Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
Nora hiša.


There’s Only One Country That Isn’t Worried About a Trump Presidency

Ever since it began to look as though Donald Trump might have an actual prayer of becoming president, there has been a steady stream of stories about foreign diplomats and other officials contacting their US counterparts to express their discomfort at the prospect of The Donald wielding the power of the White House.

However, a new survey by YouGov, working for the German business publisher Handelsblatt, found that there is at least one country in the G20 where Trump is the preferred candidate in a matchup between the billionaire, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

That country, it will come as little surprise to anyone who has followed the long-distance flirtation between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, is Russia.



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Zakaj nora hiša?

Če imaš na drugi strani mize papka, kaj je to boljšega zate. Po eni strani si bliateralno močnejši, po drugi strani, pa kot je tvoj graf pokazal, se bodo od papka distancirale ostale države.

Double win.

Ne pozabi, Putin dela za dobro Rusije, ne ZDA.

Za ZDA pa ne vem, kateri je slabši - Trump ali Hillary. Kje je nora hiša?


10. maj 2014

A tanker from Louisiana loaded with U.S. natural gas is en route to Portugal, the first shipment in a trade relationship that could shake up the European market.

The 970-foot long Creole Spirit, carrying liquefied natural gas, is expected to arrive by the end of April, according to shipping data and people familiar with the matter.

In Europe, American gas will add to a swell in supply in a crowded market long dominated by Russia. Analysts predict that the arrival of U.S. gas could trigger a price war, leading to lower prices for consumers that could act as a shot in the arm for the struggling European economy.

“It’s the start of the price war between U.S. LNG and pipeline gas,” said Thierry Bros, an analyst at Société Générale.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Si naročen na WSJ? Sprašujem, ker jaz pridem le do drugega odstavka.


10. maj 2014
Gugl je lep obvoz


Vmes so še dodali

At current prices, U.S. LNG delivered to Europe would cost around $4.30 per million British thermal units, according to price reporting agency Argus. Russia sells its gas to Europe for $5.80, on average. However, analysts say that Russia could drastically lower prices in a price war, to below $3.

Ameriški LNG je trenutno 26% cenejši od povprečne cene ruskega plina v Evropi. Naj se gredo solit, banda skorumpirana.


10. maj 2014
Kadirov je imel fevd z rodbino Yamadayev. Zanimiva zgodba, sploh v povezavi z nemtsovim umorom.


Dzhabrail Yamadayev (16 June 1970 - 5 March 2003) was a Chechen rebel field commander during the First Chechen War. He switched sides together with his brothers, Ruslan and Sulim in 1999 during the outbreak of the Second Chechen War and then became the commander of the Russian special forces unit Vostok. Yamadayev was assassinated by a bomb blast in March 2003.


On 5 March 2003, Dzhabrail Yamadayev was killed along with three of his bodyguards in his own house in the village of Dyshne-Vedeno by a bomb planted under a couch that he slept on after returning from a two-day operation in the mountains. The explosion was so powerful that the house was almost completely destroyed. President of Russia Vladimir Putin awarded Dzhabrail a posthumous medal and title of the Hero of the Russian Federation, while Dzabrail's brother Sulim took over his command (which in the fall of 2003 was upgraded to a spetsnaz battalion subordinated to GRU, the Russian military intelligence).

According to the 2006 statement by the rebel leader Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, pro-Moscow Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov and his father Akhmad were behind the killing of Dzhabrail Yamadayev, and his brother Sulim later killed four of Dzhabrail's personal bodyguards who were involved in his murder.


Ruslan (Khalid or Halid)[1] Bekmirzayevich Yamadayev (Russian: Руслан (Халид) Бекмирзаевич Ямадаев) (10 December 1961 – 24 September 2008) was a Chechen military leader and politician. A member of the high-profile Yamadayev clan, he was assassinated in Moscow in 2008.[2][3][4][5][6][7] Yamadayev was one of the Kremlin's most loyal allies.[8]


On 24 September 2008, Ruslan Yamadayev was assassinated on Smolenskaya Embankment in central Moscow near the Russian White House[13] when returning from a meeting in the Kremlin.[14] He was shot ten times while sitting in a car owned by his brother Sulim Yamadayev.


Sulim Bekmirzayevich Yamadayev (Russian: Сули́м Бекмирза́евич Ямада́ев; 21 June 1973 – 30 March 2009) was a Chechen rebel commander from the First Chechen War who had switched sides together with his brothers Dzhabrail, Badrudi, Isa and Ruslan in 1999 during the outbreak of the Second Chechen War. He was de facto commander of the Russian military Special Battalion Vostok unit belonging to the GRU. As such, until 2008, he was officially in command of the biggest pro-Moscow militia outside the control of the current Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov.[1] From 1 to 22 August August 2008 Yamadayev was wanted in Russia on a federal warrant. Nevertheless, he served as one of the Russian military commanders in Russia's war with Georgia during the same period.[2]


On 29 March 2009, Sulim Yamadayev was reported to be the victim of an assassination in Dubai,[18] where he lived for several months as Suleiman Yamadayev and/or Suleyman Madov; his two bodyguards said he was shot in the back of the neck in an underground garage. The police attempted to detain a Russian citizen in connection with the attack, but the suspect was able to flee.


