Uporabnik tomi pravi:
Bos povedal ko bos peljal
Uporabnik tomi pravi:
Bos pa privat ce drugace ne
ESP provides an enhanced traction
control function by reducing wheel
spin at the driven wheels when
accelerating. This improves the ability
to pull away on slippery roads or
loose surfaces. The system also
supports stability by counteracting
the tendency of the vehicle to swerve
away from the intended path. This is
performed by braking individual
wheels and/or reducing engine
torque as needed.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kaj pa potem dotično "dela" moj ESP, ki, recimo v snegu, če pride do zdrsa prvih koles(zaradi preveč dodanega plina), "nekaj naredi"? Ne vem točno kaj, ampak ESP lučka se vklopi....verjetno takrat ne začne zavirati, ali ?
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
ESP provides an enhanced traction
control function by reducing wheel
spin at the driven wheels when
accelerating. This improves the ability
to pull away on slippery roads or
loose surfaces. The system also
supports stability by counteracting
the tendency of the vehicle to swerve
away from the intended path. This is
performed by braking individual
wheels and/or reducing engine
torque as needed.
Torej vseeno vpliva na "torque" in ne samo na zavore?