Vojna v Ukrajini

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.


24. avg 2007
Če ne razumeš pomena kubanske krize, kako boš potem debatiral o strateškem pomenu Krima in Črnomorske flote?
Imaš prav. Pa si se ti že prebil čez Putinov umotvor od prostega spisa, kjer je nanizal njegove dejanske razloge za to sranje?
Ste res dobri, silite debato v brezvezne smeri, samo v tisto, kjer veleum sam izpostavi razloge, ne. Ker “malo” spominja na Hitlerja, nje?
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13. sep 2007
The ministry states that Russian forces realised their plans of toppling the Ukrainian government had failed by April and then "reverted to more modest objectives in eastern and southern Ukraine".

However, the Donbas offensive in eastern Ukraine is making "minimal progress" and Russia anticipates a major Ukrainian counterattack, the updates says.

Operationally, Russia is also suffering from shortages of munitions, vehicles and personnel.

The report goes on to say that "morale is poor" in many parts of Russia's military and its "army is significantly degraded".

"Its diplomatic power has been diminished and its long-term economic outlook is bleak. Six months in and Russia's war has proven both costly and strategically harmful," the ministry adds.
  • Ljubezen
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11. sep 2007
Speaking at today's Crimea summit, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: "The return of Crimea to Ukraine, of which it is an inseparable part, is essentially a requirement of international law.

"Turkiye does not recognise the annexation of Crimea and has been openly stating since the first day that this step is illegitimate and illegal. This is a principled stance that has not only legal but also moral foundations."


Izbrisan uporabnik 474

The ministry states that Russian forces realised their plans of toppling the Ukrainian government had failed by April and then "reverted to more modest objectives in eastern and southern Ukraine".

However, the Donbas offensive in eastern Ukraine is making "minimal progress" and Russia anticipates a major Ukrainian counterattack, the updates says.

Operationally, Russia is also suffering from shortages of munitions, vehicles and personnel.

The report goes on to say that "morale is poor" in many parts of Russia's military and its "army is significantly degraded".

"Its diplomatic power has been diminished and its long-term economic outlook is bleak. Six months in and Russia's war has proven both costly and strategically harmful," the ministry adds.

Naj ugibam - ministrstvo za obrambo UK?
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13. sep 2007
Multiple districts in Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv were hit by shelling overnight.
Oleg Sinegubov, head of the local administration, said rockets hit the Chuguyiv district in the region - causing a fire and damaging greenhouses.

hm...a po novem UA armija skriva vojaško opremo v toplih gredah al za koji k bi to ciljali rusi?


6. sep 2007
V ”demokratični” državi tipa ZDA verjamem, da je tako. Nisem pa čisto prepričan, da to velja tudi v Rusiji. Poleg tega je že kar nekaj visokih uradnikov Rusije pozivalo in grozilo z atomskim orožjem. Tako da se meni uporaba le-tega ne zdi tako zelo nemogoča.

Nekaj visokih uradnikov, ki nimajo nobene besede pri čemerkoli.

Kaj pa bodoča premierka Velike Britanije?

Je Putin kdaj kaj govoril o uporabi jekrdkega orožja, kvečjemu to da ga Rusija nikoli ne bo upoabila prva. Kar pa za Liz Truss očitno ne moremo trditi.
Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.