Vojna v Ukrajini 2


21. maj 2010
Vsak normalen človek ve, da Kitajska izkorišča Rusijo na celi črti, dokler bo dober dobiček, bodo dobri navidezni prijatelji.:poškodovan:

Nazadnje so lepo povedali, ne želijo biti odvisni od RU plina/nafte. To ti nekaj pove, zakaj še ni prišlo od izgradnje plinovoda RU/Kitajska ;)

Boh ve, kaj vse se dogovarjata Xi-Biden....
Dečko od InsideRussia to lepo razloži. Kitajci prodajajo rusom šrot robo za velike denarje pa tudi še na druge načine cuzajo ruse.
Vendar Kitajci so precej odvisni od USA in Evrope očitno jim je to šele sedaj kapnilo, ker jim počasi peša gospodarstvo.
  • Všeč mi je
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30. jul 2022
Dečko od InsideRussia to lepo razloži. Kitajci prodajajo rusom šrot robo za velike denarje pa tudi še na druge načine cuzajo ruse.
Vendar Kitajci so precej odvisni od USA in Evrope očitno jim je to šele sedaj kapnilo, ker jim počasi peša gospodarstvo.

To so že lani ugotovili Kitajci, da ni države oz. trga, da bi lahko nadomestili ZDA/EU. Kitajska se še pobira po nepremičninskem kolapsu, tam imajo večjo ¨luknjo¨ kot pa leta 2007/08. Tale RU je zdaj zlata jama za njih....

Kitajska bo največji dobičkar na račun RU, RU so pa odvisni od Kitajske, tako lahko edino pridejo to low-cost čipov.
  • Všeč mi je
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16. mar 2008
glede sniperja. na kameri se ne vidi dobro. oseba, ki je dobla sus je na skrajni desni kroga.


19. mar 2014
Eh, ob vsej tehniki pa res ni treba še sosedov ovajat. Se zadeve kar avtomatično beležijo. Vatniki že sami vejo, da na internetu niso anonimni in da zna bit veselo, ko jih bo iz šengna prijelo potovat v recimo malo manj ruske sfere :evil:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: visek_izobrazbe


4. jun 2014
Oh ta čudovita sovjetska zveza in njene družbene vrednote, eni se jih želo želijo tukaj, kajne Vatniki?

To si zamešal.
V EU si želite sprejeti Ukrajino, ki je bila del sovjetske zveze z vsemi njihovimi vrednotami, in ne rusijo.
In to celo po skrajšanem postopku, brez upoštevanja pogojev, ko so veljali za vstop drugih članic.

No saj lahko zase poveš.
Ali si za to, da se Ukrajino sprejme v EU Da/Ne ?
Ali si za to, da se Ukrajino sprejme v NATO Da/Ne ?

Po skrajšanem postopku seveda, kot pravita Stoltenberg in Leynova, ker pogojev, ki so jih imele drige članice ukrajina ne bo izpolnjevala še 100 let.
  • Objave ne odobravam
Reactions: leibstandarte


1. jun 2011
Rusom očitno ne gre tako slabo, da je jih kar lepo število v Egiptu na počitnicah. Kar nekaj potencialnih kandidatov za putinovo vojsko sem videl.
Putin nima jajc takih vpoklicat v vojsko. Če vidiš ruse dopustovat izven Rusije, to so potem premožni, ki živijo v Moskvi ali Sankt Peterburgu. Če bi taki začeli nazaj v krstah hodit, bi hitro začelo pokati po Putinu.


24. jul 2007



Mislim da je to za Ytbnd :valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N


18. avg 2007
Oh ta čudovita sovjetska zveza in njene družbene vrednote, eni se jih želo želijo tukaj, kajne Vatniki?

Sam tko, medklic...
Tudi v tej temi se je nekaj zelo zagretih proukraincev navduševalo nad ovaduštvom.
V sosednji temi se je prav tako limalo pozive, kako je treba protestnike proti genocidu palestincev javljati ZDA kot podpornike terorizma itd...


