Iran has reached a deal with the European consortium Airbus to buy 114 passenger planes once international economic sanctions are lifted as part of a nuclear deal, Iran's transport minister said Saturday.
He said an unspecified number of planes will arrive before Nowruz, Iran's new year, which falls on March 21.
A source familiar with the agreement told Interfax that the systems will cost $900 million dollars. Interfax reports:
The Moscow Times reports that the Dehghan is also looking to buy fighter jets from Russia in order to modernize Iran’s outdated air defense. Currently, Iran owns American-made jets that it has not been able to upgrade or repair because of tensions between Iran and the United States.
The Patriarch also shared his reflections on the motives guiding individuals who join the ranks of terrorists. He noted that there are “honest people [among them] or people who, at least, join terrorists out of truly religious grounds … And what could be the reason? Have we ever stopped to think about it? ‘You become a fighter for the Caliphate.’ ‘So what’s a Caliphate?’ ‘It is a society centered around faith and God where people follow religious laws. You are creating a civilization that is new by comparison to the established one that is godless, secular and even radical in its secularism.’”
A Russian defector has claimed that the MI6 spy who was found dead in a padlocked holdall in his bath in Pimlico was “exterminated” by Russian intelligence agents because he refused to become a double agent and knew the identity of a Kremlin spy working inside GCHQ.
Codebreaker Gareth Williams was found dead at his home in 2010. He had been a cipher expert at GCHQ but was on secondment to MI6 when he died.
Karpichkov, who is ex-KGB, claims the SVR threatened to reveal the Briton was a transvestite, before Williams in turn revealed he knew the identity of the person who had “tipped the Russians off” about him.
“The SVR then had no alternative but to exterminate him in order to protect their agent inside GCHQ,” he alleges.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Bo posla tudi za Ruse, ampak precej verjetno je, da bo šla smetana na zahod in daljni vzhod. Na veliko področjih enostavno ni pametne alternative.
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Zanimivo da se veseliš ob prodaji orožja. Folk pa kljub naravnemu bogastvu nimajo glih kaj od tega. Pa to govorim o vseh državah ne samo Rusiji.