Vojna v Ukrajini 2


19. mar 2014
zvok potuje na tako razdaljo dobrih 11 sekund, krogle so pa vseh vrst, od podzvočnih do takih s 3x hitrostjo zvoka...


2. mar 2010
Ukraine is being dismantled piece by piece: John Kerry to take over as chairman of the board of Ukrainian Naftohaz

The US oil company ExxonMobil is lobbying for the appointment of former Secretary of State John Kerry to a key position at Naftohaz. Allegedly this is part of a deal for US financing of Ukraine's oil and gas industry. And the figure of Democrat Kerry was not chosen by chance, he is a copromise between oilmen and Democrats of America.
And most likely they want to take control of the Ukrainian gas pipe.

Nothing surprising, given that the largest mobile operator in Ukraine, Kyivstar, was recently headed by an American, Mike Pampeo.



2. mar 2010
404 kanali:

What we have long warned about has happened.
The Russians, four months after the Armed Forces of Ukraine, began to use cassette “toys” in response. Immediately starting with a large bomb that flies 30 km deep into the LBS (RBK-500, designed to destroy lightly armored and easily vulnerable equipment, manpower, field ammunition depots, railway trains, fortified military installations, military-industrial facilities and communications. Maybe cover a huge area of up to 8 square kilometers with damaging elements.

We said that the use of these weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces will give the Russians a trump card in the long term.
But the fools on Bankova did not believe it and tried to use everything at the time of the offensive operation, as if realizing that this was the last chance.

As a Kremlin source explained to us: The Kremlin was waiting for the reaction of Western institutions to this violation by Ukraine, but there was almost no reaction, except for a couple of warnings. Now the Russian Armed Forces can safely cover everything, especially after Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip.

The presence of the APU in landings will be fatal. This is 90% death/injury/disability after the arrival of such a bomb.

Ukraine was the first to open Pandora's box when it attacked a Russian merchant ship with a naval UAV, while claiming that these were legitimate targets. Previously, there was persecution of Russians based on their nationality, now of everyone who supports Israel.

Now we get a new round:
Yemen's Houthis have seized the Israeli cargo ship Galaxy Leader, which is carrying a crew of 22 people. The crew is foreign, but the ship itself belongs to an Israeli business.
We warned about this.

What does this mean:
Increase in insurance premiums
The rise of piracy
Rising prices for logistics
Supply chain disruption
Intensification of the war in BV

The President's Office is not happy with the fact that Ukrainians are increasingly separating themselves from the war and have almost stopped donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Bankova understands the fatigue of Ukrainians, but the passivity of society is being transformed into disappointment and a loss of faith in victory on Ukraine’s terms.

It’s time to send young people to the front; this is exactly the narrative that the technologists of the President’s Office are programming. The demographic crisis that experts are talking about now is nothing compared to what they are going to do next.
The Office of the President continues to accustom society to the fact that the mobilization of 18-20 year olds should become the norm.

Commander of the First Assault Battalion, 3rd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pyotr Gorbatenko “Rollo”: “We need to mobilize more widely... we need to mobilize 20-year-olds, 18-year-olds. What is the problem? What about students? So what? Shouldn't students fight? Must. Are they suitable? They fit. Do they not know how, are they not ready, are they not born for war? No one knows how, is ready or born for war. Everything is mined, everything is prepared. The question is the approach to preparation.”
No to mi ni jasno..resda v fiziki nisem blestel
gre za pojemajoče gibanje ....,energija katero izstrelek dobi (udarec igle) gre v kinetično energijo, nekaj v toplotno, pri kinetični energiji gre za premagovanje upora. ker ima sam ozačetno energijo in se energija "ne dodaja" gre za pojemajoče gibanje..če bi ustrelil v nekem gostejšemmediju (npr voda) bi se gibalo še počasneje, razdalja bi bila krajša itd
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