Če si proti vojni v Ukrajini...te v ruSSiji takoj ubijejo.
Se bojim da bo tako, ceprav vseeno imam upanje da nismo evropejci taksne peechke
Ne stari....vžigalnik mu je padu čez okno ko je šel kadit na hodnik....pa je refleksno skočil za njim![]()
Veš kaj je meni zanimivo? Gledam podatke iz bojišč, koliko je kdo pridobil in koliko kdo izgubil ozemlja, pa primerjam številke, ki jih podaja Mikijev zabavnik, pardon, "Kyiv Independent" pa kar objavlja druga stran. Pa Rusi navajajo bistveno nižje številke o izgubah nasprotnika, pa še njim ne verjamem. Na bojišču so uspešnejši. AFU pa neke nore številke, skorja 500 mrtvih, 24 havbic, 23 tankov... Pa nič od nič? Res ne vem, kdo še tem ukrajinskim kljukcem verjame...
Macron je deček iz Klausovega wef young global leaders... in velika dvoživkaFrench President Emmanuel Macron has said he will continue dialogue with Russia amid the war in Ukraine.
Boris Johnson EXEMPLIFIES just how OUT OF TOUCH European leaders are as he advises Brits CRUSHED under HIGH ENERGY PRICES to just buy "newer kettles" in FINAL speech as Prime Minister, he FAILS to mull over the possibility of just PUTTING AN END to Ukrainian funding in the BILLIONS, but shifts the BLAME onto the average Brit's TEA KETTLES.
And so what happened today in Energodar. The landing operation was supposed to be the icing on the cake of the Kherson offensive. The Armed Forces of Ukraine prepared it for a long time, trained landings from boats, carefully masked the preparatory measures (which did not prevent our intelligence from carefully monitoring them).
And even though the Kherson offensive operation itself did not go according to plan, the capture of Energdar by a river assault was supposed to neutralize the negative consequences of huge losses and, in general, at the moment, an extremely unsuccessful attempt at a counteroffensive.
As a result, early this morning, 2 barges and up to 30 boats of the Ukrainian landing force began to cross the Dnieper and crossed it directly into a prepared ambush, where Russian Guard soldiers and army aviation were already waiting for them.
One barge was burned right on the way, parts of the landing force were allowed to land on the shore, pressed down by fire and began to methodically and cold-bloodedly destroy. Now up to 60 corpses of Ukrainian fighters of the most elite units lie on the shore, the beauty and pride of the ZSU. The rest swim in the river and feed the fat Dnieper crayfish.
There were instructors from NATO countries, we will find out after examining the corpses, it is quite possible that they were. In any case, the landing operation will go down in the golden annals of the most disastrous operations, and drowned men in the form of Zbroynyh forces emerging from the waters of the Dnieper at night will be part of Little Russian folklore for a long time to come.
Boris ga seka:
ob tem se mi postavlja novo vprašanje... v EU je vedno več in več gospodinjstev in podjetij tik pred propadom, ker si preprosto ne morejo (več) privoščiti visokih cen plina in elektrike. Jasno, skušam zmanjšati odvisnost od plina, vendar ga po drugi strani moramo nadomestiti z enakovrednim energentom, ki pa je veliko, veliko dražji. Pač važno, da ni iz Rusije (pa čeprav je, samo ni direkt). Na drugi strani poslušamo o več sto milijonskih, celo milijardnih pomočeh Ukrajini, ki v veliki meri izpuhtijo neznano kam...
Kdaj bo tisti trenutek, ko bo EU rekla "sorry Zelenskyy, we're out of money" in nekako ublažila energetsko krizo in pomagal svojim ljudem? Ker slej kot prej ta trenutek bo prišel... Ampak dokler se Urška dere "Ukrajina mora zmagati. Putin mora izgubiti" tak dolgo se dejansko v skrbeh...
Pri Khersonu je 25.000 Rusov vkopanih in z dovolj orožja, nanj se je spravilo 12500 Ukrajincev...Ta "desant" AFU-ja danes zjutraj je bil pa tudi hec...
Pri Khersonu je 25.000 Rusov vkopanih in z dovolj orožja, nanj se je spravilo 12500 Ukrajincev...
Nekak to ne bi smelo it.