Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
druga stran:


The United Nations human rights chief said on Thursday that the Russian government had indicated it would close his Moscow office, and he decried what he called the shrinking space for dissent.

In a speech, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein told the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva: "I am concerned about signals received from the government regarding its intention to close our presence in Moscow."

More cooperation with his office, rather than less, was needed "on the subject of the shrinking space for human rights defenders and non-governmental organizations", Zeid said.


10. maj 2014

Usual quality Russian fact checking, RTL.de is German

#Zakharova: The Dutch @RTLde broadcasting company also questioned Bellingcat’s conclusions about the Flight #MH17 crash



10. maj 2014

Russian state TV gets an 'expert' to bash @bellingcat. This 'expert' thinks that no one died during Sandy Hook.



Some of the things that Russia's "expert" thinks were false flags: Sandy Hook, Paris, Ebola (!), Boston, MH17.





Resno, še svoje norce jim izvozimo, en zid okrog in bomo vsi srečni na svojih vrtičkih.


10. maj 2014
severni tok II:


The consortium of companies planning to build the Nord Stream 2 sub-sea pipeline to bring Russian gas to Europe said on Friday it has awarded steel pipe delivery contracts for 2,500 km (1,550 miles) to three firms, completing a tender.

The steel pipes with a total weight of 2.2 million tonnes will be supplied by Europipe GmbH, a joint venture between German steelmakers Salzgitter and Dillinger Huette, with 40 percent of the contract, and Russian companies OMK (33 percent) and Chelpipe (27 percent).

Ampak hec je, da sploh še nimajo dovoljenj. Precej verjetno je, da bo Gazprom, poleg neuporab(lje)nih cevi za južni/turški tok, ostal še s temi.


Proponents of Nord Stream II claim that the project is strictly commercial. However, upon closer examination the project’s business credentials are dubious at best. At an estimated cost of €10 billion at a time when oil prices are at rock bottom, the consortium led by Russian state-owned gas company Gazprom would expand pipeline capacity when half of the existing transit capacity from Russia to the EU is in fact unused.

Also, gas demand in Europe has gone down due to the competition from renewables and coal. Convincing business case, huh? The real goal is geopolitical. The project is to circumvent Ukraine, which the Kremlin views as an unreliable transit state and interfering with its desire for control of its strategic markets. If the pipeline is built, the Ukrainian route would pretty much cease to exist.


Miller also confirmed that a gas plant named Baltic LNG will be built in the Ust-Luga region, with a yearly capacity of 10 million tonnes. British-Dutch Shell is to engage in this project. It might be a rescue vest in case the new gas pipe lines fails, as it can be used for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export not only to Asia, but also to Western Europe.The Russians have high hopes of cooperating with Shell in the LNG sector.


An EIA must be issued before issuing a construction permit. Under the Espoo Convention, the abovementioned countries whose economic zones are crossed by Nord Stream 1 are the project’s host parties, and the parties affected by it are Poland and the Baltic States. Only this convention may refuse to issue the construction permit. However, each of the countries affected may prolong the discussion and demand additional analyses of alternative routes, which according to Espoo would have to be included in the EIA; so such an assessment cannot be prepared without them.


Poland probably still hasthe support of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, which oppose Nord Stream 2 as well. The countries not located on the Baltic Sea also against this project include Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, which signed the ministers’ letter mentioned before.

Russia probably already has the support of Finland and Germany, whose representatives they have met recently; this does not seem to be a coincidence. Whether it will get Denmark’s approval is not known yet. The project was supported by France and the Netherlands, and other Western European countries do not oppose it.


The described corruption mechanism should be discussed by the European Council. It shows clearly that Nord Stream 2 is a political issue. Russia, nevertheless, is attempting to present it as a pure business project, which is an insult to the analysts’ intelligence. They try to strengthen the interpretation that is favourable to them. Moreover, they try to isolate Poland and other opponents of the project and do not refrain from using unmeasurable arguments saying that Poles are prejudiced against Russians.


