lahko vežejo na ACE2 receptorje
Spike protein iz cepiva ima prolin za povečano stabilnost spike proteina v "prefusion conformation".
"Prefusion conformation" je tista konformacija virusnega spike proteina, ki je na samem virusu, ko pride v organizem in preden se veže na celično porvšino. Za tvorbo protiteles je ta konformacija zaželena, ker posledično imaš protitelesa, ki so optimalna za virus v začetni fazi okužbe. Potem pride do konformacijske spremembe in vezave na ACE2 (če bi imel protitelesa, ki so optimizirana za to konformacijo, bi pomenilo, da bi imuski sistem odreagiral šele takrat, ko se virus dejansko veže na celice, kar je pa bolj pozno).
Upoštevajoč to razliko, je za pričakovati da se S-protein iz cepiva slabše veže na ACE2, kot pa sam S-protein iz virusa (nimam pa eksperimentalnih številčnih vrednosti na voljo - ne vem če so kje v litraturi sploh).
zdaj že jasno, da ti Spike proteini potem prosto potujejo po telesu
Spet ta anticepilska propaganda, kako je zdaj prišlo do neverjetnega spoznanja, da spike protein ne ostane v mišici.
V EMA dosjeju za Pfizer registracijo (dostopen prosto na netu, stran 47) imaš zelo natančno narejeno študijo distribucije, ranga 1 % se nahaja v drugih tkivih. Se pravi, vsi podatki so že zelo dolgo poznani. ("distribution was mainly observed to liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries").
Tudi druge študije kažejo podobno distribucijo, se pravi povsem potrjeni in poznani podatki.
Potem pa še vprašanje, koliko je to sploh relevantno (ta 1 % cirkulirajočih spike proteinov)
Če upoštevaš Novavax rezultate kliničnih študij - Novavax cepivo je pa rekombinatni spike protein, se pravi, kot cepivo injiciraš izoliran S-protein (ga ne proizvajajo človeške celice, ampak je spike protein glavna sestavina cepiva). Za ta rekombinantni protein se ve, da se dejansko veže na ACE2. Ni bilo kakšnih posebnih toksičnih efektov.
Če bi bil izoliran S-protein tako zelo toksičen (ali sintetizran kot posledica mRNA - Pfizer ali direktno injiciran - Novavax) bi se ta toksičnost videla.
Povzetek - ni razloga, da bi nas morala skrbeti toksičnosti S-proteina, ki ga dobi človek s cepljenjem
Disklejmer; tole ni namenjeno tebi (vam, ker vas je več takih). Tebe (vas) ne bom prepričal, niti mi to ni želja, ne potreba. Poleg tega so tukaj (oh, groza...) filmčki ...
Mogoče pa kdo od mimoidočih malo pomislil. Mogoče ....
Torej spike in ACE II; kateremu biseru se je zdelo pametno uporabiti čisti spike ki se veže (torej blokira) na zadevo, ki ima v telesu te funkcije:
What is the ACE2 receptor?
ACE2 acts as the receptor for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and allows it to infect the cell. The Conversation,
ACE2 is a protein on the surface of many cell types. It is an enzyme that generates small proteins – by cutting up the larger protein angiotensinogen – that then go on to regulate functions in the cell.
Using the spike-like protein on its surface, the SARS-CoV-2 virus binds to ACE2 – like a key being inserted into a lock – prior to entry and infection of cells. Hence, ACE2 acts as a cellular doorway – a receptor – for the virus that causes COVID-19.
Expertise is crucial. It's why our articles are written by academics
Where in the body is it found?
ACE2 is present in many cell types and tissues including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. It is present in epithelial cells, which line certain tissues and create protective barriers.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood vessels occurs across this epithelial lining in the lung. ACE2 is present in epithelium in the nose, mouth and lungs. In the lungs, ACE2 is highly abundant on type 2 pneumocytes, an important cell type present in chambers within the lung called alveoli, where oxygen is absorbed and waste carbon dioxide is released.
What is the normal role ACE2 plays in the body?
The ACE enzyme converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II. The main role of ACE2 is to break down angiotensin II into molecules that counteract angiotensin II’s harmful effects; but if the virus occupies the ACE2 ‘receptor’ on the surface of cells, then its role is blunted (red lines). Drugs called ACE inhibitors inhibit the formation of angiotensin II, which would otherwise interact with the angiotensin type 1 receptor to produce tissue damage and inflammation. Drugs called ARBs block angiotensin II from interacting with its receptor. Figure adapted from NEJM The Conversation,
ACE2 is a vital element in a biochemical pathway that is critical to regulating processes such as blood pressure, wound healing and inflammation, called the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) pathway.
ACE2 helps modulate the many activities of a protein called angiotensin II (ANG II) that increases blood pressure and inflammation, increasing damage to blood vessel linings and various types of tissue injury. ACE2 converts ANG II to other molecules that counteract the effects of ANG II.
Of greatest relevance to COVID-19, ANG II can increase inflammation and the death of cells in the alveoli which are critical for bringing oxygen into the body; these harmful effects of ANG II are reduced by ACE2.
When the SARS-CoV-2 virus binds to ACE2, it prevents ACE2 from performing its normal function to regulate ANG II signaling. Thus, ACE2 action is “inhibited,” removing the brakes from ANG II signaling and making more ANG II available to injure tissues.
This “decreased braking” likely contributes to injury, especially to the lungs and heart, in COVID-19 patients.
Virus se veže na ACEII. Ja. V možganih tudi? Jetrih, srcu, ledvicah, jajčnikih ...? Ustvarjeni spike potuje po telesu in po tvoje je to znano že dolgo. Se strinjam, da je znano že dolgo. Celo dlje kot si ti pripravljen verjeti (spodaj drugi mojster razloži kako pa kaj). Na več mestih in od več dohtarjev (ameriških, filmčki pač) pa sem zasledil, da je za njih to nekaj povsem novega, ker njim so njihove strokovne organizacije zatrjevale, da ta ostane v mišici.
1 % ga potuje okoli? Prav. Nisem prepričan, da bi ravno verjel te cifri - glede na okoliščine, ampak prav. Itak je jebeno vseeno kaj jaz verjamem
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