Tale je pa v stilu KCNA, ampak so ga vmes že zbrisali.
Demonstrators held placards saying "our children are in danger" outside the chancellor's office on Saturday
The alleged rape of a 13-year-old Russian-speaking girl in Berlin, supposedly by asylum-seekers, has fuelled anti-migrant protests from Germany's large Russian community.
But the outrage was sparked by Russia's media propaganda machine. And now the Kremlin is stepping in.
Thousands of Russian-speakers took to the streets across Germany at the weekend protesting against what they say is a cover-up by police.
"Our children are in danger," read one banner. "Hands off my child," read another.
Seven-hundred protesters gathered outside Angela Merkel's chancellery on Saturday and other demonstrations have been held outside asylum-seekers' homes in Berlin and Southern Germany.
These German Russians held up a placard saying: "We have the right to doubt the objectivity of the police"
The demonstrators were angry after reports on the popular Russian television station Channel One that a 13-year-old girl from a Russian-immigrant family had been abducted on her way to school and gang-raped by "southern-looking" asylum-seekers.
But German police say that after questioning and examination it was clear that Lisa F was not abducted and not raped. Sexual contact was not forced, say officers. Because the girl is only 13 years old prosecutors are investigating two men for child abuse.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Nima veze kdo je v škripcih in kam drvimo. Hvaljenje z gospodarskim uspehom v obdobju, ko se je glavni (izvozni) produkt podražil za več 100% ni vmesno. Če je res maher, bo uspešen sedaj, v krizi.
Oil provides more than 70 percent of Saudi government revenue. And though the Saudis still have about $630 billion in financial reserves, they are spending them at a rate of $5 billion to $6 billion a month, according to Rachel Ziemba, an analyst at Roubini Global Economics in New York.
Rusija planira da kupi u Srbiji televiziju sa nacionalnom frekvencijom, saznaje „Blic”, a kao kupac se pominje ruski milioner Konstantin Malofejev, blizak Vladimiru Putinu.
Osim TV sa nacionalnom frekvencijom, kaže sagovornik „Blica”, u planu su pokretanje još jedne kablovske TV stanice, dnevnih novina i marketinške agencije, a mali udeo u celom poslu trebalo bi da ima srpski tajkun Bogoljub Kariæ.
Upuæeni u odnose medija i politike ne se pitaju zašto Kremlj počinje medijsku ofanzivu na Srbiju, veæ - zašto nije i ranije? Zašto tek sada, kada je ruska ekonomija uzdrmana sankcijama i rekordno niskom cenom nafte? Kada je rublja slomljena na njen najniži nivo prema dolaru u istoriji?
Odgovor bi mogao da se nađe u predstojeæim opštim izborima u Srbiji uoči kojih, bar u istraživanjima javnog mnjenja, proruske stranke stoje bolje nego ikada u 21. veku. Koalicija DSS-Dveri i lista SRS Vojislava Šešelja imaju velike šanse da sednu u skupštinske klupe.
Dobro obavešteni izvor našeg lista navodi da se ruski tajkun, čije ime nije želeo da otkriva, prethodnih dana sastao sa Mitroviæevim advokatima i njegovim najbližim saradnicima.
- Rus nije krio da je zainteresovan za kupovinu Televizije “Pink”, čak je pitao i kolika je cena. Odgovorili su mu, međutim, da “Pink” nije na prodaju. Priča je na tome završena - kaže sagovornik “Blica”.
Read this book to discover the true nature of the Russian state under Putin, a state where corruption, torture and murder are franchised out to his friends and the friends of his friends. Read this book because it is a savage indictment of the gangrenous stump of the ethical foreign policy of our newly elected Labour government. Tony Blair should have shown the Butcher of Grozny the door, and told him to come back only after he's worked out that modern Europeans don't do mass murder. Instead, Putin got tea with the Queen.
В Петербурге 30 пьяных негров подрались в бане и разбежались голыми по району
V Peterburge 30 p'yanykh negrov podralis' v bane i razbezhalis' golymi po rayonu
In St. Petersburg, 30 drunken blacks fought in the bath and ran naked through the area
The former head of Russia's anti-doping agency Rusada has died, the organisation says.