On 5 April 2009, the Dubai police accused Adam Delimkhanov of ordering the assassination. Delimkhanov is a member of the Russian State Duma for the United Russia party and Kadyrov's cousin and a close associate. He denied the accusation, saying it was "a provocation and an attempt to destabilize conditions in the Chechen Republic."[25] Later, the Interpol has issued arrest warrants for seven Russian citizens in connection with the killing. Besides Delimkhanov, Zelimkhan Mazayev, Elimpasha Khatsuyev, Salman Kimayev, Tirpal Kimayev, Ramazan Musiev and Marvan Kimayev were named as being wanted for "crimes against life and health".[26]


10. maj 2014
Vzhodni rob nata se praktično cel počuti ogrožen.



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Praktično se počutita 'ogroženi' dve državi. To sta tisti dve, ki mejita na Kaliningradsko oblast. Mogoče kaj pripravljata?

Ne vem pa, od koga se počutita ogroženi npr. Romunija in Slovaška. Mogoče od Ukrajine?


10. maj 2014

This. Stop doing this.

For many years, one of my most passionate subjects was the “Eastern front” of WWII. (...) Naturally, actually moving to Russia, with its abundance of sources and information often not published outside of the Former Soviet Union, was a sort of kid-in-a-candy-store experience. For about six of my nearly ten years here, I was obsessed with the idea of writing a novel or screenplay that I hoped would lead to the production of a film about Stalingrad. My vision was to create a Soviet version of something like Band of Brothers or The Pacific. (...) In the autumn of 2013 I put the idea on hold. By 2014 I didn’t want to hear anything about the Second World War at all. That feeling hasn’t changed either.

How did this come about? Well as I said before, living in Russia is great for an enthusiast of the Great Patriotic War. (...) Still, in my early years in Russia, the years when the hedonism and consumerism of the elite was openly flaunted, I couldn’t help but feel discomfort at the contradiction inherent in Russia’s celebration of the Soviet victory. (...)

It’s really hard to pinpoint the moment when I went over the peak, though today I saw a reminder of why this topic that I used to love has become such an anathema to me.

Ukraine Today somewhat sensationally reported on a Russian public service announcement featuring a video wherein modern Russian children meet the “ghost” of a Russian child who apparently died during the war. The ghost is wearing a Red Army uniform.

The key part of the video is when the kids ask the “ghost” whether he was afraid to die, and he says: “That’s not important. What’s important is that we won.”

This theme of involving children in the story of the war is more common than some might think. Back in 2013 I participated in a massive WWII reenactment called Pole Boya (Field of Battle). All participants received some gift swag, and among the various videos was a sort of documentary about the war, which can be viewed here:

As you no doubt noticed, the narrator is an annoying little kid. (...)

The video had got me thinking and a bit later I started to see this as something very inappropriate. What is the reason for having a little kid trying to describe World War II? (...) Little kids and war don’t mix; whenever they do, war wins and little kids end up losing, badly too. And keep in mind this wasn’t intended to be a historical festival for children either. So what was the purpose?


Back to the video, where our ghost kid says “What’s important is that we won.” This is the message the Russian government wants everyone to grasp. All that’s important is that “they won.” Don’t ask at what cost or question the wisdom of turning a national tragedy into a festive, commercialized celebration. Don’t actually learn about what the fascists believed or why they attacked the Soviet Union and behaved the way they did- what’s important is that anyone who goes against Russia is a fascist. Otherwise you might note an inconvenient similarity between the beliefs of the Nazis and the ideals that are preached by the current Russian government and its paid ideologues. Whatever you do, never ask why it is the case that in a nation that supposedly “won” the war, the people experience living standards far below those of Germany and Japan, two countries that lost the war. Never question as to why the veterans of the losing Wehrmacht better off than those of the victorious Red Army. Do not inquire as to what happened to the riches from the sale of Russia’s vast resources in the past quarter century, or more importantly, in the past 16 years.

No. What’s important is that “they won.” Don’t think. Adopt the mindset of a child, someone who cannot possibly understand war in general, let alone the worst war in human history. Pin on the tsarist black and orange ribbons, watch the parades of military vehicles paid for at the expense of education, healthcare, and pensions, and drink yourself stupid on the street. Go ahead and put obscene window decals that liken the war to anal rape on your car. Pay no attention to the fact that “you” didn’t do jack shit to win the war and your grandpa might not appreciate such a vulgar metaphor.

None of that is important. What’s important is that “we” won.



10. maj 2014
Rusija v enem članku/naslovu.


St. Petersburg welcomes Neo-Nazis in May Day parade, while police arrest gay activists

Police at St. Petersburg's Labor Day parade arrested nearly 20 activists from Russia's LGBT community earlier today, according to the news agency FlashNord.

“The young people were arrested after they unfurled a rainbow flag on Nevsky Prospect,” said an eyewitness.


