Covid-19 Cepiva


12. jul 2016
Me zanima zakaj tak poudarek na novo različico virusa? Nove različice bodo vedno in počasi bo zmanjkalo imen za njih. Vse so nalezljive (kao je bila prejšnja noro nalezljiva, pa je zdajšnja še bolj noro nalezljiva in jim bo tudi zmanjkalo superlativov zmožnosti širjenja), vse so enako ali MANJ nevarne, bolj sigurno ne. In vse so nevarne starejšim in kronično bolnim, ki se imajo že pol leta možnost cepiti in zaščititi. Ostali imajo simptone prehlada ali manj.

Kje je potem problem in od kje potreba po grožnjah, zapiranjih in norostih. Uvedejo obvezno cepljenje starejših in kronično bolnih in gremo dalje. Ampak tega ne naredijo, ker bi skočili pokonci varuhi pravic pa še volilna baza SDSa so v večini, zato je potrebno poteptat pravice vsem ostalim, da bi dosegli nek nivo precepljenosti, ki ga ne bomo nikoli.

Dejansko živimo le še med novicami o Covidu in grožnjami ter omejitvami, poizkušanju preživetja in lovljenju malih oken za kakšen omejen dopust. Pa še vedno slabše nam gre, ne bolje.


2. mar 2010

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11. sep 2007

Za 9 mio prebivalcev, relativno malo ljudi v bolnicah, a ni? Vprašaj se zakaj. Tako, da sedaj ko smo že kritični precepljeni, bi že bil čas da se kot merodajen podatek šteje število ljudi v covid oddelkih in ne več št okuženih.


2. mar 2010
Če bo cepljenje obvezno, hočem brez drobnega tiska. V primeru da po cepljenju ratam rastlinca, da lahko samo žlico nesem v usta, da zgubim zdravniško licenco za delo, da zgubim službo zaradi posledic ali da se stegnem, hočem da država poravna kredite za hišo, preskrbi mularijo da doštudira in jih do takrat preživlja. Pa da vidmo, če bo pol še obvezno.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Za 9 mio prebivalcev, relativno malo ljudi v bolnicah, a ni? Vprašaj se zakaj. Tako, da sedaj ko smo že kritični precepljeni, bi že bil čas da se kot merodajen podatek šteje število ljudi v covid oddelkih in ne več št okuženih.
Ti ni važno razmerje hospitaliziranih med cepljenimi in necepljenimi in sicer, da je hospitaliziranih več cepljenih kot necepljenih?

To je važen podatek.

To kar praviš, da jih je relativno malo, velja tudi za necepljene. Sledi iz tega zaključek, da tudi necepljeni prebolevajo Delta sev boljše ali namiguješ na kaj drugega?
  • Všeč mi je
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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Ti ni važno razmerje hospitaliziranih med cepljenimi in necepljenimi in sicer, da je hospitaliziranih več cepljenih kot necepljenih?

To je važen podatek.

To kar praviš, da jih je relativno malo, velja tudi za necepljene. Sledi iz tega zaključek, da tudi necepljeni prebolevajo Delta sev boljše ali namiguješ na kaj drugega?
Glede na to, da so 56% precepljeni in da je hospitaliziranih vec kot polovica pomeni, da je, statisticno gledano, povsem enako ali si cepljen ali ne.
In zanimivo, koliko casa ze cakamo na te podatke, pa jih ne dobimo oz se delajo neumne ali pa nesposobne. Tako pa pridemo do teh podatkov iz tujine.

Jasno, nasi jih ne bodo hoteli slisati in bodo se kar naprej silili in zivljenje pogojevali s cepljenjem.
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2. mar 2010
I'm a doc and I can explain this a little more, because I just explained this to my wife the other day. I'm not vaccinated, by the way. I would probably take the Covaxin or the Novovax vaccines, but they aren't available in the US. But that's a different discussion.

The reason why these vaccines are not great against mutations is because they only protect against one specific configuration of one specific part of the virus. If you look at the anatomy of a virus, you'll see that it is much more than just spikes. There are lots of other proteins in the viral envelope.