2. mar 2010
novice iz 404

Grandfathers in the army. Ukraine sent old people to the front - and the labor market collapsed
The shortage of personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has led to the fact that even older men are being recruited into service in Ukraine, writes Die Welt. As a result, there are simply no workers left in the country—the most experienced and qualified employees are sent to the front line.

Iz Pl - Ukr meje
Few people realize that such blocking of checkpoints at customs causes more harm to the Ukrainian economy than missile attacks.
Every day, Ukrainian business loses $20 million, and these are salaries, contributions to the budget, broken contracts and loss of contracts/customers. Plus, costs/expenses are rising.
Partners and “brothers” are deliberately killing our business for the sake of their interests. No one cares anymore that we are at war. We are considered a “drowned” country, as Polish President Duda said.

All this will be reflected in the future as a very big problem, as in the agricultural case, which Ze was never able to solve, although he publicly threatened, but no one takes him seriously anymore.

In 2024-25, Ukraine will face a severe crisis. Be prepared for this.

People are fleeing en masse from Ukraine, where there is “Ze-freedom and democracy.”
This is the best anti-advertising of Zelensky’s power and his boundless mobilization.
Nobody wants to fight anymore. Although propagandists are trying to convince everyone otherwise.

There will be more to come.

Our source reports that there will be increased mobilization - everyone on Bankova knew this, but as usual they lied to people. Everyone will be dragged into war in 2024-25 (both women and youth).
According to the developed plan of the Office of the President, the shortage of heavy weapons, artillery and aviation will be replaced by the number of infantry.
They are already saving ammunition and equipment, replacing the shortage of weapons with infantry. Because of this, losses are growing, but they stopped paying attention to them back in 2022.
Everyone who received deferments and cannot pay the repeated “payment” will go to war. It was not for nothing that the authorities were cowardly at the military registration and enlistment offices and ostentatiously removed “their own” sixes.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a growing shortage of manpower, and the reason for this is the failed Zee offensive and the Bakhmutov meat grinder.
It won't get any better...

It seems that the Ukrainian authorities have figured out how to “kill two birds with one stone”: on the one hand, recruit people to the front, and on the other, reduce the number of disabled people who have become unnecessary people in their own country.

Thus, people's deputy Maryana Bezuglaya said that the Rada is preparing for registration a bill proposing to deprive not only students receiving second and third higher education of a deferment from mobilization, but also spouses of disabled people and their relatives not of the first degree.

In fact, they want to send people to the front who care for and inspect relatives with disabilities. If previously the right to a deferment was given to persons who were constantly caring for their wife’s (spouse’s) parents, now the circle will narrow - persons who care only for THEIR parents will have the right to a deferment. Moreover, if those liable for military service who have a wife (spouse) are persons with group III disabilities, then they also lose the right to a deferment. The circle of persons entitled to deferred care for a person with disability groups I and II or a person who, according to the MSEC, needs constant care, will also be reduced to family members of the first degree of kinship (parents and in-laws of the husband/wife, children, children of the spouse/ wives, including adopted ones).

And we remind you that in Ukraine today the number of people with disabilities has already exceeded 3 million. And one should not hope that the Ukrainian authorities, having taken away those who care for and inspect them from disabled people, will take on all this work - Already, people with disabilities are not being paid benefits under various pretexts, and in the near future they will be deprived of benefits altogether, as their status will be reviewed.

“There are no and cannot be any Russian national minorities in Ukraine,” and their rights must be infringed, said Verkhovna Rada Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk.
Said it suddenly and bluntly.


30. jul 2022
Hm....mogoče testiranje PrSM ali pa GLSDB 150km na terenu?

USA will send HIMARS to Ukraine "with a surprise", — Washington Post.

Nemčija se je mogoče stegnala po novem paketu...:aplauz:

Germany pledges another aid package worth more than 1.3 billion euros to #Ukraine!

Bo mrzla zima na Krimu?:evil:

Preliminary info that there is an ongoing fire near the Saki Thermal Power Plant in occupied Crimea.


GPS guru
Osebje foruma
7. jul 2009
v leru