Stacked up against other phones, the Nokia Lumia 900’s battery life comes out ahead. In a test where the phone had to play a video continuously until it ran out of energy, the Nokia Lumia 900 managed to last 4 hours and 29 minutes. In comparison, the HTC Titan lasted 3 hours and the Nokia Lumia 800 managed to stay running just 2 hours and 40 minutes. The closer competitor was the Samsung Focus. With a battery life that spanned 4 hours and 24 minutes, the Samsung Focus died just 5 minutes sooner than the Nokia Lumia 900. For the average user, the Lumia 900 can last anywhere from two to three days without being recharged. Nokia has said that for normal phone calls, customers should be able to talk for seven hours before it starts to die. With a BP-6eW 1830mAh battery, Lumia 900 has made their phone into a contender on the market place.
Launching apps and scrolling through them is slightly slower than comparable phones, but overall the experience is still speedy enough.
Also, the scrolling on the touchscreen is oddly slower than what it should be. is sort of clunky. While scrolling through the homescreen, your scroll flicks don’t register correctly and the movements feel slower than normal. The Lumia 800, 710, HTC Radar, Titan, and Samsung Focus S don’t have these issues, so I’m not sure what went wrong with the Lumia 900. It’s not as bad as the Samsung Focus Flash (that one’s scrolling was so terrible it was unusable), but the scrolling makes the Lumia 900 feel less fluid and responsive. Reader Mab664 confirmed that “the scrolling is at least 2x as slow” as his Focus.
Uporabnik Pakul pravi:
A tudi če je pushmail preko 3G? Mislim je v večji meri wifi krivec?
Še nekaj a znajo že ti WP wifi tethering delat pa kakšeno pametno opcijo file transfer-ja, razen cloud rešitev?
To lahko sicer tudi na ios narediš... iz dropboxa se shrani fotka v "camera roll", to pa lahko na win ali mac preneseš tudi brez itunes...pri wp7 pa gre to vse samo prek zune/wp connectorCitat:
Uporabnik Pakul pravi: S tem razlogom mi tudi iOS ne diši (pa velikost zaslona, ostalo je ok). Namreč žal velikokrat tako pride, da rabim razviti fotko povsem nepričakovano v xy studiju. Kar pomeni, da si na trenutnim S2 recimo iz dropboxy dol vržem fotko in telefon priklopim kot usb in je zadeva rešena. Kdaj naj bi pa prišla omenjena nadgradnja?