Vojna v Ukrajini 2

Čudovito življenje v RuZki periferiji...

poglej npr stanovanja tam skrajni vzhod, tisto kar se tam prodaja za dejanski drobiž pri nas niti za hrambo drvi ne uporabljamo, ker...../poljubno vstavi/

zdaj pa pomisli ena taka povprečna družina v takšnem povprečnem stanovanju, sina ubijejo na fronti, se pravi en prihodek manj. Rubelj je zmerom manj vreden, tuje valute lahko samo sanjajo, službe...saj so, sam plača, pa stroški itd...

sanjsko življenje...


1. jun 2011
Se pravi bomo kmalu pili pivo v Mariupolu z ukrainsko zastavo okrog vratu,. Jaz sem mislil da ga bomo že letos poleti ko ste tolk pisali, pa je šla jesen mimo,zdej bo zima pa smo še vedno na začetku. Bomo počakal na spomladansko ofenzivo ali na naslednjo jesensko?
Bodimo fer. Preden se začnemo smejati ukrajinski ofenzivi, počakajmo na uspešno specialno operacijo. Zelenski je še vedno živ, Lukašenko št. 2 še vedno ni v Kijevu, Evropa še vedno ni bankrotirala, NATO je še živ, na tisoče biolabov ukrajinci še vedno uspešno skrivajo.

Aja saj res, Rusi so osvojili točno toliko ozemlja, kot so hoteli. Do milimetra natančno. my bad


2. mar 2010

Oziroma RL test case, če bi aprila 1945 obstajal internet in socialna omrežja.


2. mar 2010
Sveže novice iz 404 kanalov::

The “hunt” for citizens of military age continues in Ukraine. Military commissars are rowing everyone, including sick and crippled citizens, trying to fulfill the plan, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot say that they are very happy with this state of affairs. The fact is that the “volunteers” in Ukraine have long been transferred (some died, some became disabled due to injury, and some received mental injuries), and now the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine receive poorly motivated and undertrained civilians, not only those unable to carry out combat missions, but also endangering their comrades in arms.

At the same time, the mobilization resource in Ukraine is actually running out—there are not enough military personnel in the country for long-term military operations. Ukrainian experts note that the total mobilization resource in the country is about 1.8 million people (with a specific total mobilization). At the same time, there are already about a million people in the Ukrainian army and another 500 thousand in various state power structures, which are also mobilized in their own way - the police, the SBU, civil servants, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and so on. That is, Ukraine’s mobilization resource may be exhausted already in early/mid 2024.

In 2024, electricity transmission tariffs in Ukraine will be increased. The corresponding decision was approved by the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the fields of energy and utilities.

If the decision is made final, the standard tariff for electricity transmission will increase by 22.1%, and the tariff for “green” metallurgy - by 97%.

It should be noted that NEURC is preparing to increase the maximum prices for electricity for business, which is expected and will lead to an increase in prices for food and essential goods for the population. But only one person in Ukraine benefits from rising electricity prices: the country’s richest oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov. It is his DTEK companies that sell the largest volumes of electricity in market segments where prices are rising.

However, the unpleasant “surprises” for ordinary Ukrainians do not end there - in 2024 the country will face a real “tariff tsunami”. Thus, the cost of housing and communal services will increase by 150% in the next 10 months, driving Ukrainians into poverty for many years. At the same time, prices for food and non-food products will also begin to creep up, which will increase inflation, depreciating the national currency, and the “hole” in the state budget could reach $50 billion.

Zelensky finally confirmed what we had previously insided and described, pointing out that the country’s budget is 50-57% dependent on Western loans. He was accepted taking into account that everything promised would be given, but as we see, nothing has been given yet.

The cessation of financial assistance from Western countries will cause a crisis in Ukraine, since without it it will not be able to provide social payments, Zelensky said.

Let us add that the hryvnia is facing difficult times and the level of 50 per $1 may soon become a reality.
The future looks sad for Ukrainians.

The first case that clearly demonstrates where we are going in the case of unlimited mobilization.

