Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
Okej, gremo po točkah

1) Zapor narodov je bila Sovjetska zveza. In Avstro-ogska.
2) ZDA niso diktator.
3) ZDA niso podpirale IS. Jedro sestavljajo iraški Baathisti (Saddam Hussein) in ex člani Al-kajde v Iraku. Oboji smrtni sovražniki ZDA.
4) Veliko afriških beguncev je iz posaharske Afrike, Libijcev praktično ni. Je pa Libija pod Gaddafijem igrala vlogo vratarja. Za protiusluge.

5) Mučenje zapornikov je potekalo pod bushevo administracijo, še to ne ves čas. Končana zgodba.
6) Epidemija odvisnosti pove več o sekretu z imenom Rusija kot o čimerkoli drugem.
7) Afganistan ni okupiran, kar je del problema. Težave v Iraku in Afganistanu so se ponovno začele po umiku večine koalicijskih sil, drekomešalci so opazili priložnost in prilezli na plan.
8) Ameriški inštruktorji ne vodijo, ampak inštruirajo. V okolici Lviva, 1000 km od fronte. Neonaciji so itak zlajnani, ampak dajmo vseeno.


The House of Representatives has unanimously approved an amendment to the U.S. military budget, proposed by Conyers and Florida Republican Ted Yoho, banning support and training for "the Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary militia 'Azov Battalion.'"


10. maj 2014
Ildar Dadin je bil zaradi mirnega demonstriranja danes obsojen na 3 leta zapora.


Ildar Dadin was sentenced to three years in jail by a Moscow court for repeated anti-government street protests. He is the first person to be jailed using the law, which was introduced in 2014 and punishes repeated breaches of public assembly rules.


The recent changes to Russia’s draconian law on public assemblies criminalize anyone found to have violated the law more than twice within 180 days.

A solitary violation of the law, for example peacefully gathering without the authorities’ express prior permission, is punishable by a fine or up to 15 days’ administrative detention. Three such violations result in a criminal offence punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment.

Ildar Dadin’s first violation was protesting against the conviction of peaceful activists from the so-called Bolotnaya demonstration of 7 May 2012 in Moscow, for which he was detained.

He has since been either fined or detained four times for similar “offences”.

He has been under house arrest since 30 January 2015, when his last 15-day administrative detention sentence expired, and was only allowed to leave home to attend court hearings. Following today’s sentencing, he was taken into custody.

The judge at Moscow’s Basmanny Court sentenced Ildar Dadin to three years in jail, despite prosecutors having requested a two-year prison sentence.

“It is deeply disturbing that the Russian authorities have ‘legalized’ their own human rights violations and are now actively putting this into practice,” said John Dalhuisen.

“Ildar Dadin must be immediately and unconditionally released and Russia must repeal this repressive and unjust law.”

Ruska oblast je prestrašena. Zelo prestrašena.


10. maj 2014
V Buenos Airesu poteka festival FEEL RUSSIA.


Koncept je zgleda postavil kak naš izseljenec.



10. maj 2014
Če nič drugega, je Simonyanova v "soviet bitch mode" veliko bolj naravna, kot v zadnjih par sekundah.


10. maj 2014
Tretja svetovna bo piss of kejk. Po novem bombardirajo sami sebe.


A Russian cruise missile went astray after a test launch Tuesday, landing near a village in northwestern Russia but inflicting no casualties, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The ministry said in a statement carried by Russian news agencies that the missile inflicted no damage when it fell near the village of Nyonoksa on the White Sea coast in the Arkhangelsk region.

The Tass news agency, however, reported earlier that the missile hit a three-story building in Nyonoksa, damaging its roof and several apartments and causing a fire. It also said there were no casualties.

The ministry said the missile "deviated from its designated flight path" due an unidentified problem as it was being tested by NPO Mashinostroyeniye. The company, one of Russia's leading missile manufacturers, had no immediate comment on failed launch.

