Uporabnik philips pravi:
Uporabnik milos621 pravi:
Android prihaja na TV ampak ne od Samsunga in LG-ja (za Panasonica nisem prepričan). In osebno nočem imeti pametnega TV-ja, še najmanj od Googla. In ko bom kupoval TV bom Philipsa in Sonya verjetno preskočil...
Pri avtih pa res prihajata Google in Apple, je pa daleč spredaj MirrorLink, katerega koncept mi je tudi bolj všeč:
Ne bi ti rad pokvaril dneva, ampak dandanes več ne dobiš dobrega ne-smart TVja. Vsi so smart, večina še 3D.
Za MirrorLink sicer prvič slišim, ampak dvomim da bo to neka resna konkurenca Applu in Googlu.
Ne vem, proizjvajalci avtomobilov so radi neodvisni:
Pa še poglej kdo vse ga je implementiral:
Škoda, Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen, VW, Honda, Renault, Mercedes, Subaru,... pa Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony,.
Gre za bolj HW rešitev in standarde preslikave funkcij in zaslona telefona na zaslon v avtu
MirrorLink is based on a set of well established, non-proprietary technologies. It uses standard Internet technologies (such as Internet Protocol) for compatibility with a wide range of devices. It also uses technologies already common in the car, such as Bluetooth™ and USB, and newly-introduced car technologies such as Wi-Fi as well. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP™ facilitates controlled access to applications. Virtual Network Computing (VNC™ replicates the phone's display on the navigation screen and communicates user prompts back to the phone. In addition to Bluetooth™, MirrorLink streams audio with Real-Time Protocol (RTP).