Putinova Rusija


17. feb 2016
Tako finci kot svedi se bolj malo sekirajo zarad rusov, definitivno pa manj kot marsikateri na tem forumu.


2. mar 2010

Ruska vojska izvaja nenapovedane manevre (vaje) ob finski meji. 30 000 vojakov, 3800 enot tehnike, 100 letal. Spodnja slika je menda narejena s Finske


Kaj je tvoj vir za lokacijo vaj ?

Na wiki sem pogledal naslovnice prvih 3 finskih časopisov, nikjer niti sledu novici.
Most valuable newspaper brands in Finland as of 2009

Na http://tass.ru piše na se bodo akcije odvijale v

Военно-транспортная и армейская авиация отработает задачи высадки оперативного и тактического воздушных десантов
на полигонах Тоцкое, Песочное, Сельцы, аэродроме Клоково
с задействованием самолетов и вертолетов"


Voyenno-transportnaya i armeyskaya aviatsiya otrabotayet zadachi vysadki operativnogo i takticheskogo vozdushnykh desantov
na poligonakh Totskoye, Pesochnoye, Sel'tsy, aerodrome Klokovo
s zadeystvovaniyem samoletov i vertoletov"

lokacije so napisane v drugi vrsti.
Z znanjem slovanskega jezika imamo prednost, da lahko vsaj približno razumemo ruščino, če znamo vsaj prebrati azbuko in jo poslušati fonetično.


"Aircraft operational-tactical aircraft will perform the task of air support of troops with practical bombing on the range Totskoe. Military transport and army aviation fulfills tasks landing operational and tactical air landings in landfills Totskoe, Sandy, hamlet, airport Klokovo taking advantage of aircraft and helicopters" - noted in the Ministry of Defense.

google iskanje z ruskimi imeni lokacij (Тоцкое, Песочное, Сельцы, аэродроме Клоково)

Nikjer blizu Finske meje

Slike iz twitter.com https://images.google.com/ ne najde.

Finski predsednik je bil v včeraj na obisku pri Putinu, kjer so se dogovorili, da se severna migrantska stran zapre.



10. maj 2014


Russian air force exercise lights can be seen on the eastern border far to Finland. The Border Guard has received inquiries from many citizens on the matter.

Near the eastern border of the Russian side of the glow of the lights in the sky balls attracted attention in Finnish on Tuesday night, and especially later at night near the eastern border.

Lappeenranta resident Tanja Niemimuukko your image reflected in the eastern Journey lights Tuesday at 20 after Penttilä village. He says to have seen during the 15-20 minutes several indicator lights. He told them that was also reflected last year.

The citizens also sent their observations border guards.

- We got a lot of sightings on Tuesday night. The first observations were Pyhäjärvi area, North Karelia Border Guard General Director, Captain Jan-Petri Kovanen told Ilta-Sanomat on Wednesday morning.

According to Kovanen lights is about is about the annual military exercises with the Russian Air Force.

- Later in the night we were watching Tohmajärvi-Niirala axis. Yesterday's survey, it has been discovered that there are likely to be associated with the lights paint devices, Kovanen says.

Russian air forces are practicing aerial combat or Ladoga Ladoga-2016 exercises involving some 50 pilots, and is accompanied by, inter alia, the MiG-29SMT, MiG-31BM and Su-27 fighters.

- For example, last night was the cold weather and the clear sky. Russian air military exercise the lights could be seen very far from the Finnish side, Kovanen estimate.



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Ne vem sicer, v cem je problem, ampak a ni NATO pred kratkim imel vojaske vaje na severni meji Norveske z Rusijo?


10. maj 2014
Vaja je bila v centralni Norveški, stotine kilometrov od meje.


Cold Response 2016 is held in the Tr​øndelag counties in Central Norway from 19 February to 22 March. The main exercise phase lasted from 2 to 9 March. 15​,000 soldiers from 14 ​nations ​participate​​.​​

This year, the following nations participate in Cold Response: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland​, ​Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands​, Pol​​​and, Spain, Sweden, the USA, the United Kingdom and Norway.​​ In addition, there are several ​participating units from NAT​O.


Poleg tega je bila napovedana v naprej, v skladu z


Rusi pa radi na hitro naredijo uzbuno par 10k vojakom in jih po možnosti pošljejo k meji. Super za stabilnost odnosov.


25. avg 2007
Žan Mahnič: Slovenija je tarča ruskega hibridnega vojskovanja

»V slovenskih medijih je mogoče zaslediti veliko proruskih in kontra-ameriških stališč predvsem v primeru krize v Siriji in Iraku in krize v Ukrajini. Danes smo dobili potrditev, da so tu aktivne ruske obveščevalne službe in da targetirajo tudi nekatere slovenske novinarje, ki jim ob tem asistirajo,« je dejal predsednik odbora za obrambo.