Nikita Kamaev's death comes two months after he resigned his post following a doping scandal in Russian athletics.
Rusada said the cause of death was "a massive heart attack".
"He will remain in our memories as an experienced and understanding leader, distinguished by his high professionalism," the Rusada statement said, adding that Mr Kamaev, 52, was able to create a "friendly atmosphere" in his team.
His death comes just two weeks after that of Rusada founding chairman, Vyacheslav Sinev.
THE former head of Russia’s anti-doping agency approached David Walsh, the Sunday Times’s chief sports writer, 10 weeks before his unexpected death offering to blow the whistle on his country’s secret development of performance-enhancing drugs.
Nikita Kamaev, 52, former executive director of Rusada, said he wanted to write a book that would expose the full extent of doping in Russia.
Last year this newspaper revealed the scale of cheating at the Olympic Games and world championships, where a third of medals in endurance events between 2001 and 2012 were won by athletes who had recorded suspicious blood tests.
Kamaev sent an email to Walsh in early December: “I want to write a book about the true story of sport pharmacology and doping in Russia since 1987 while being a young scientist working in secret lab in USSR Institute of Sports Medicine. I have the information and facts that have never...
On February 18, in a rented space at Moscow's Central House of Artists, the pro-Kremlin group “Network” unveiled a new exhibit called “Where a Lie Leads.” The installation exposes 11 cases from the past 100 years when “outright lies by the United States in the name of democracy” led to “destruction, suffering, and murder.”
At the stand dedicated to America's intervention in Nicaragua, the caption below a famous photograph by James Nachtwey inexplicably claims it was taken in the 1920s, when in fact it was recorded in 1994. And Nachtwey took the photograph in Rwanda—not Nicaragua.
At the stand covering the bombing of Yugoslavia, there is a picture of a soldier kicking bloody civilians lying on the ground. The photograph was taken by Ron Haviv, a full seven years before the first NATO bombs ever fell. (Haviv's photo also shows members of the Serbian paramilitary unit known as “Arkan's Tigers” attacking Bosnian Muslim civilians.)
The same stand also features an image of a woman standing amid the ruins of her home, crying in a kitchen now turned to rubble. But the woman in this photograph (taken by Jean-Philippe Ksiazek) is an ethnic Albanian refugee returning to Kosovo, two days after Slobodan Miloševiæ's forces abandoned the area. Her home had been destroyed by the Serbs—not NATO.
“Where a Lie Leads” also has a stand dedicated to NATO's intervention in Libya, where there is a photograph of a woman biting down on her lower lip, flashing her teeth, firing an automatic rifle into the air. In fact, this photo—taken by Goran Tomasevic—shows a rebel fighter celebrating Gaddafi's retreat from Benghazi on March 19, 2011, five days before NATO took command of enforcing no-fly zones over Libya.
http://pictures.reuters.com/C.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2C0BXZIZDDLL7&SMLS=1&RW=1280&RH=648&PN=2&POPUPPN=89&POPUPIID=2C04080I1KQ18<br />
Moscow authorities have evicted the Center for the Adaptation and Training of Refugee Children after its managing organization was declared a foreign agent, the center's director Olga Nikolayenko told The Moscow Times Friday.
The center, which will celebrate its twentieth anniversary this year, is a project of the non-governmental organization Civil Assistance Committee. Since 1998, it has occupied premises at 33 Dolgorukovskaya Ulitsa, where volunteers helped the children of refugees adapt to life in Moscow.
The center had been training 70 refugee children from Syria, Afghanistan African nations and Russian children from the republic of Chechnya.
Head of the Civil Assistance Committee Svetlana Gannushkina and Russian human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin attributed the eviction decision to the NGO being added to the list of “foreign agents” — a label attached to NGOs that receive funding from abroad and are engaged in vaguely defined political activity.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Čečenija je subjekt Ruske Federacije, na ozemlju katere velja ruska ustava in zakoni. Da, Čečeni so prav toliko Rusi kot Moskvali.