In kam čm it zdej?
In kam čm it zdej?
Če greš ponoči na Golnik bo vrsta za čakat.In kam čm it zdej?
Migranti imajo človeške pravice, državljani jih nimamo.
Also spracht;Migranti imajo človeške pravice, državljani jih nimamo.
That's the bad news; if you take repeated shots and the risk does not bleed off then eventually you will kill yourself. If, for example, the risk on the first shot is 1/100,000 (extremely rare), on the second 1/10,000 (that's a bad pattern) and the risk does not bleed off over the space of three or four months then the risk from the third is 1/1,000 (that's 0.1% and quite nasty) while the risk from a fourth jab rises to 1% at which point you're in the ballpark for a severely morbid person when it comes to *****-19 infection itself killing them. The fifth jab would put the risk of getting screwed at ten percent, which is approximately the rate of death from the original SARS and the sixth would be odds-on as literal suicide.
The evidence from these now-published decay rates is that B-cell training does not happen with any of these *******s. This is important and, it would appear, both Pfizer and Moderna (along with J&J) either knew or should have known this. In fact they all may have deliberately rigged their studies to be submitted for EUAs knowing the failure to produce a durable immune response was not going to be discovered due to time considerations. This cannot be proved without a bevvy of subpoenas of course but it is a reasonable and rational explanation for setting the dose and produced titer where they all did.
Consider a 40% per month decay rate for these injections and a natural infection that produces a titer of "100" (units don't matter for this purpose, nor does the actual number -- just the ratio.)
If the jab produces an original titer of 1,000 (10x as much) you get the following titer level on a monthly basis for the jabs:
0: 1,000
1: 600
2: 360
3: 216
4: 129
5: 77
6: 46
te osebe drugače ne poznam, sem pa na hitro prebral kaj piše na Facebook in piše da NZ nima prebolevnosti in testiranja, ampak samo cepljenje. Mislim da bo tudi vedno več cepljenim v SLO vedno bolj postajalo jasno da ima vsa tale norija vedno manj zveze z boleznijo, imenovano covid. Začetek vidim 11.septembra, ko je bila najava zaostritve PCT, ko so se ljudje začeli cepiti ne zaradi bolezni, ne zaradi odhoda v tujino, ampak zaradi nemotenega opravljanja najbolj osnovnih stvari kot je npr. za obisk zdravnika-zobozdravnika, za vožnjo z avtobusom, za urejanje zadev na banki-pošti,... - v glavnem zato da jim vlada ne serje več po glavi. Še tako zagretim zagovornikom cepljenja mora biti jasno da je s tem nekaj hudo narobeevo, antivaksari. izkazalo se je, da guma savina atai ima večja jajca kot vsi antivaksari fkup na alterju.
ji ne paše kaj dela NZ in se je dejansko odselila. Me zanima kdaj bo kateri alter antivaksar naredil enako pogumno in hrabro dejanje, zaradi dostojanstva in ponosa?
sigurno na manj, kot ti na palčko v nos, si lahko prepričanNa koliko odmerkov boste šli ?
"Drugo leto bomo videli..." ali je kdo od politikov ter njim podložnih strokovnjakov in znanstvenikov v zadnjem času kdaj omenil konec epidemije ? Npr. Avstrija: vsake 4 mesece cepit ali 600€ - je kdo rekel "do konca epidemije", ali je ostalo kar pri "vsake 4 mesece" ?Jaz sem to leto imel palčko v nos samo enkrat. Za na Hrvačko. Drugo leto bomo videli...