Kar se tiče Sneguljčice - morda je WD studio samo hotel (končno) posneti verzijo kot je v resnici napisana?
Morda ne veste, vendar "In 2006, a survey found that while only 24% of Americans could name two Supreme Court Justices, 77% could name two of Snow White’s dwarves."
Se pravi 77 % Američanov je poznalo vsaj dve imeni palškov, ki v resnici (v originalu) sploh nimajo imen.
"In the 1857 version of Snow White, the step-mother does not ask the Huntsman to bring back the little girl’s heart, as she does in the film. She asks, rather, for Snow White’s lungs and liver. When the hunter fools her by bringing the lungs and liver of a young boar instead, she “boils them in salt” and she
eats them. Which is awesome.
Little Snow White runs off to the dwarves, who, as I mentioned before, have no names. They also have no individuated personalities. The queen comes to the dwarves’ house not once, but three times, and each time she leaves with Snow White apparently dead. ....
Many years later, a prince comes to the house and sees the dead girl. And he falls in love with her. Which, you have to admit, is kind of weird.
He asks to buy the girl from the dwarves, but they refuse. He tells them that he will die if he can’t see her every day for the rest of his life. As his servants are carrying her home, they drop her, and the jolt effectively performs the Heimlich maneuver on Snow White. A chunk of poison apple comes flying out of her mouth and she returns to life.
That’s right—there is no kiss. Just Snow White getting dropped."
"So that’s the real, Grimm version of Snow White.
At least, the real, 1857 version. But already, Jacob and Wilhelm had made many revisions to the tale. Perhaps the most interesting is this: in the first published edition of the story, in 1812, there is no step-mother. In the 1812 version, the evil queen is HER MOM. "
Tako da vsi borci za "pravo" Sneguljčico - borite se za komercialno verzijo Walta Disneya
(pa vseeno je tudi meni ljubša ta - predvsem pa, primerna je za otroke

In mimogrede eni trdijo, da je celo resnična zgodba. In od kje potem palčki?
"However, the Seven Dwarfs are also involved in this real-life story – well, sort of.
Margaretha’s father owned a series of copper mines and the majority of workers were children. Due to malnutrition and poor working conditions, the children were allegedly called “poor dwarfs” – could these be the dwarfs of the fairy tale? Just like the dwarfs, the children lived in small groups, all sharing a single room house."