Spet raketa take sorte, ki se definitivno nikoli ne zgubi.


10. maj 2014
Juhu, cracked listicle, ki ni popolna zguba časa


Temeljit izvleček:

#6. Modern Russian Propaganda Is Weaponized Nonsense

Modern Russian propaganda is made by some of the same people who used to make Soviet propaganda and focuses largely around the news network Russia Today (RT, to its hip young friends, of which it has precisely none).

Russia Today is owned and financed by the Kremlin, so it's like if the Pentagon owned Fox News or MSNBC, and everyone was just fine with it for some reason. And while old Soviet propaganda was distinctly nativist, Russia Today learned from the American media.

"Instead of one thing, you need thousands of things. Instead of one audience, you target many."

RT spun off into a number of websites, including the English-language Sputnik.

You've probably seen at least one article by RT or one of their affiliates on your news feed within the last year. Likely involved with some bird-f.ucking insanity, like this:


And it's weird that something like this would come out of the Kremlin. It almost doesn't seem political at all, until you look at a bunch of RT headlines at once and realize their habit of casually implicating the U.S. government in corruption or incompetence. Sometimes justifiably ...


And other times?


Professor Fedchenko explained the reasoning behind Russia's next generation of propaganda: "Instead of ideology you use nonsense, and with all that noise people lose focus."

In 1984, the height of propaganda was signs with unblinking eyes that recorded your every movement. In 2015, the best government propaganda looks like a shitty conspiracy forum.

#5. Russian Propaganda Hides In Your News Feed

Sites like RT and Sputnik run content that rivals BuzzFeed:


The actual text of the article is of a NASA guy admitting that Area 51 exists, but clarifying that it's just a place they test new planes, etc. Y'know, exactly the same thing the U.S. government's been saying for years.


Because of the way Facebook works, if you find yourself clicking on a lot of articles from a website -- say Russia Today or Sputnik -- because it had one of those headlines you just had to check out, new articles from that same site will show up more frequently in your news feed. And they won't all look instantly crazy.


"So they are telling people about UFOs and lizard gods and natural medicine and paramedical things ... and then they started to criticize foreign governments and blaming foreign governments, and it became apparent this stuff is hugely attractive to many people."

So articles like this appeal to the kind of folks who are broadly suspicious of any brown people:


While an article like this has better odds of luring in that friend who deeply trusts the healing power of crystals:


"They have a huge audience in the Middle East because they criticize Israel consistently. A huge audience in South America because they criticize the U.S. government. And these are very simplistic concepts which are so attractive, because people want easy explanations."

No matter who your Facebook friends are, RT or one of its affiliates has propaganda catered to the things they already believe about the world. It's the Trojan Horse of propaganda. Many, maybe even most RT articles don't advance any specific agenda. But they worm their way into your Facebook feed, and then when the news breaks that a passenger plane has been shot down over Ukraine, maybe this pops up:


And if you don't bother to dig any deeper into that story and learn that the Russian government's done stuff like obviously Photoshop satellite photos to make this same claim, maybe you just incorporate that little headline into your view of world events.

#4. Russian Propaganda Works Like Fox News


Are you a dumb blogger who hates the government and wants someone with a budget to pretend you matter? Russia may have an opportunity for you:

"They invite a lot of local journalists and editors and languages, so if you watch Russia Today America, you see ... American faces and journalists, a studio that looks like any American channels, the structure of the material is familiar ... but the topics are different. And that makes it attractive: It's different."

