Putinova Rusija


24. jul 2009
ne, ker si čisto mimo pihnil

pri nas imamo tudi politike, ki tožarijo vsakega in vse zaradi klevetanj in razžalitev. večinoma ti politiki izgubijo.
če je nekje v zakonu napisano kaj je dovoljeno in kaj ni, iebat ga. potem pač ne rečeš politiku tepec ali pa da ni boga če je to protizakonito. erdogan je menda tožil že nekaj tisočkrat zaradi razžalitve v zadnjem letu in pol

če rečeš v UK kaj æez kraljico se ti slabo piše


10. maj 2014

Najprej naj razvijejo motor za 4+++ generacijo (PAK-FA) in potem sanjajo o 6. in 7. Ampak se bojim, da bodo še naprej samo dodajali pluse.


Če nadaljujem s temo



Me ne boli, za hec se derem.


10. maj 2014
Še malo arheologije z moje strani. OFCOM o kršitvi medijskih standardov.



The Truthseeker: Genocide of Eastern Ukraine
The Truthseeker: Media ‘Staged’ Syria Chem Attack
Ukraine’s Refugees

1xFox News

Justice with Jeanine Pirro

1xChannel 5

Blinging Up Baby


The Office of Communications (Welsh: Y Swyddfa Gyfathrebiadau), commonly known as Ofcom, is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom.

Ofcom has wide-ranging powers across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. It has a statutory duty to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material.

Splača se it brat PDF, samo da se vidi kako gnojnico in obskurne karakterje so lansirali. Bruhanje kot je tole:

“Kiev, notes historian Eric Zuesse, is the most far right-wing government on the face of the earth. It’s on a one-way killing-spree. He points out that the self-defence forces are not bombing or massacring anyone. Residents of eastern Ukraine told Op-Ed News that they used to think pilots were just flying blind and missing their targets. Then they found they were actually highly accurate, always hitting civilians who had no other crime than their ethnicity. In the pretty countryside of east Ukraine a tiny village called Saurovka. The openly Nazi mercenaries who make up Kiev’s new army despise the place because it has a memorial commemorating World War II victory over their fascist heroes. The memorial is shelled by Kiev’s army almost every day. One day its mercenaries attack the village itself. Locals claim this is what happened next”.

“Kiev’s army, being a direct successor to Hitler’s Wehrmacht, terribly hates the Saurovka memorial. All the time their artillery and mortars lob shells directly at the memorial. One day the Right Sector, National Guard, Azov and Dnepr Battalion mercenaries came to Saurovka village, and they instilled European values. They took the men alive and cut off the limbs. First their arms, then legs, then the heads. They did not cut the women – they raped them”

Sem že malo pozabil.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Članek objavljen novembra 2013, dva dneva po prvem protestu na majdanu. Resne demonstracije so se začele šele decembra.


“Efforts to build a million-man army and massive new procurement programs seem to be mechanisms to keep generals in work and transfer tax money to the defense-industrial sector and corrupt managers and middlemen rather than having any bearing on Russia’s genuine security needs,” Galeotti said, citing as the most pressing security need, the rise of a domestic ultra-nationalist far right—which has taken to riots and pogroms against migrant workers in recent months—and a more muscular China.


No ja, problem so nekako rešili. Precej jih je za Russky Mir umrlo v Donbasu.

The Netherlands, too, has lately discovered the cost of crossing the KGB-czar. When Putin travelled to Amsterdam in April, rather than being greeted as dignified head of state, he found a city justifiably enraged at Russia’s new anti-LGBT law. Amsterdam’s mayor refused to meet him and even flew a rainbow LGBT flag atop City Hall. One Dutch businessman who used to live in Moscow told The Guardian that Putin “was insulted to his core, and for a couple of weeks afterwards there was a non-stop campaign on Russian TV showing Holland to be a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, run by paedophiles and hashish dealers.” Dutch police subsequently arrested at high-ranking diplomat from the Russian embassy in The Hague after neighbors complained that he and his wife were drunk. Little more than a week later, that diplomat’s openly gay counterpart in the Dutch embassy in Moscow had his home invaded by vandals who wrote “LGBT” in lipstick on a mirror. Finally, Russia arrested 30 Greenpeace seagoers—most of them crew, eight of them activists, and two journalists—for scaling an offshore Russian oil rig in the Arctic in protest of the drilling.

Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Pravoslavna cerkev in prijatelji se bi šli juče via Harry Potter.


A Russian charity group has made what appears to be a truly amazing animated film. The movie, titled “Children Versus Wizards,” is a Russian chauvinist’s fantasy. It takes place in a world overcome by dark magic and NATO, where Russia alone resists the tide of Western evil.

...Two military cadets, Ivan Tsaritsyn and Petr Tikhogromov, are sent to Scotland, where they’re meant to infiltrate the “Higher Academy of Occult Sciences.” Their mission is to find five Russian orphans who traveled abroad to study at the wizard school. Instead of returning home, however (to their orphanages), these children “began to have a negative attitude toward Russia.” Ivan and Petr are charged with discovering why they turned against their homeland.


Back at the cadet ranch, Ivan and Petr join the muscly Lieutenant Colonel Telegin, a special forces veteran of several wars and “combat operations.” They board a military helicopter and set off for the shores of Scotland, but inclement weather forces them to ditch their aircraft over Kosovo. Luckily, there’s a nearby warehouse hidden in the mountains containing Russian “mini-helicopters” stashed away in 1999.


In a flashback sequence, Telegin treats the boys to a tale of how these helicopters were used to “fight off the bandits” and rescue the locals. When they find the helicopters, Telegin convinces the boys to take a “minor detour” to Greece, where they can get advice from a group of Orthodox priests and receive a blessing.


Once inside the school, Ivan and Petr perform all manner of shenanigans, trying to blend in and outsmart the faculty, while searching for their compatriots. When they find them, all but one of them are “no longer Russian, but [merely] Russian-speaking.” They have “renounced everything in mankind that saves his humanity,” and they now “serve dark forces.”


Flying away from the burning castle, the heroes are confronted by NATO warships, deployed by the university’s demented headmaster. As they fall within the crosshairs of the vessels below, the children begin to pray together. A moment later, a bunch of Russian nuclear submarines surface, and the NATO ships immediately retreat.

The film is the work of the St. Sergius of Radonezh Charity Foundation, an organization that says its primary function is providing support to orphans, handicapped persons, and veterans.
On its website, the group says it produced “Children Versus Wizards” with help from the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox publishing house “Foma,” and the Suvorov Military School, as well as the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Culture.

Ampak na srečo precej Rusov tega sranja ne misli požret.

On Vkontakte, where the film’s page now has 340 members, the vast majority of the comments are negative, if not downright abusive. Despite a devoted contingent of fans (many of whom seem to be familiar with the books), most Internet users appear to think “Children Versus Wizards” is a poorly animated piece of “patriotic trash.”
In August 2014, the YouTube blogger PisiMISSED posted a 10-minute review of Zervas’ original book, mocking its plot, racism, Russian chauvinism, and poor writing. The video has almost 75,000 views.



10. maj 2014

The amount of radioactive cesium-137 was a thousand times the normal air in Helsinki on Thursday and Friday, March 3-4.
By the amount was equal was probably related to the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. After the nuclear accident at Fukushima in Japan in 2011, the amount of ten times less
Ikäheimonen says that the radioactive cesium has come with the wind, which has blown from the east and southeast.


Caesium-137, cesium-137, or radiocaesium, is a radioactive isotope of caesium which is formed as one of the more common fission products by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 and other fissionable isotopes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
Caesium-137 in the environment is substantially anthropogenic (human-made). Unlike most other radioisotopes, caesium-137 is not produced from the same element's nonradioactive isotopes but as a byproduct of the nuclear fission of much heavier elements,[17] meaning that until the building of the first artificial nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1, in late 1942, it had not occurred on Earth in significant amounts for approximately 1.7 billion years.

Najprej bi pomislil na severnokorejski test, ampak malo me moti, da je bil že dva meseca nazaj.


2. mar 2010
Bilo.Eno cementarno so hoteli zapreti.
Vendar je posnetek tudi po enem letu zadnjega ogleda še vedno epski, ko oligarhi kot šolarčki sedijo pred Vladom.