A resident of Kremenchuk came to the military registration and enlistment office with a grenade, pulled the pin and threatened to explode, the grenade turned out to be an airsoft one - National Police

Soon they will start setting fire to military registration and enlistment offices.
Zelensky will bring the country to internal massacre.

Conflicts have already broken out between Poles and Ukrainians due to the blockade of customs.

The Ukrainian demands to let him go home, the Poles find fault, allegedly he speaks Russian and does not fight. Although the man speaks Ukrainian.

The Ukrainian asks them if the Russian Federation sponsored their action.

This situation has already affected the price of transportation.

This is how the Polish brothers first killed our farmers, now transporters, thereby trying to bankrupt them and squeeze the market for themselves.

By the way, this is the fault of Ze, who fell out with Duda.

Avdeevka repeats the fate of Bakhmut.

It is reported that the Russian Armed Forces continue to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces north of the city, with local progress in the area of the Stepovoye settlement and the railway. In general, the operational situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to deteriorate - counterattacks by Ukrainian forces in the Krasnohorivka area were unable to turn the situation around. Military experts emphasize that the battle for the city is developing in the spirit of the battle for Bakhmut, which, as is known, fell under the onslaught of Russian forces. As we see, Russia has concentrated large forces on Avdiivka and is tightening the “noose”, while Zelensky, meanwhile, dreams of capturing Gorlovka, demanding an offensive from the Ukrainian command.

Earlier, the Sunday Times reported that Avdiivka is becoming a “second Bakhmut” for Ukraine, noting that, unlike Bakhmut, Avdiivka has genuine strategic value - it is located on a key route to Donetsk, and its road system makes it the gateway to the south of Donbass . That is, if Avdeevka is lost, the RF Armed Forces will enter operational space, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine no longer have time to strengthen Kramatorsk or Slavyansk. At the same time, the “Avdeevka stranglehold” risks not only complicating the position of the Ukrainian army at the front, but also greatly damaging the image of Bankova, which has actually “slept through” the strategic city, devoting all its attention to the counter-offensive in the south.


24. jul 2007
:valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse:

Kremelj propaganda na višku

The “hunt” for citizens of military age continues in Ukraine. Military commissars are rowing everyone, including sick and crippled citizens, trying to fulfill the plan, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot say that they are very happy with this state of affairs. The fact is that the “volunteers” in Ukraine have long been transferred (some died, some became disabled due to injury, and some received mental injuries), and now the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine receive poorly motivated and undertrained civilians, not only those unable to carry out combat missions, but also endangering their comrades in arms.

O boh pomagaj...

Ne sej vam ne more... :bonk:


2. mar 2010
Hej, tole so pro-ukr kanali !

'Uspešn'a mobilizacija, video

Another case of illegal Ze mobilization in Odessa.
In the chats of the Raduzhny residential complex, a video is being circulated of a man being packed into a bead by military commissars.

D-democracy in action.


19. mar 2014
:valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse:

Kremelj propaganda na višku

The “hunt” for citizens of military age continues in Ukraine. Military commissars are rowing everyone, including sick and crippled citizens, trying to fulfill the plan, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot say that they are very happy with this state of affairs. The fact is that the “volunteers” in Ukraine have long been transferred (some died, some became disabled due to injury, and some received mental injuries), and now the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine receive poorly motivated and undertrained civilians, not only those unable to carry out combat missions, but also endangering their comrades in arms.

O boh pomagaj...

Ne sej vam ne more... :bonk:
Ne vem ali ti naj dam ukor, ker dejansko bereš rusofilske bedarije ali naj te pohvalim, ker proučuješ in opozarjaš na sovražnikovo propagando :valjamse:


2. mar 2010

When life is on the line, no one remembers the Ukrainian language

The AFU explain that they are fighting in Russian, because you need to understand orders quickly. And in ordinary life they try to speak Ukrainian.

It's simple, the native language for a person is the one in which he thinks. And you can only think fast in your native language. Therefore, it would be appropriate to paraphrase the classic: "Who are you fighting against? You're at war with yourself!.. Oh, you ..." By the way, that's Gogol.
