Kaksno razocaranje. Ni kriv sloterpilot, pa tudi vnela se ni.
To ne drži.Asistenčni sistemi trenutne generacije v realnem svetu ne pomagajo opazno (oziroma nič) k večji varnosti na cesti?
A Tesla kvari statistiko? Ker če te sistemse uporabljaš kot PRIPOMOČKE in ne kot samodejno vožnjo, potem dvomim, da nimajo pozitivnega vpliva.Zakaj torej opažajo zavarovalnice na Norveškem več nesreč z električnimi vozili, ki so po pravilu novejša vozila z boljšo opremo? Krepko vodi kar tesla.
Podatki, kjer je zadaj denar, se zmeraj izkažejo za daleč najbolj točne.
To ne drži.
Tesla Autopilot Safety Stats Said Imbued With Statistical Fallacies, Interpret Cautiously
Autonomous car companies should be reporting their roadway safety stats, and when doing so it needs to be done sufficiently for sufficient interpretation, so in this analysis I take a close-in look at Tesla's published miles-safety stats about Autopilot and consider any statistical fallacies.www.forbes.com
Q1 2019: 2.87M miles driven-to-crash incident in which Autopilot was engaged
Q1 2019: 1.76M miles driven-to-crash incident without Autopilot engaged
..NHTSA nationwide data indicate that nationally there is a car crash every 436K miles (in Q1 2019 ...
As such, this suggests that the average distance of the Autopilot engaged group of 3.04M miles per crash is presumably much greater (better) than the national average of cars overall (about 7x)...