Nekaj takega bi potrebovali v Eu in krvavo tudi v Slo.


10. maj 2014
Na Slovaškem so skrajni desničarji prišli v parlament. Pričakujem zgražanje na RT, 3,2,1...


Neo-Nazi party makes an electoral breakthrough in Slovakia


Marian Kotleba during a commemoration of the death anniversary of a Slovak general in May 2006

Marian Kotleba refers to Roma as “gypsy parasites”, reveres a Nazi war criminal as a “national hero” and has advocated a state where minorities are stripped of their rights. And as of this weekend, he leads Slovakia’s fifth-most popular political party.
In one of the biggest surprises of Saturday’s election, more than 200,000 Slovakians cast ballots for the neo-Nazi People’s Party Our Slovakia (L’SNS) - including 23 per cent of first-time voters.


His party manifesto rejects EU membership, sees Nato and the US as “criminal” organisations, decries western democracy as a propagator of “dangerous sects and sexual deviations” and calls for a national militia to protect ethnic Slovaks.

A ne, tile so pa OK? EU in NATO rušijo od znotraj.

No, ga imamo, ampak jim pač pride prav.


Prvi komentar:

Hello, (I write from Slovakia) M. Kotleba not Nazi .. He wants the sovereignty of Slovakia, wants out of the EU and NATO. He supports Russian, Slavic and President Putin. He wrote a congratulations letter to pr. Putin when he got back to Crimea. The EU wants to defame Kotleba because it wants to give Slovakia away from the EU.

Gliha vkup štiha, ne?
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Tole postaja sumljivo, govori se, da je bil v Washingtonu, ker je želel čivkat in s tem doseč odpravo sankcij.


A former spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin who co-founded a Kremlin-backed news outlet died in a Washington hotel room of blunt force trauma to the head last November, according the office of D.C.’s medical examiner.

The Thursday revelation runs counter to previous reports that Mikhail Lesin's November death was due to a heart attack, and is likely to reignite accusations that foul play may have been involved.

A joint statement from the Washington Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the Metropolitan Police Department claimed that Lesin, 59, also suffered “blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities," which contributed to his death.

The incident “remains an active ... investigation," the police department added.

Lesin’s Nov. 5 death at the Dupont Circle Hotel in November sparked a series of conspiracy theories. The Daily Beast reported in January that he may have been trying to cut a deal with the FBI to avoid money laundering and anti-corruption laws, in exchange for intelligence about the inner workings of Putin’s government.

In the early 2000s, Lesin was known as a particularly aggressive spokesman for Putin, and was reportedly nicknamed the “Bulldozer” because of his ability to get Russian media outlets to fall in line. While advising Putin, he also helped to create RT, a pro-Russian English-language news channel.


6. sep 2007
In? Je to kaj novega, da se žvižgače eliminira?

V USA lobiji brez težav eliminirajo tudi lastnega predsednika, če je to pač v skladu z njihovimi interesi (J.F.K.) tako da ne dvomim, da bi USA v identičnem primeru ravnala enako ter preprečila odtekanje informacij
Sem ter tja jim pa tudi ne uspe (Snowden).


10. maj 2014


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Clintonova pa ni žvižgač.

Assange in Snowden pa bi že ždela kje v temnici, če bi uspeli priti do njiju, tako kot Manning.


6. sep 2007
Recimo, da so Rusi res eliminirali tega tipa. V tem primeru gre za drugačen primer kot pri USA žvižgačih, saj je do eliminacije prišlo pred izdajo, Američani pa so imeli probleme s temi ljudmi PO izdaji. In če bi takrat ti ljudje začeli umirati, bi bilo ljudem lepo jasno kako in kaj in se nebi zgolj ugibalo, kot se ugiba v primeru smrti tega Rusa v ZDA. Če bi Ameri vedeli za Snowdena preden bi prišlo do izteka informacij sem prepričan, da bi se celoten svenarij odvil povsem drugače.

Ampak ok, v tej temi ti še naprej lepo prikazuj kot nekaj izjemno posebnega ter groznega na tem našem planetu. Be afraid, be very afraid