Saj pa vidis kam drvimo. Naslednjih 14 kljucnih dni se bo vleklo se 4 letaLepo, da si delaš skrbi na rezervo.
Saj pa vidis kam drvimo. Naslednjih 14 kljucnih dni se bo vleklo se 4 letaLepo, da si delaš skrbi na rezervo.
Upam da si vesel, ker veliko pripomoreš k temu.Saj pa vidis kam drvimo. Naslednjih 14 kljucnih dni se bo vleklo se 4 leta
Tole sem ti se dolzan:Daj AndY1, ne smeši se
The amount of Prescription Drug User Fee Act fees collected from industry increased from an annual mean of $66 million in 1993-1997 to $820 million in 2013-2017, and in 2018, user fees accounted for approximately 80% of the salaries of review personnel responsible for the approval of new drugs.
For much of 1961, Kelsey repeatedly held up U.S. sales of the drug, each time demanding more data. The drugmaker’s executives became irate and bombarded Kelsey and her bosses with letters and phone calls complaining of what they considered bureaucratic nit-picking.
Kelsey wouldn’t budge. Thalidomide was kept off the American market. And in late 1961, when doctors in Europe began to link the drug to a wave of birth deformities, Kelsey’s diligence was validated. Thalidomide was eventually blamed for causing birth defects in thousands of children around the world. Thanks to one heroic bureaucrat’s insistence on strong clinical data, cases in the United States were estimated to be in the dozens.
Lep poskus prezentacije antivax bloga s politično agendo kot neke znanstvene platforme.Is there Spike Escape?
This is hot debate stimulated by Geert Vanden Bossche.
//White Blood Cells-Neutropenia:An unfortunate side effect observed in 46% of the vaccination arm in the AZ trial. The Pfizer trial also experienced Lymphocytopenia.
Let’s Recap.
1)Spike only vaccination doesn’t stop transmission
2)Vaccine passports are thus illogical
3)Spike only vaccine is easy to evolve around and we are witnessing it happening.
4)Booster shots are with the same selection against spike, will prolong the escape selection experiment.
What could make this worse…?
Further segregating the fully immune population from the vaccinated and boosted cohorts will only accelerate spike escape. Given the vaccinated can still transmit this virus, vax passports are simply an apartheid tool. The population needs to understand that there is no scientific basis for this segregation and it will enable the virus to potentially pull a Marek’s disease on us.
This is a political move stoking envy, hatred and division amongst your family and friends. One should deeply question any agency that so blatantly attempts to centrally plan the global human immune system. Particularly when they recommend segregation based on non-sterilizing vaccines. This is not a lucid biological separation. This is meant to separate ideologies and identify who is compliant. They don’t care about the ballot box. Your jab is a stronger predictor of who they can control. And control they will.
Imaš link za celoten video?Prikriti rezultati škodljivosti cepiva
LoL, kakšen fail. Ruska ruleta se igra z revolverjem. Če boš imel pištolo, se boš ob prvem pritisku na sprožilec ubil kljub samo enemu metku v nabojniku.Ted
Še kakšen smajl nalepi, bo replika toliko bolj strokovno.
Ruska ruleta s pištolo in minister Cigler Kralj
bravo za tole.
kaj ti bo kovid passport, če boš mrtev od cepiva?Ne, jeba bo ker bo kovid passport ostal se nekaj let, tudi ko kovida ne bo vec
Kaj pa če boš mrtev od virusa!!!!kaj ti bo kovid passport, če boš mrtev od cepiva?