Tesla announced some major upgrade options to the Model S today, including bigger batteries and a quicker acceleration mode, called "Ludicrous." That option will take the car from zero to 60 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds.
Tesla is also offering an upgrade to a 90-kWh battery pack for $3,000.
Lastly, there is a new lower-cost Model S, the Model S 70 RWD. This will start at $70,000 and has only one motor. The previous base Model S was the dual-motor 70, which is still available and costs $75,000. All of these prices are before incentives.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
lol @ promoviranje pospeškov, koga sploh to zanima.
Uporabnik SHARK1 pravi:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
lol @ promoviranje pospeškov, koga sploh to zanima.
Seveda pospeški ne zanimajo nikogar,sploh pa ne kupcev tako dragih avtomobilov. Pospeški ne zanimajo niti kupcev raznih AMG-jev,M-jev,Ferrarijev,Bugatti-jev,itd...po vseh raziskavah menda kupce pri takih avtomobilih precej bolj zanima možnost vgradnje vlečne kljuke!
Sicer pa naj bi se doseg podaljšal za okoli 15 milj.
Mi je pa všeč Muskova izjava,ko so ga vprašali,koliko naj bi predstavljane izboljšave vplivale na prodajo,ko je odvrnil: "nimam pojma,mi se samo trudimo izdelovati čim boljše avtomobile" haha
Between now and the end of September, any Tesla driver who convinces someone else to buy a Model S will get a $1,000 Tesla credit. The buyer will also get $1,000 off the price of his or her fancy new electric vehicle.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Tesla's first incentive is a $1,000 Model S referral
Between now and the end of September, any Tesla driver who convinces someone else to buy a Model S will get a $1,000 Tesla credit. The buyer will also get $1,000 off the price of his or her fancy new electric vehicle.