US considers sending 100-mile strike weapon to Ukraine
The Pentagon is considering a proposal from Boeing on supplying Ukraine with cheap, small precision bombs fitted onto abundantly available rockets.
To se govori za GLSDB, če bo kaj prišlo v Ukrajino, potem bo to šele v 2023. Če sem prav prebral novice pred tedni, naj bi proizvodnjo zagnali šele zdaj oz. pred začetku leta 2023. Koliko časa bo pa od proizvodnje pa do Ukrajine, pa noben ne ve.
GLSDB advantages:
Increased range
Guided artillery
Accuracy to within one metre
All angle, all aspect attack, even targets behind launch point
Multiple rockets to act against many targets, with near-simultaneous impact
All-weather, 24/7 capability
Terrain avoidance, such as mountains
Cave-breaching capability
Launchable from hidden or protected positions to avoid detection
Programmable impact and delay fuzing for deep penetration or proximity height-of-burst
SDB Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) variant for low collateral damage
Laser SDB variant for moving target capability