Russia Today also gambles a lot on the laziness of the average reader. If they quote an "expert" in an article, they know that most people won't bother looking into that "expert's" background. Here's one example pointed out to us by Cracked writer Jim Kovpak:


The article backs up its insane claim -- that Europeans will flee Europe due to all the refugees -- by pinning the whole idea on "Polish media." Read a little deeper, and you'll get sent to this sketchy website:


Nearly all the articles are written by the same guy, "krakauer," and the most successful articles feature only a handful of comments. It's clearly some person's crazy website (the article above is suggesting that the Ukrainian conflict is a possible "Second Vietnam" for the U.S.) that RT is crediting as "Polish media." Which is technically correct -- the worst kind of correct. They do it to Western media too:

"They like being able to say Western media is on their site -- 'AMERICAN MEDIA PREDICTING COLLAPSE OF UKRAINE' -- and then you go and it's a WordPress blog of some guy at USC."

Oh, also, did you know we're on the brink of nuclear war with China and Russia?


If you actually read the article, you'll find it's based entirely on a blog post written by Paul Craig Roberts, who spent one year as assistant secretary of the treasury and is exactly as qualified to comment on the likelihood of WWIII as everyone reading this sentence. He's also kind of a 9/11 truther, but to RT he's just a "Reagan official."

#3. Assume The Opposite Of The Propaganda Is True

Propaganda is often used as a shell game. The Soviet Union focused on stories of American racism during the Civil Rights Movement to distract from their own domestic injustices. So if a nation's propaganda claims that they have, say, a shitload of cool-ass weapons coming out that are just utterly unstoppable, it might be to hide the fact that their military is actually a bit of a disaster.

Example: You've probably seen a bunch of articles about Russia's crazy new superweapons on Facebook:


The story is immediately picked up by right-wing media, because if the Russians have a bitchin' new tank then we better get a bigger one, with flames on it, to show those bastards what freedom looks like:


And that's exactly what the Kremlin wants; Russia can't actually afford to build Armata tanks, and they've got no plans to field them in meaningful numbers. But thanks to social media, Russia can use the Armata to intimidate the West without actually building any. And take this story:


That twin-barrel assault rifle is actually decades old. It was called the AO-63, and during the 1980s it was evaluated by the Spetsnaz, who ... rejected it for not being good enough. But double-barreled anythings are twice as cool as normal-barreled stuff, so Sputnik/RT dusted off history and renamed it "NATO's worst nightmare." Professor Fedchenko explained the proper way to read these sorts of articles:

"Soviet propaganda tradition teaches us you need to read the opposite. If they publish an article on some super bomber, they're having some problems with aviation. If Soviet media were saying, 'This year we'll have the biggest automotive production ever,' it means this industry really sucks."

Nowhere is this clearer than the current sanctions on Russia:

"Every time on Sputnik you can see stories about how Russia is not harmed by sanctions, they find experts to prove that. If you're not harmed by something I'm doing, why would you talk about that? So, again, we deal with opposites -- if they say sanctions are not important, sanctions are hugely important."


"Pentagon" in that headline means "one dude" and "no sense" is how they translate his actual quote, "What's clear is that sanctions are working on the Russian economy. ... What's not apparent is that that effect on his economy is deterring [Russian President Vladimir] Putin from following the course that was evidenced last year in the Crimea."

And, yes, the reality is that sanctions have been devastating to the Russian economy. But never mind all that -- some guy that knows what a pentagon is thinks Russia is super-duper double-thumbs-up for all time!

#2. TV Can Be A Weapon Of War

Russian television dominates much of Eastern Europe. And prior to the Ukrainian separatist crisis, it helped prime people to support the right side:

"It was about local elections, national elections, everything. People's views and opinions were completely changed. ... People in Donetsk and Lugansk, their worldview did not come from nowhere. It was formed from Russian TV."

We got to see a bit of this during our trip to the Ukrainian war zone. We spent the night drinking in a hospital with some Ukrainian soldiers, watching Novorussia, which is actually just Russian TV with a different logo, provided for free to the separatist state. Curiously, The Devil Wears Prada was playing. Professor Fedchenko explained:

"It could be seen to project an image of affluence; that's important."

