Uporabnik Speedy pravi:
Telefon je bomba.
Kdor bi rad enak telefon(po specih) kot nexus 5 ampak bi rad večji ekran in (veliko) boljšo baterijo (3000 mAh) pa naj vzame LG G2 in namesti CM11. Baterija ob ne veliki uporabi zdrži tudi do 5 dni.
Uporabnik MaTejHo pravi:
Google's Nexus 5 gets a hardware refresh
Nexus 5s
I had mine for a couple months now and every so often someone I'm texting will send/ receive messages with fragments of other older messages added to the sent message. On a couple occassions I have sent pictures without even knowing and they oddly dont appear on my screen but do on my friends. Anyone know what this may be due to??
Uporabnik ovca pravi:
Težko boš vedel... Jaz tudi čakam, da jih VamaTrade dobi, da svojega pošljem na servis.
Se res nobenemu ne dogaja, da se mu jakost zvočnika zniža in ne sluši sogovornika (in on tebe) ?
Jaz vem že za 2 primera.
Predvajanje zvoka (recmo YT) je totalno preslabo, medtem, ko je jakost zvoka pri posnetkih hreščeča in totalno prenaglas..
Da ne omenjam fotkiča.
Nevem, dejansko sem razočaran nad telefonom...![]()
Uporabnik rawr pravi:
Mala para malo muzike. Dobesedno![]()
I had mine for a couple months now and every so often someone I'm texting will send/ receive messages with fragments of other older messages added to the sent message. On a couple occassions I have sent pictures without even knowing and they oddly dont appear on my screen but do on my friends. Anyone know what this may be due to??
Uporabnik Steve pravi:
Uporabnik rawr pravi:
Mala para malo muzike. Dobesedno![]()
I had mine for a couple months now and every so often someone I'm texting will send/ receive messages with fragments of other older messages added to the sent message. On a couple occassions I have sent pictures without even knowing and they oddly dont appear on my screen but do on my friends. Anyone know what this may be due to??
Ti si en celi lol. Obesas se na neke buge v sw, ki jih vecina nima in to vse da se potolazis in opravicis duplo ceno konkurence, kjer se takozvani premium telefoni lupijo in zvijajo. Dosti para, malo muzike. Lol