Time is on the side of Nord Stream 2’s opponents. It may strike a blow at the keystone member of the group supporting the project – Germany. Support or lack of opposition against the gas pipeline is giving rise to increasingly stronger criticism against Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany before the 2017 elections. Obviously, she would not like the election campaign to be dominated by disputes over the Russian gas pipeline with EU allies, who are vital for finding a solution to the migration crisis and wars in Ukraine and Syria.

Nemčija odstopi od severnega toka, vzhodnjaki sprejmejo del beguncev, Rusija ostane s curakom v roki. Win/win/lose.


"Lithuania and Slovenia agree that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline built through the Baltic Sea would violate the principles of the EU energy union, distort competition and the European gas market and would allow Gazprom destroy EU members states' unity," Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite was quoted as saying in a statement released by her office.

Earlier in the day, the Lithuanian president met with her Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor. According to the statement, the two countries backed the creation of an EU energy union and the joint interests in ensuring a variety of energy sources.

To bo prijetno julija.


Claude Turmes, a leading Member of the European Parliament for the Greens party, dropped a bombshell at a Brussels event yesterday (24 February) when he made allegations about Gazprom’s tactics to push the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.

The five Western companies co-investing in Nord Stream 2 were told by Gazprom to stop sending gas through Ukraine entirely as a condition for winning the project, Turmes said.

“Shell, Wingas [a Gazprom-owned subsidiary of Wintershall] and Engie, are pressured by Gazprom not to be allowed to channel gas via Ukraine,” said the outspoken Green MEP from Luxembourg.

“And then the Commission says to me it’s a commercial project. It is lobby-efficient Russian Machiavellianism. This is a political project to divide Europe”.


10. maj 2014
Blut&Boden ne deluje več, sploh če je treba v petek domov


Public sector workers herded to Crimea rally in Moscow today broke through police cordons to leave early, @EvgenyFeldman reports



godovshchina prisoyedineniya Kryma. v tolpe zvuchit: "chto eto za khren'?! ya dumala, pridu, otmechus' i vse" lyublyu etot zhanr

vsegda dumal, chto NOD otnositel'no iskrenniy dvizh, a seychas vizhu lyudey s ikh flagami, svalivayushchikh s mitinga za Krym za poltora chasa do nachala

ya by ne poveril, yesli by sam ne videl: na moikh glazakh tut na mitinge k godovshchine prisoyedineniya Kryma narod prorval kordon, chtoby svalit'

v obshchem, narod svoyego dobilsya, politsiya vypuskayet s mitinga za Krym malen'kimi portsiyami. do yego nachala chas

anniversary of the annexation of Crimea. the crowd is: "What is this crap ?! I thought, I will come, and all marked" love this genre

always thought that the GCD relatively sincere Motion, and now I see people with their flags, dumped from the meeting of the Crimea and a half hours before the start of

I would not have believed it if he had not seen: in front of me here at a rally on the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea people broke through the cordon, to dump

in general, its people have achieved, the police released from the meeting of the Crimea in small portions. hour before it starts

Je.beš Krim, kdo bo zmrzoval do 5ih.


10. maj 2014

President Vladimir Putin said he wants to identify an official who can be hanged if a road leading to a new bridge that will link Crimea to Russia isn’t built, as he complained that nobody wants to take charge of the project.

“There should be a specific person who can be hanged if it’s not done,” Putin said during a visit to Crimea to view construction work on Friday, the second anniversary of Russia’s annexation of the peninsula from Ukraine. Officials keep passing responsibility for the work to colleagues in different ministries, he said.

Itak, najbolj nehvaležen šiht ever.

Predsednik ti grozi s štrikom, zahod z zaprtimi vrati.