We spoke with a refugee from Donetsk (the Ukrainian city that separated with Russian military aid) during our trip to Kiev. She backed up the professor, pointing out that people she knew in town found Russian talk shows very convincing when they painted a picture of what a paradise Novorussia would be if those damn Ukrainians would just get out of the way. Or, as the BBC more eloquently put it:

"Russian state TV's coverage of the conflict in Ukraine does not simply contain one-sided and often misleading propaganda. It also appears to employ techniques of psychological conditioning designed to excite extreme emotions of aggression and hatred in the viewer."

#1. Their Propaganda Goes In Weird Patterns


To hear Russian media tell it, Ukraine is just chock-full of crucifixions:


And earlier this year Russia's biggest news channel ran an interview with a woman who claimed to have seen a 3-year-old crucified by Ukrainian soldiers.


It wasn't true in WWI, and it isn't true now. But claiming that horrific things are being done to children is a well-documented standby of Russian propaganda. And that's not the end of their grab bag of bullshit.

"Another story was about slaves. So they said that every Ukrainian participating in occupying forces would be granted a piece of land and two slaves. ... They try to portray Ukraine as a fascist state, with its attitude towards Jews and LGBT ..."

During the Stalinist era, Soviet propaganda went after "disloyal" subjects by painting them as Nazi sympathizers. During their 2008 war with Georgia, modern Russian propagandists accused Georgians of accepting neo-Nazi volunteers. And right now Russian media is busy making the case that the Ukrainian army might look pretty sexy in jackboots.


This article is about Nazi recruits for the so-called "Azov Regiment," a group of Ukrainian volunteers who do have some neo-Nazi members. But, as StopFake pointed out, this picture originates from 2005, way before the civil war started. There are neo-Nazis in the American army. There are even neo-Nazis in the Russian-backed separatist forces fighting against Ukraine. There are neo-Nazis everywhere, is the point. That doesn't make everyone who shares a barracks with them Nazis.


18. avg 2007
Jaz pa vidim v tvojem "wall of text" en kup antiruske propagande, narejene na podoben način, kot se jo v pisanju pripisuje Rusom.
Isti drek


24. jul 2009

Vladimir Putin: Russian 'poorly treated,' says ski great Jean-Claude Killy

CNN)He's very much Russia's man of action, whether it's flying a plane, riding a horse, or practicing martial arts -- pursuits more often than not carried out bare chested.

Vladimir Putin is also an accomplished skier, so much so that he has made quite an impression on one of the sport's greatest speedsters.

And if the Russian president's style of government might have its critics, skiing legend Jean-Claude Killy isn't joining in the chorus of disapproval. Far from it, telling CNN's Alpine Edge show that the Kremlin leader is a "friend" with a "big heart" who is "poorly treated in the world today."


10. maj 2014

The film in question is The Diamond Arm, the 1969 Soviet comedy classic that has aired countless times on Russian television.

On New Year’s Eve, the national TV network Rossiya-1 was the latest to broadcast the movie, but this time many viewers noticed that the halo appearing over a boy's head in a well-known scene seems to have been mysteriously washed out, obscuring the religious symbol, apparently in an effort to censor a blasphemous joke.


In June 2013, Vladimir Putin signed into law new criminal penalties for insulting people’s religious sentiments. According to the legislation, expressing disrespect for religious feelings can in certain circumstances result in a three-year prison sentence.



YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Uporabnik doctorz pravi:
Pri putinu mi je vsec da nima nobenih papirjev pred seboj in govori iz glave, deluje bolj iskreno kot nase politicke peecke.

Če gledaš Janšo tud ne bere iz listka kot vsi ostali....


21. nov 2007
V katerem stoletju pa ste? A za trotel boben še niste slišali? Pri Janši je navadno skrit v kakem rastlinskem aranžmaju.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Pa Ziher je narejen v Avstraliji

Bodi pozoren potem na njegovega predhodnika na govorniskem odru..pa potem na naslednika....oba bereta listke...za njega pa boben.....v rastlinju