Meanwhile, St. Petersburg's Legislative Assembly allowed the Neo-Nazi movement “Slavic Power Northwest” (an offshoot of another group that's been banned in Russia) to march in the city's Labor Day parade. The Neo-Nazis marched under the slogan “For the unity of Slavs and the White Race!”



"Moč v enotnosti," iz njihovega VK albuma.

Antifašizem? Kak antifašizem?


18. jun 2008
Tudi med enakimi so eni enakopravnejši kot drugi. Enim je dovoljeno več, druge bi pa na grmadi žgali za popolnoma isto stvar.


10. maj 2014


A couple of hours ago, Gawker posted a hilariously lurid and Pulp Fiction-esque story about a robber who broke into a hair salon in a small town in Russia, where he was knocked out by the blonde, 28-year-old female salon owner—who happened to be a black belt—tied to a radiator with a cord from a dryer (it was a hair salon!), stuffed full of Viagra, and forced to have sex with her for three days—all presumably against his will.


The problem? The entire wacky incident happened over two years ago, in April of 2009. Here is the Moscow Times story on it. The story wasn’t exactly underreported, either. Google “sex slave Moscow hair salon” and over 200,000 results come up, all of them dated April 2009. Well, except for Gawker’s item and one other media outlet’s—the Daily Mail in the UK, which the Gawker item links to.

The Daily Mail also acts like the Russian sex slave incident just happened today (both items are dated July 12, 2011).


So good that The Moscow Times questions whether the outlet that originally posted the story, Life.ru, wasn’t making it up. (The Moscow Times piece links to the Life.ru story, but that link is now dead. In fact, I couldn’t find anything called Life.ru, just Lifenews.ru.)


As I wrote on Tuesday in my blog “Same Old Sex Slave, Brand New Gawker Story,” Gawker and The Daily Mail in the UK both published a sensationalistic story about a man who broke into a hair salon...

Today, the story is spreading quicker than Viagra through the bloodstream. Many more media outlets, including Slate and various Russian papers, have repeated the story. PerezHilton gets so upset that he editorializes about how “disgusting” it is. Commenters on many sites are heatedly debating over whether or not a woman can rape a man. And, in a game of sex slave telephone, each outlet is adding their own little twist to the story. The Irish Independent, for example, claims that the salon owner kicked the robber in the privates.


All these media outlets are taking their information directly from the July 12 Daily Mail story. The problem is that this story—and it’s quite a whopper—is over two years old. It first appeared in April 2009 in The Moscow Times, which even questions if it’s real, noting that Life.ru, which originally posted the police complaint, has been “setting the bar high for sensationalist scoops.” The Moscow Times then links to the complaint on Life.ru, but that link is now dead. Life.ru is now Lifenews.ru, and since it’s in Russian, I had my Russian-speaking friend do a search for the complaint, which was supposedly on the site. No dice.

Something that looks like a police complaint (or a scribbled-on napkin, depending) can be found on a site called News.ru, which got its information from Life.ru, but it is too blurry to read. There’s also a picture of a man and a woman, with their faces blurred. Is this the rapist and her sex slave? Who can tell?


One bit of new information the Daily Mail published that was not in the original April 2009 Moscow Times story nor the April 2009 News.ru story that summarized the Life.ru story, was the last names of the hair salon rapist and her sex slave. They went from just Olga and Viktor in the Moscow Times story (and in all of the outlets that picked it up) to Olga Zajac and Viktor Jasinki in the July 12, 2011 Daily Mail story.


So the question is, where did the Daily Mail UK get the last names? And why did they publish a two-and-a-half-year-old story as if it happened two days ago?

I’ve spoken to two different people in the news room of the Daily Mail, and emailed these questions twice. I’m still awaiting a response. Hopefully they can clear up the Russian sex slave mystery once and for all.

Zajac je bolj poljski priimek, poleg tega bi BMHO morala bit Zajtseva or sth, Jasinski tudi ni ravno standardna transliteracija. Yasinsky?


10. maj 2014
Na žalost jih vedno zmanjka. Vse porabijo tisti, ki l. 2016 bluzijo o ruskem antifašizmu. Pa kar ne primejo.


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:

Ja in? Daj mi "pusti malo veselja" no. Jaz ga tudi pustim tebi in ne demantiram vseh tvojih PR-ovskih prispevkov čeprav bi jih lahko ampak je enostavno škoda časa za to.


10. maj 2014
Ne, bom težek. Ker se sicer samo širi meme o Rusih kot malo posebnih supermanih.

Čez vikend se je ženil še kadirov nečak.

Verjetno so podrli rekord za največje srečanje RRjev in S ter G razreda. Vsaj pri RRjih lahko govorimo o par tednih proizvodnje.

Hvala, ruski davkoplačevalci.


10. maj 2014
Na ML/GLE sem pozabil.


Kadyrov marries off his nephew: just count the infinity of luxury cars in the cortege

State-owned Russian media don't even ignore Kadyrov's nephews' obscenely lavish wedding; they cover it as a "cute thing"...incredible.

Chechnya gave explanation for humongous luxury convoy: "these were all unrelated guests, each came in their car"