10. maj 2014

A leaked election manifesto has revealed that Germany’s vote-winning new anti-immigrant party [AfD] has plans for draconian laws which would discriminate against handicapped children, single mothers, and the mentally ill – and oblige history teachers to end a perceived “over-emphasis” on the Nazi era in schools.

november 2014


On Monday Germany’s mass-circulation Bild newspaper published sections of a paper put out by the Moscow-based think-tank Centre for Strategic Communications entitled “Putin: the new leader of international conservatism”. The paper spelled out how the Russian President could influence EU countries including Germany – the country’s pivotal European trading partner.
The think-tank paper suggested that Moscow could repeat its French FN deal and influence Germany’s newly arrived and increasingly successful right-wing Eurosceptic AfD. The paper recommended funding the AfD with Russian gold, or using the party as a middleman for gold-trading at commission in order to fill its coffers.

Part of the AfD’s anti-euro strategy is to conduct its finances in gold. The party has sold €2.1m-worth of the metal since October. Its deputy leader, Alexander Gauland, is a defector from Ms Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats who has warned repeatedly about a “further weakening of Russia” through Western sanctions. His stance has since divided his party over a so-called “Russian question”.

The Kremlin is also suspected of being behind a Russian-sponsored “peace summit” designed to explain Moscow’s current stance in Ukraine. The summit was held at a luxury hotel in Berlin last weekend, and attended by two members of the neo-Nazi NPD, Mr Gauland and the veteran SPD German detente politician Egon Bahr, in a gesture that embarrassed the SPD leadership.

The peace summit’s star guest was 66-year-old Vladimir Jakunin, the homophobic head of Russia’s rail network, who is a close associate of Mr Putin and one of the few Russians in Moscow’s inner circle who are not on a sanctions list and therefore still able to visit the European Union.
The nominal organiser of the peace summit was the German magazine Compact, which is run by a pro-Kremlin journalist. Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper described the publication as a “right-wing populist magazine with a conspiracy theory bent”. The summit was billed as “the most important summit of the year – peace with Russia”.

Earlier this month Moscow also launched a German version of the pro-Kremlin TV news channel Russia Today. The broadcaster has since been criticised in the German media for using journalists with far-right views. One of them was recently sacked from the German public channel RBB for making anti-Semitic remarks.


2. mar 2010
druga stran kovanca:

Pozabil si omeniti da ZDA & co že v +55 let vohunijo za vsemi ("zavezniki" niso nobena izjema) in vsem, kar se da ujeti v analogen/digitalen način.

echelon press.
oz kar je razkril Snowden je samo vrh ledene gore.


2. mar 2010
Po tej strani se nič kaj ne razlikuje od ZDA trolov tipa foxnews/aipac/alex jones/david icke.


6. sep 2007
Ja pa saj on je točno tak PR troll samo da je njegova "misija" (v narekovajih ali pa tudi ne) konstantno zganjanje antiRUS PR-a in ne toliko izrencen proUSA PR.


10. maj 2014
Ruska vojska izvaja nenapovedane manevre (vaje) ob finski meji. 30 000 vojakov, 3800 enot tehnike, 100 letal. Spodnja slika je menda narejena s Finske



Včeraj je nekdo DDoS-al finsko obrambno ministrstvo, trenutno ponavlja vajo


19. marca DDoS švedskih novičarskih strani


Švedska in Finska nista del nata, doh. Je še kdo začuden, da želijo skoraj vse ruske sosede pod njegov dežnik?

V drugih novicah:

Almaz-Antey, proizvajalec Buka, Kuba, Ose, S-200, S-300, S-400, S-500... bo odpustil do 30% zaposlenih.


Slava Putinu!!!


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Ruska vojska izvaja nenapovedane manevre (vaje) ob finski meji. 30 000 vojakov, 3800 enot tehnike, 100 letal.

Ob meji?!? Torej ne čez mejo kot to počne recimo Turčija nad Grčijo ampak nad svojim ozemljem v svojem zračnem prostoru?!? In to še celo nenapovedano?!? O šit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111enaenaena

Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
V drugih novicah:

Almaz-Antey, proizvajalec Buka, Kuba, Ose, S-200, S-300, S-400, S-500... bo odpustil do 30% zaposlenih.


Slava Putinu!!!

Samo to je pa res slabo. Škoda, da ta firma ni v katerikoli drugi državi na svetu saj samo v Rusiji prihaja do takšnih odpuščanj. Res škoda