Uporabnik alfist555 pravi:
Geometrija koles je tako nastavljena....ima kar nekaj ljudi take tezave s spusceno alfo. Pri originalnem podvozju ni teh tezav.
Aja in se ne da nastavljati naklona koles. Pobira pa prednje, pogonske gume. Zadnje so OK. Ni pa tako hudo kot na tej sliki, ki ste jo prilepili, vendar jih ne pobira enakomerno....notranje robce pobere prej.
Se opravicujem za offtopic, sam da razjasnim.
And while aluminum is strong, it works differently than steel. It's easy to understand by taking a soda can and denting it. If you try to work that dent out, you'll likely wind up creating all sorts of creases in the side of the can. It just won't look the same. In fact, if you bend that aluminum can back and forth too many times, it will probably develop a sort of rip or tear at the main crease point. If it were a steel can with a dent, you could just take a hammer to it and pound the dent out. With enough finesse it might even look pretty close to new.