Uporabnik futuristic pravi:
Če nisi ravno 3 leta star (po pisanju sodeč nisi kaj dosti več) potem si verjetno že slišal za Je sajt, ki postavlja nova merila za znanstven pristop k temeljitemu testiranju rač. opreme.
No njim je uspelo usposobiti prikaz signala v dB na telefonu:
Njihovi zaključki:
To generate these numbers, I measured at least 6 times and took the average. The results are pretty self explanatory. Inside a case, the iPhone 4 performs slightly better than the Nexus One. However, attenuation gets measurably worse depending how you hold the phone. Squeezing it really tightly, you can drop as much as 24 dB. Holding it naturally, I measured an average drop of 20 dB.
No apple fani se lahko pa še naprej mirno slepite, da problema ni in da je vse skupaj samo zarota medijev.
Taking my Objective Scientist Dude hat off now, I’d say that iPhone 4 is a fantastic device but a lousy phone. Placing calls from my office, my home, and my neighbourhood whilst walking my dogs, I’ve had 14 dropped calls in a little over two hours of talk time. I would have expect at most one dropped call per few hours of usage with my iPhone 3G.
Taking my Objective Scientist Dude hat off now, I’d say that iPhone 4 is a fantastic device but a lousy phone.
Uporabnik Mikrohard pravi:
Se pomoje bolj splača kupiti rabljenega 3Gs-a z več pomnilnika (sedaj bo itaq poprava v oglasih).
Uporabnik Pakul pravi:
Za moje pojme je tale 4ka ena največjih napak v zgodovini jabolka. Priznali pa ne bodo ne oni, ne ifani.
A post-doctoral biochemistry fellow at a leading American university has told Wired that Apple likely missed the iPhone 4's reception issues due to cleanliness.
Take a look at this email sent to Steve Jobs and a couple other Apple employees. The biochemist suggests that when engineers washed their hands before touching devices they stripped off their natural hand electrolytes and therefore didn't experience the reception issues now widely reported.
Apparently Apple can fix these issues at minimal cost by placing an electrically insulating organic hydrophobic layer atop the bare metal. This could even be performed at the Apple Store or via a simple self application kit sent to customers.
Uporabnik badguy777 pravi:
Vglavnem, glede slabega sprejema. Očitno je problem, da so si applovi znanstveniki preveč umivali roke pri testiranju 4ke.Morali bi testirat tudi v normalnih razmerah, ko si par ur ne umiješ rok.Vsaj nekaj dni, pa bi sigurno odkrili o napako. Hmmm.
Uporabnik Pakul pravi:
Ja men je tudi smešno, da firma kakršna je apple, ki naj bi veljal za nekaj kvalitetnega, leta 2010 na trg izda aparat s tako napako o katerem piše cel svet. In očitno ni ravno neka zarota saj je že več kot očitno, da napaka je prisotna. Ne vem, a te kej boli ob tem?
Sicer so tisti original bumperji čist fletni videti, in tudi če bi si ga sam nabavil, bi ga imel z bumperjem pa je problem rešen ampak v principu je pa to fail.