Covid-19 Cepiva


7. okt 2013
No čakam dan, ko se boš opogumil.
PS: verjamem pa, da si forumski trolček, ker v živo si bolj težko tak....
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13. sep 2007
To bota mela kje v zivo kaj, zagrajen prostor? Kvadrat, kocka? Oktagon? Al no bolj underground scena? Šuma, travnik, pločnik?


3. sep 2007
kod Džej-Zija
A nisi gledal fight cluba? Rabiš samo eno klet, parkirišče, stopnice pod uro … Karkoli v bistvu. Samo kaj, ko nabijačka ne bo blizu. Verjetno bo za grmom z daljnogledom opazoval. Kot tipičen voyeurček. Brez dodane vrednosti.


2. mar 2010
Škotska, uradni podatki, normalizirani na 100k prebivalcev

But Public Health bodies have been able to argue that this is to be expected when such a high percentage of the population has had the Covid-19 vaccine, and they have instead used the rates per 100k of the population by vaccination status to argue that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths.

The problem they now have though, is that according to the latest report (and a couple published prior to that) the rates per 100k of the population are now highest in the fully vaccinated population.

The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 14, found on page 38 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.



What does all this mean?

Well, it definitely means the fully vaccinated population are statistically more likely to catch Covid-19, more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and more likely to die from Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population, and that therefore suggests the fully vaccinated are suffering antibody dependent enhancement.

In some cases, antibodies can enhance virus entry and replication in cells. This phenomenon is called antibody-dependent infection enhancement (ADE). ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but also affects the signal transmission in the target cell.

In other words, ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognise and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated, and this is precisely what we are now seeing in the data coming out of Scotland.

But this constand decline in vaccine effectiveness and therefore immune system performance also suggests the fully vaccinated are developing some form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real​

  • Haha
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11. sep 2007
Škotska, uradni podatki, normalizirani na 100k prebivalcev

But Public Health bodies have been able to argue that this is to be expected when such a high percentage of the population has had the Covid-19 vaccine, and they have instead used the rates per 100k of the population by vaccination status to argue that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths.

The problem they now have though, is that according to the latest report (and a couple published prior to that) the rates per 100k of the population are now highest in the fully vaccinated population.

The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 14, found on page 38 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.

Poglej priponko 52749


What does all this mean?

Well, it definitely means the fully vaccinated population are statistically more likely to catch Covid-19, more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and more likely to die from Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population, and that therefore suggests the fully vaccinated are suffering antibody dependent enhancement.

In some cases, antibodies can enhance virus entry and replication in cells. This phenomenon is called antibody-dependent infection enhancement (ADE). ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but also affects the signal transmission in the target cell.

In other words, ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognise and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated, and this is precisely what we are now seeing in the data coming out of Scotland.

But this constand decline in vaccine effectiveness and therefore immune system performance also suggests the fully vaccinated are developing some form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
V tej statistiki manjka podatek o precepljenosti. Če je ta 50:50 potem kupim ta graf, sicer je irelevanten.


11. sep 2007
No še statistika iz naše hiše.. Rekel sem da javim proti koncu tedna. Sedaj je 7 dni od kar je bila potrjena sinova okužba. Ostali starejši 3x Cepljeni v hiši smo še vedno negativni. Verjamem pa da nismo reprezentativni vzorec.


13. sep 2007
Če mislite da zaradi cepiva nistem pozitivni, potem je to celo v nasprotju z raziskavami in izjavami proizvajalca.

ampak glede na pisarije tu, je tudi to čisto možno - torej da alter nekaj novega odkrije


11. sep 2007
Rečeno je bilo da so cepiva manj učinkovita pri Omicronu. Da so popolnoma neučinkovita je zraslo na vašem zelniku.
Ali pa smo pri nas res svetla izjema


13. sep 2007
Ne ne, da cepiva NE ščitijo pred okužbo ni bilo nikoli rečeno. Le da proti težjemu poteku. Od vsega začetka je že tako...
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