Why can't Japan evaluate 99% of the 1,325 deaths following COVID vaccinations? - The Mainichi
About 70% of Japan's population is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, but of the 1,325 people who had died as of Oct. 24 after receiving their
Many experts are involved in the decision, but in reality, as many as 99% of cases are classed as "cannot be evaluated." One reason for such a high figure is that various causes of deaths, other than from vaccines, can occur coincidentally. Furthermore, it is necessary to draw a comparison with the uninoculated to determine if a symptom is an adverse reaction, but no such database exists in Japan.
Tuesday, a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a remote hearing examining the urgent need to accelerate global coronavirus vaccination efforts and the critical role that these efforts play in the nation’s public health and economic recovery. Congressman Jim Jordan expressed his desire for CDC to use some of its funding to figure out how effective natural immunity is as an alternative to a vaccine.
Nič nisi čuden, če te gripa hebe, je to normalno. Sosed in njegova žena se cepita vsako leto proti gripi. Jaz gripe nisem imel že trideset let. To je tudi nekakšno splošno merilo odpornosti.Od leta 2006 do danes sem se cepil proti gripi 15x.
Kako sem čuden?
Torej je možno živeti v tej fašistični državi brez cepljenja in celo (bolj kot ne) brez testiranja? Glede na pisanja nekaterih si tega ne bi mislil...Jaz sem to leto imel palčko v nos samo enkrat. Za na Hrvačko. Drugo leto bomo videli...
Vidiš spet si šlepal na drugih, ki so se zaradi tebe mogli žrtvovati, ali z palčko ali pa z iglo in ga je pol pajtlalo tri dni skupaj.Nekatere stvari so že omejene, vendar za penzionista to ni velika težava. Tam kjer zahtevajo "papirje" ne greš, in to je to.
Sem zadnjič tankal na MOL-u bencin. Na vhodu fant preverja stranko pred mano. Dam mu kartico, povem pin in rečem "pojdi plačat". Je plačal. Malo me je čudno gledal, ko sem povedal, zakaj nimajo prenosni terminal pri vratih in se opravičeval, da je to šef tako uredil.