Ob tem je še izpostavil, da je v prihodnosti, pred obiskom ruskega predsednika Putina v Sloveniji, mogoče pričakovati, da se bo na tržišču pojavil nek nov spletni medij, na katerem bodo objavljene večinoma ruske novice v slovenskem jeziku, »ki bodo služile predvsem propagandi in temu, da bo ruska stran skušala vnesti neko prorusko mnenje v slovenski medijski prostor.«


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Super za stabilnost odnosov.

Hočeš reči, da to, da američani konstantno prakticirajo stabilnost na ruskih mejah z vojaškimi vajami, med tem, ko rusi na svojem ozemlju ne smejo - pa tudi če je to ob meji?
Koliko vojaških vaj je imel NATO lansko leto na meji z Rusijo? Črno morje, Ukrajina, baltske države, kje še? Saj so se kar vrstile ena za drugo.

Kdo hodi na mejo koga? Ali imajo rusi vojaške vaje v bližini ameriških meja?

Pa pismu, saj imajo američani 300.000 vojakov v Evropi.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Eto, poleg vaje, ki si jo navedel, to je cold response, so imeli lansko leto še vajo Arctic Challenge:


The maneuvers called Arctic Challenge will span 12 days, starting May 25, and include nine countries and close to 100 planes. The drills, over Sweden and northern Norway, come amid increased tensions between Russia and its Baltic and Nordic neighbors.


10. maj 2014
Ne razumeš oz. nočeš razumet.

NATO vaje so napovedane naprej, ponavadi so povabljeni ruski opazovalci, vse je transparentno. Poleg tega so se pričele kot odgovor na ruske manevre.

Rusija pa ob 7ih zjutraj vrže pokonci par tisoč vojakov ob 12 pa o tem poroča TASS. Saj 100x ne bo nič, stoprvič pa lahko potegnejo naprej, npr. v Estonijo.

december 2014


Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered snap military drills for Russian armed forces in the Baltic region to test Russia's "battle-readiness", a ministry of defence spokesperson told Russian news agency Interfax today.
The drill took place between the 5th and 10th December, as servicemen were called to assume battle-stations in Kaliningrad without warning at 7am Moscow time on the 5th December.
The drills consisted of 9,000 servicemen, 642 military vehicles, including 250 tanks and APCs, over 100 artillery units, 55 warships and the Iskander ballistic missile system.

marec 2015


Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops placed on full combat readiness in snap drills in western Russia, as Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned the country was facing new threats to its security.

Some 38,000 troops, 41 warships, 15 submarines and 110 aircraft are involved in the exercises, Shoigu said on Monday, according to a Russian Defense Ministry statement.

julij 2015


2,000 Russian servicemen from its Airborne troops (VDV) have been taking part in landing combat drills near the country's border with Estonia and Latvia.

The VDV troopers, usually stationed in the Tulskaya region, began the exercise yesterday and it has continued throughout today, incorporating combat as well as landing maneuvers.

itn. itd.

NATO vaje so vedno lepo stran od ruskih meja, razen ko to fizično ni mogoče, v baltskih državah recimo. Američani imajo v Evropi 64 500 vojakov, v zadnjih 25 letih se je številka močno zmanjšala.


uradni podatki s 30. septembra 2015, excel tabela



10. maj 2014
Ekola, Estonci se učijo.


In the stream of Russian snap drills that have come to be part of the ”new normal”, news broke today of a more surprising snap exercise, held by Kaitsevägi, the Estonian Defence Forces. In a surprise move, Estonia has launched an unannounced exercise involving the whole standing army made up of two infantry brigades, the aptly named 1. and 2. Jalaväebrigaad (est. infantry brigade). The exercise does not include calling up reservists.

What is truly astonishing is the rapid expansion undertaken by the Estonian Defence Forces as a whole. Before the Russian invasion of Crimea the Estonian army consisted of a single light infantry brigade, featuring wheeled transports in the form of the Patria (Sisu) XA-180EST and XA-188 APC as the only vehicles with any kind of armour protection, and while a nice long-term expansion plan had been drawn up already in 2007, little of this had materialised.
However, everything changed with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and a number of planned procurements shifted into high gear. These included the acquisition of surplus CV9035NL infantry fighting vehicles from the Netherlands (also source of the earlier XA-188) and modern Javelin anti-tank missiles, of which especially the former is a key element in the 1. Jalaväebrigaad’s transformation into a (light) mechanised brigade. The years since have also seen the delivery of the first Mistral M3 short-range air defence missiles, which together with the Saab Giraffe radars they are networked to significantly boosts the integral air defence capability of the 1. Brigade.

