Vojna v Ukrajini 2


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Nacistični spomeniki v Kanadi so poveličevanje nacistov in naci režimov. Aplavdiranje ukrajinskemu SS-ovcu v kanadskem parlamentu pa pomeni podpora naci režimu v ukrajini.

Jaroslav Hunka je ze leta 2007 dobil medaljo kanadskega parlamenta za herojstvo. Zahod je po drugi svetovni vojni evakuiral ogromno nacistov v UK, ZDA in Kanado.

Konkretno, divizija Jaroslava Hunke je pobijala tudi po Sloveniji.

Kar poglejte si kaksen dokumentarec.

Recimo (8:20):

Nazadnje urejeno:


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Ukrainian troops surrendering en masse

In recent weeks, a significant number of Ukrainian troops have surrendered to the Russian military, utilizing a dedicated radio frequency established by the Russian armed forces, known as “Volga” with a call sign of 149.200. This frequency was set up during the summer and has been actively used by over 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen who subsequently surrendered to Russian custody. The radio frequency is operational along the entire front line.

The surrender process has gained momentum, especially in the vicinity of Rabotino, a village in the Zaporozhye Region. Rabotino has witnessed intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent weeks, remaining a major flashpoint in the conflict.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Jaroslav Hunka je ze leta 2007 dobil medaljo kanadskega parlamenta za herojstvo. Zahod je po drugi svetovni vojni evakuiral ogromno nacistov v UK, ZDA in Kanado.

Konkretno, divizija Jaroslava Hunke je pobijala tudi po Sloveniji.

Kar poglejte si kaksen dokumentarec.

Recimo (8:20):

V igri je bila spijonaža in sesuvanje ru§§ov za železno zaveso.,....



2. jul 2020
AndyZ, zakaj imas tako erekcijo na dogodke izpred 80 let, da opravičuješ sedanje dogajanje?

Se vrtimo spet v krogu, ampak že ker sem delal odgovor v drugi temi, je Stalin pobil več ljudi kot Dolfe. Pa se najboljša prijatelja sta bila in skupaj si razkosala Poljsko. Dokler si ni Dolfe premislil.

Vse skupaj izgleda, kot da bereš rusko propagando in verjameš vsemu kar piše.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
AndyZ, zakaj imas tako erekcijo na dogodke izpred 80 let, da opravičuješ sedanje dogajanje?

Se vrtimo spet v krogu, ampak že ker sem delal odgovor v drugi temi, je Stalin pobil več ljudi kot Dolfe. Pa se najboljša prijatelja sta bila in skupaj si razkosala Poljsko. Dokler si ni Dolfe premislil.

Vse skupaj izgleda, kot da bereš rusko propagando in verjameš vsemu kar piše.

Nazigate: Canada’s top general won’t apologize for applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS vet​

As Canada’s top officials express embarrassment for honoring a WWII Nazi collaborator in parliament, the leader of the country’s military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, refuses to apologize for his standing ovation. The Canadian military has trained Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion for years.


Just four months before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies sent a letter to then-Acting Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan demanding an investigation into the decision to train Ukrainian neo-Nazis. The Jewish group urged them to ensure that such instruction did not continue.

"If Canada is going to be providing military training to foreign forces, then it is our responsibility to know we are not training neo-Nazis," said Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, policy director of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center. "It is our obligation to our Canadian veterans who sacrificed so much defeating fascism in Europe."

But such warnings apparently went unheeded. The Canadian military not only declined to discontinue its Nazi-training policies, it escalated its program of coaching avowed fascists.


24. avg 2007
A vam je zmanjkalo futra za evropske naciste in ste preklopili na kanadske v temi o VOJNI V UKRAJINI. Kaj če bi začel opravljati svojo funkcijo moderatorja in bi to sranje o nacistih v Kanadi prestavil v novo temo NACISTI V KANADI? A bi šlo? Zraven lahko še pobanaš za nekaj časa vse sralce (če si ravno v elementu lahko tudi sebe).
Tukaj pa še kaj napiši o tej 1 mio ofenzivi Rusov. Pa kateri je že 100i cilj sedaj. Katerih 5 dodatnih regij bodo zasedli? Seveda, po tem ko bodo končno osvobodili CELOTNE že priključene regije Rusiji. Z veljavnim in popolnoma verodostojnim referendumom seveda.