So, let's just say that Corona virus only had 3 different parts that could be recognized by the immune system to generate a response, A1-B1-C1. Let's say that A1 is the spike protein. If you get infected with the actual virus, you now should have a natural immunity to A1, B1 and C1. If you get the vaccine only, you are only immune to A1.

Now, hit the mutate button. Now your virus is A1-B2-C1. Lucky us. Both vaccinated and non-vaccinated people (who were exposed) should be immune. Because the A1 is triggering the response in the vaccinated. And the A1 and C1 are triggering a response in the previously exposed. And, likely, there is some weak response to B2 because it is similar but not exactly matched to B1.

Know hit the mutate button again. Now your virus is A2-B2-C1. Only the previously exposed person has a strong response. Because they were exposed to C1. The vaccinated person might have a weak response to A2, but no response to B2 or C1. The problem, though, is that inside the vaccinated person, they possibly still have cells that have been hijacked by the vaccine (I don't know if they actually know how long those altered cells live). So, your body is thinking it is infected with A1 and diverting resources to fighting a virus that isn't there. So, theoretically, the vaccinated person might fare worse than the naturally exposed person.

Now hit the mutate button again. Now your virus is A2-B2-C2. The vaccinated person is in the same boat as before. And while the naturally exposed person might be there with them, the fact is that maybe one of the three mutated proteins is more similar to its original form, thereby producing a stronger response. And/or each of those things is producing a minor response. Either way, the naturally exposed person is more likely to produce a stronger response than the vaccinated only person.

But here's the fun about this. Viruses mutate to survive and evade the human immune system. If everybody is suddenly immune to A1, I can guarantee you that, in coronaviruses, the one thing that will mutate for sure is A1. It has to occur in order to survive. The vaccine will be rendered partially or completely ineffective (likely partially). And the predominant virus will be replaced by a mutant. Whether that mutant is better or worse for humans is anybody's guess. But it looks like it's probably better (from an IFR standpoint) if we can believe the PHE report.

Just to clarify on the A1 variant mutating, as the parent comment describes is sounds like this is something the virus attempts to do on purpose in order to survive.

What actually happens is there are many MANY accidental mutations (think people born with a 3rd nipple or 11 toes).

The A1 variant gets killed off by the vaccine.

You are left with the accident, almost random mutations that are invulnerable to the vaccine.

The mutant variant then spreads.

The reason this seems to happen so quickly is because the virus has so many life cycles over a short period of time resulting in far more random mutations than you get in humans.

You can think of it as evolution on fast forward.


2. mar 2010

It is called ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement, it's like 1st semester virology. Do not vaccinate during a global pandemic.

Here's a paper about it ADE through vaccines and Covid-19
19. jul 2007

It is called ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement, it's like 1st semester virology. Do not vaccinate during a global pandemic.

Here's a paper about it ADE through vaccines and Covid-19
A lahko narediš povzetek v parih stavkih in poveš zakaj je to pomembno/relevantno?


bom jaz vas
7. feb 2011
Glede na to, da so 56% precepljeni in da je hospitaliziranih vec kot polovica pomeni, da je, statisticno gledano, povsem enako ali si cepljen ali ne.
In zanimivo, koliko casa ze cakamo na te podatke, pa jih ne dobimo oz se delajo neumne ali pa nesposobne. Tako pa pridemo do teh podatkov iz tujine.

Jasno, nasi jih ne bodo hoteli slisati in bodo se kar naprej silili in zivljenje pogojevali s cepljenjem.
In ko bodo izraelski podatki preplavili vse medije, bodo naši luzerji skozi stisnjene zobe priznali zmoto. Do takrat je pa ceplenje svetniška odrešitev in dejte jih razumet, toliko cepiva so nabavli in ga je treba ali ponucat ali pa donirat kot salamo pred iztekom roka uporabe.
Res so biseri.
  • Všeč mi je
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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

It is called ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement, it's like 1st semester virology. Do not vaccinate during a global pandemic.

Here's a paper about it ADE through vaccines and Covid-19
Jp, ko sem to jaz objavil tukaj par mesecev nazaj, sem bil oznacen za najvecjega diletanta.