The numbers have also grown, with the Kaitseliit (volunteer Defence League, roughly corresponding to the National Guard) receiving a record number of applicants in 2015 and crucially the 2. Jalaväebrigaad being activated in 2014.
While Tallinn might be worried about their eastern neighbour, they are certainly not going to just lay flat in the hope of not provoking the bear. Instead, they are doing the best they can to plug the holes identified in the capabilities of their armed forces. The fact that certain key capabilities, such as air policing, are provided by NATO, means that they seem to be doing quite well with the limited resources they can muster with 2% of the GDP.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Mogoče je hladna vojna še najboljše, kar lahko imamo.
Meje so bile nadzorovane, vedelo se je, kdo je 'sovražnik' in ti niso od zadaj vpadale razne Al Kaide in ISIS-i, okolje pa je bilo bolj stabilno, uravnoteženo in tekmovalno.


10. maj 2014

BBC Says Russia's ‘Troll Factory’ Faked a Video Showing a US Soldier Shooting at a Koran

The video seems to show a man dressed as a US soldier firing three shots into a copy of the Koran. It appeared online in September 2015, generating unusual interest in Russia, prompting strong criticism from the country’s Muslim community. According to an investigative report by the BBC’s Russian-language service, the footage was actually staged by St. Petersburg’s infamous “troll factory,” the Agency for Internet Studies.


When only three bullets hit the target, the man behind the camera, using highly obscene language and speaking with an accent that does not sound American, says the weapon is inaccurate. The video, which is interspersed with grammatically incorrect captions, concludes with the statement, “This is one more prove that only American weapons are the best ever [sic].”

The BBC also notes that the man wears an Ops-Core FAST Base Jump helmet, instead of a US military helmet. (The helmet, moreover, bears a patch reading, “INFIDEL STRONG.”) The YouTube account that posted the video is registered under the unusual name “Mayaese Johnson,” who on Google Plus claims to be employed at a high school in Moscow.

Elsewhere on Google Plus, the BBC reports, there are roughly another 50 accounts with the first name “Mayaese,” and many of those individuals also say they work at high schools in Moscow. Their Google Plus accounts are blank, created (it seems) to add “likes” to videos on YouTube, the BBC speculates.


The first media outlet to draw attention to the video, the BBC says, was a website called People’s News, which is registered at 55 Savushkina Street in St. Petersburg—the same address as the Agency for Internet Studies, Russia’s infamous “troll factory.”


The BBC even says it’s found a man who resembles the gunman in the video, having discovered his photograph by searching on Instagram for photos geotagged near 55 Savushkina Street. British journalists say the man, who works as a bartender in St. Petersburg, is friends with a woman who’s known to be employed by the “troll factory.”

He—and everyone else thought to work for the trolls—refused to speak to the BBC.

Otročje, napak na zalogo, naglas je očitno afriški. Vseeno, če vidijo pravi, bi bil rezultat lahko par mrtvih, ne nujno Arabcev.


Hehe, zna bit pravi


Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Še vse Mayaese na Google+


Seksi bejbe z zanimivimi naslovi, samo par komadov

Mayaese Bawerman
Scout Records, Volzhsky Bulvar, d. 6, k. 3, Mauritius

Mayaese Timmons
School number 58 - 121352, Slavic Boulevard, d. 14, k. 4, Cuban National Ballet School, Jordan

Mayaese Kennedy
School number 58 - 121352, Slavic Boulevard, d. 14, k. 4, Cuban National Ballet School, Lesotho

Mayaese Jeffree
Adjuster musical instruments, st. Klyazminskoe, d. 8a, Barbados

Mayaese Fisher
Paleontologist, School-externship number 150 - 125167, Leningradsky Prospekt, d. 46, Egypt

Mayaese Bosworth
EZ Loader Boat Trailers Inc., Petrovsky-Razumovsky pr., D. 27, Papua New Guinea

Mayaese Livingston
Balaclava ave., D. 6, Serbia and Montenegro

Mayaese Shackley
st. Young Leninists, d. 40, k. 4, Nepal


Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Uporabnik erikson pravi:
Žan Mahnič: Slovenija je tarča ruskega hibridnega vojskovanja

»V slovenskih medijih je mogoče zaslediti veliko proruskih in kontra-ameriških stališč predvsem v primeru krize v Siriji in Iraku in krize v Ukrajini. Danes smo dobili potrditev, da so tu aktivne ruske obveščevalne službe in da targetirajo tudi nekatere slovenske novinarje, ki jim ob tem asistirajo,« je dejal predsednik odbora za obrambo.

