modela. Lahko si prebereš nekaj mnenj iz testov glede Philipsovega zvoka.. Ko jaz primerjam Lg C3 in Philips 908 zveni Lg kot kakšen tranzistor v primerjavi z Philipsom..
The C3 has a 2.2-channel built-in speaker system along with decoding for Dolby Atmos and DTS immersive soundtrack formats. An AI sound mixer feature also upscales stereo audio for Atmos output.
There’s the usual slew of sound modes such as Music, Cinema, Sports, etc., but the one that works best for most content is AI Sound Pro. The C3’s audio quality is fairly average for a TV: voices have a somewhat thin quality, and there’s not much in the way of bass. Dialogue comes across as clear, though, and the sound can hit loud levels if you push the volume.
The OLED908 comes with a Bowers & Wilkins-designed sound system, the drivers of which are housed in a thin, Kvadrat-covered bar that’s mounted to the TV’s bottom edge. These drivers are arranged in a purely front-firing 3.1 configuration, and the whole system is rated to 80W.
This is a clear technical step up on its direct rival, the LG G3, which has a hidden, 60W, 2.1 system. Putting the Philips through its paces, we can confirm it is one of the best-inbuilt sound packages on an OLED TV at the moment.
Whilst the OLED908 won’t beat the best soundbars available, its built-in audio is no slouch. For those looking to avoid buying a soundbar, the Philips OLED908 is one of the best TVs for sound you can get.
The sound is one of the best in a TV right now, although it is unfortunately a step back in both weight and detail reproduction from last year’s top model OLED+937. Most people can do well with it without having to supplement with a soundbar, but I miss the little extra that 2022’s best Philips could deliver.
Philips OLED+908 Sound Quality
The OLED+908 is the latest in a long line of premium TVs to feature a Bowers & Wilkins sound system and it has the latest technology and speaker drivers fitted to ensure the best possible sound quality.
The result is one of the best-sounding TVs we have heard this year with a nice wide sound stage complemented by a deep and weighty bass that sounds rich and full. Music sounds just as good as normal TV and movies, with excellent separation between the channels, yet a cohesiveness between the drivers to provide a wall of sound that fits with the size of the TV. Yes, you can get better from a dedicated soundbar or external sound system, but as an all-in-one package for normal TV, sports, gaming and the occasional movie soundtrack, the Bowers & Wilkins system on the OLED+908 is excellent.