Glede na logiko, bi rekel, da vitamini/minerali, ki so povezani z metabolnimi procesi pač morajo iti gor proporcialno s kalorijami. Recimo B vitamin, če ga je potrebno ob 2000kcal dieti konzumirati cca 2.4mcg, ga je potem pri 4000kcal dieti 5mcg, itd.
Note that the daily menus for these athletes meet two thirds or more of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins and minerals. Athletes who have high calorie intakes (5,000 to 6,000 kcal/day) may achieve 200% (or more) of the RDA for some vitamins and minerals just from foods they eat.
Is more better? Because B-vitamins participate in energy metabolism (releasing energy from nutrients), athletes with high energy expenditures have increased requirements for B vitamins. However, eating more food (energy intake that achieves energy expenditure) provides the extra B-vitamins that are needed. Beyond meeting RDA requirements, do athletes benefit from supplementation with vitamins and minerals in amounts greater than the RDA? Despite high vitamin/mineral supplement use among athletes, the answer appears to be no. While vitamin/mineral deficiencies impair physical performance, research indicates that supplementation of a nutritionally adequate sports diet does not improve physical work capacity, endurance, oxygen consumption, cardiovascular function, muscle strength, or resistance to fatigue.
Although more research is needed, Vitamin E may be one exception. Vitamin E, found mostly in vegetable fat, is an antioxidant that protects cells against oxidative damage associated with intense exercise. So, does supplemental Vitamin E benefit active people? The answer is unclear. Aerobic exercise training actually increases antioxidant enzyme production. Thus, increased need for antioxidant protection may be met by adaptations to exercise training. More research is needed before recommendations can be made.
Poleg tega pa je tu še švicanje, recimo železa zgubimo kar dosti z švicom, zraven tega pa rabijo atleti še toliko več železa (železo skrbi za oxidacijo mišic).
this being said...od danes naprej bom dnevno ruknil cca 250g špinače, se mi zdi kar dobra izbira, da nadomestim to kar mi manjka, železo, magnezij, pa tudi vitK ne škodi in vitE. No..idealno bi bilo jesti jetra/srce/kostni mozeg govedi, ampak se mi zdaj žal s tem ne da ukvarjat. Včasih sem namreč vsak dan jedel jetrno pašteto, ki sem izdeloval sam, ampak je messy job, je lažje enostavno vrečt špinačo v ponev polno masti in jo "prepražiti"
PS, škoda da je o tem govora v tej temi, ker marsikdo bo verjetno spregledal napisano, info pa ni tako slab
PPS, preden se kdo spomni...železo v obliki "tablet" za moške ni priporočljivo, tako da se ne lotit tega, če že, potem se naj konzumira jetra v prahu.