Ob tem je še izpostavil, da je v prihodnosti, pred obiskom ruskega predsednika Putina v Sloveniji, mogoče pričakovati, da se bo na tržišču pojavil nek nov spletni medij, na katerem bodo objavljene večinoma ruske novice v slovenskem jeziku, »ki bodo služile predvsem propagandi in temu, da bo ruska stran skušala vnesti neko prorusko mnenje v slovenski medijski prostor.«

Mahniæ je naletel na alter

In Pacmana


10. maj 2014
Zgoraj sem pozabil odgovorit.

Se kar strinjam s SDS-ovcem. Nekih profesionalnih trolov v komentarjih ne vidim, to področje je pokrito s slovenčki na dieti hrvaških, srbskih in rusko-anglosaksonskih medijev. Da pa poskušajo vplivat na oblikovalce javnega mnenja je pa edino odgovorno od Rusije. Ni lepo ali v našo korist, ampak razumem. Smo le članica EU, naš glas šteje popolnoma enako kot nemški.

Verjetno se lahko zraven šteje all-inclusive gostovanje POP-TVjevcev v Donetsku, zelo sumljiva je tudi Polona F. Ves čas ukrajinskega konflikta je strogo sledila kremeljski liniji fašisti-antifašisti/državni udar/državljanska vojna, po pranju umazanega perila na FB pa je bila udeležena tudi pri projektu geopolitika.si. Ekskluzivne fotke Snowdena so prav tako zanimive. Če nič drugega, je z njimi pristala na radarju ruskih agencij.


Veliko in iskreno opravičilo bralcem. Spletna stran geopolitika je, kot ste opazili, izginila s spleta.
To se je zgodilo zaradi nedoumljive geste mojih bivših "sodelavcev". Bila sta dva, ki sta se sicer ves čas skrivala v ozadju.
Zdaj lahko javno povem, kdo sta ti dve osebi, na bralce geopolitike.si pa apeliram, da delite objavo in ju vprašate, čemu takšno destruktivno ravnanje.
To sta bila Polona Frelih, novinarka Dela in njen "tip" Aleksander Sotov, bojda zaposlen na Amnesty International, Slovenija.
Geopolitika je bila zasnovana na soglasju in medsebojnem spoštovanju. Vsa ta obljubljena pravila pa sta omenjena človeka prekršila, poteptala in uničila naše preteklo delo, kjer je bila velika večina vsebin plod mojega avtorskega dela.
Vsem bralcem spletne strani geopolitika.si se zahvaljujem za izjemno pozornost in zvestobo! Obenem napovedujem, da se ne bom predal, ampak se bom še naprej boril in prizadeval za vrnitev domene geopolitika.si in nadaljevanje objav, ki razbijajo enostranski diskurz v slovenskem medijskem prostoru.
Aleš Kocjan

Če ugibam, je bilo, dokler so srali po zahodu, vse okej, nato pa se je z jesenjo pričel begunjski val in sranje po njem. Malo neopravičljiva pozicija za progresivno novinarko Dela in uslužbenca AI.


10. maj 2014

Elton John, J Lopez, Beyonce, Enrique Iglesias and Patricia Kaas are apparently all singing at one wedding tonight, in Moscow.

Father of the groom was charged a-la Khodorkovsky but somehow managed to have it "resolved" and Russneft was handed back to him..Odd story.

I knew i was forgetting someone...Sting, too.

Father of the groom "We've been looking for right bride for my son 4 years. So Beyonce, Sting & J-Lo are singing at an arranged marriage?

Putinstan - paradiž delavskega razreda. Če kasiraš par mio na večer.


Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev (Russian: Михаи́л Сафарбе́кович Гуцери́ев; b. March 9, 1958) is an Ingush-Russian entrepreneur, businessman and poet. He is the owner of “Russneft”,NK "Neftisa", OAO “Russian Coal”, ZAO “Mospromstroy” and also GCM Global Energy, a British company, with annual revenue of $1 billion (controlling large oil assets in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan). Gutseriev also owns large assets in real estate including the “National” Hotel and luxury shopping centres such as Petrovskiy,Smolenskiy and Novinskiy Passage. In 2012 Gutseriev began to invest into the media business, and has acquired 7 radio stations thus far.

According to Forbes, Gutseriev has a personal fortune of $2.4 billion.


The owner of JSC "RussNeft" had to spend a considerable sum, to make her son's wedding memorable. As we found out LifeNews, invited to a private party J.Lo worth 5 million euros, and Elton John - seven.


Forbes has named seven leaders Gutserievs rating 2015 Russia's richest families. Their state last year was estimated at 4.85 billion dollars.