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice

Nazigate: Canada’s top general won’t apologize for applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS vet​

As Canada’s top officials express embarrassment for honoring a WWII Nazi collaborator in parliament, the leader of the country’s military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, refuses to apologize for his standing ovation. The Canadian military has trained Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion for years.


Just four months before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies sent a letter to then-Acting Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan demanding an investigation into the decision to train Ukrainian neo-Nazis. The Jewish group urged them to ensure that such instruction did not continue.

"If Canada is going to be providing military training to foreign forces, then it is our responsibility to know we are not training neo-Nazis," said Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, policy director of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center. "It is our obligation to our Canadian veterans who sacrificed so much defeating fascism in Europe."

But such warnings apparently went unheeded. The Canadian military not only declined to discontinue its Nazi-training policies, it escalated its program of coaching avowed fascists.
Ja in? Takrat so se borili proti tej svojati in danes se.


21. maj 2010

Ukrainian troops surrendering en masse

In recent weeks, a significant number of Ukrainian troops have surrendered to the Russian military, utilizing a dedicated radio frequency established by the Russian armed forces, known as “Volga” with a call sign of 149.200. This frequency was set up during the summer and has been actively used by over 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen who subsequently surrendered to Russian custody. The radio frequency is operational along the entire front line.

The surrender process has gained momentum, especially in the vicinity of Rabotino, a village in the Zaporozhye Region. Rabotino has witnessed intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent weeks, remaining a major flashpoint in the conflict.

Joj še en dober vir bjshhsfh.com

A vam je zmanjkalo futra za evropske naciste in ste preklopili na kanadske v temi o VOJNI V UKRAJINI. Kaj če bi začel opravljati svojo funkcijo moderatorja in bi to sranje o nacistih v Kanadi prestavil v novo temo NACISTI V KANADI? A bi šlo? Zraven lahko še pobanaš za nekaj časa vse sralce (če si ravno v elementu lahko tudi sebe).
Tukaj pa še kaj napiši o tej 1 mio ofenzivi Rusov. Pa kateri je že 100i cilj sedaj. Katerih 5 dodatnih regij bodo zasedli? Seveda, po tem ko bodo končno osvobodili CELOTNE že priključene regije Rusiji. Z veljavnim in popolnoma verodostojnim referendumom seveda.

kaj naj napiše..1 milijon potencialne flaširanega mesa/mesa v kosih, postreženega in podobno, izbranega na način kar je pač pri roki, doma se še mal več cekinov pobere za orožje in podobno, tako da bo tudi doma standard lepo zrastel, ker je že sedaj izjemno visok. Dobra tretjina BDP ja gre torej za igro kavbojci vs. indijanci... K temu dodaj trgovanje z velesilamia ala Severna Koreja, Iran itd

sanjski svet ti povem


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Se vedno mi ni jasno kaj ima to veze z vojno, katera se je začela skoraj 2 leti nazaj.

Ne znate brati?

Kanadcani so od 2014 trenirali ukrajinski Azov bataljon, ki je utelesenje nacizma iz druge svetovne vojne.

Bom dal tokrat z vecjim fontom, da ne boste potrebovali očal, da tole preberete:

Just four months before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies sent a letter to then-Acting Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan demanding an investigation into the decision to train Ukrainian neo-Nazis. The Jewish group urged them to ensure that such instruction did not continue.

"If Canada is going to be providing military training to foreign forces, then it is our responsibility to know we are not training neo-Nazis," said Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, policy director of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center. "It is our obligation to our Canadian veterans who sacrificed so much defeating fascism in Europe."

But such warnings apparently went unheeded. The Canadian military not only declined to discontinue its Nazi-training policies, it escalated its program of coaching avowed fascists.

Isti kanadski general, ki je ignoriral zgoraj omenjena opozorila, je ploskal Jaroslavu Hunki in se za to NE misli opraviciti.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
A tole ste pa kar spregledali?

V Evropi se je zgodil se en režim change. Tokrat na Slovaskem:



2. jul 2020