Migranti so že (spet) v Sloveniji - 4. del


10. feb 2008
Priči dogodka na jugoslovansko-italijanski meji, kjer so obmejni organi ustrelili prebežnika, prisoten pa je bil kandidat za predsednika vrhovnega sodišča Branko Masleša, pojasnjujeta, da je bil Masleša nad dogodkom vidno zgrožen. Gre za zapisničarko Edvardo Rutar in tedanjega javnega tožilca v Kopru Milana Mesarja.


4. jun 2014
Kako tele. JNA je takrat streljala na lastne državljane, ki so hoteli to državo zapustiti. Od zunaj ni v SFRJ nihče želel vstopiti.
Graničarji so streljali na ilegalne migrante, ki so nezakonito prehajali državno mejo. Saj graničar ne ve, kakšno državljanstvo ima kdo, ki se šmugla po grmovjih. SFRJ je imela tudi mejne prehode, potni list pa je lahko dobil vsak pošten državljan sfrj.

To se motiš, da v SFRJ nihče ni želel vstopiti. Bila je ravno tako kot danes Slovenoja, prehodna država, cilj je bil zahod. Ilegalni migranti pa iz istih držav kot danes. Samo meje je bilo težje in bolj nevarno prestopit, pa je bilo ilegalnih prehodov malo. Včasih je šel ilegalni migrant v zapor, danes ilegalcu brez dokumentov država nudi vso oskrbo, policaji so jih vozili od ene do druge meje.... Wilkommen pač.
  • Haha
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4. jun 2014
Ne piši laži, lahko ti kdo verjame. Kdo je dobil potni list leta 1950?
SFRJ je bila diktatorska tvorba, v začetku povsem primerljiva s sedanjo Severno Korejo. No, z eno razliko. Jedrskega orožja ni imela.
Spet te malo zgodovina hebe. 1950 in SFRJ ne gre skupaj.
Kaj vem, kaj je bilo 1950 in me ne briga, takrat še nisem živel. In sam si odgovarjal na trditev, da je JNA v 80-tih imela ukaz, da strelja na svoje državljane. Tisto z Maslešo se je dogodilo 1984. In kdo 1984 ni mogel dobit potnega lista?
Js odkar pa vem zase, sm lahko hodil čez mejo - seveda s potnim listom, ki sem ga imel.

In, če misliš, da bi potni list moral imet vsak, ali bi ga ti dal tudi vsem od miljon+ migrantom, ki so v zadnjih 10-tih letih prišli v EU iz Afrike, Azije.... Da ali Ne?
  • Haha
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6. sep 2007
Ko smo že ravno pri migrantih in dogajanju v Parizu - en migrant je spet klal in spet ne bo nič z zaporno kaznijo in/ali izgonom:

CNN- Soldier in France’s anti-terrorism force stabbed in Paris ahead of Olympics opening ceremony next week

A French soldier deployed in the country’s anti-terrorism force was stabbed at a train station in central Paris on Monday evening, French government officials said, a little more than a week before the Paris 2024 Olympics’ opening ceremony is due to take place. “A soldier with Operation Sentinelle was stabbed while on patrol at Gare de l’Est in Paris. He is not in serious condition. The perpetrator was arrested,” French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said in a post on X. Operation Sentinelle is an anti-terrorism military operation that was established in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in January 2015.

ABC - French police detain man suspected of stabbing soldier in Paris

The suspect is a 40-year-old born in the Democratic Republic of Congo who obtained French nationality in 2006. A man was arrested on Monday over the stabbing of an on-duty soldier in Paris, with the suspect known to police for a 2018 murder that saw him sent to a psychiatric unit.

SCMP - Man who stabbed a French soldier ahead of Olympics is taken to psychiatric hospital

A statement from the Paris Public Prosecutor's office Tuesday identified the attacker as 40-year-old Christian Ingondo, who was born in Congo. Ingondo was released from custody Tuesday morning and transferred to a psychiatric hospital that is under police supervision, the statement said.
In 2018, Ingondo was under judicial investigation on murder charges, the prosecutor's statement said. Two years later, in 2020, the investigating judges dropped charges against him and ordered a mandatory hospitalization.



6. sep 2007
Medtem na Irskem - ilegalni migrant iz Alžirije je po zgolj 5 dneh bivanja na Irskem spolno napadel naključno mimoidočo, ki je pred neko trgovino čakala na svojega fanta ter bil zaradi tega obsojen na 2 leti in 3 mesece trajajočo zaporno kazen:

Man jailed for sexually assaulting a woman after following her for 30 minutes​

A man who sexually assaulted a young woman in Dublin city centre after following her around for half an hour as she tried to get away from him has been jailed for two years and three months. Adel Kerai (26) had just arrived in the Republic of Ireland five days earlier when he saw the 22-year-old woman waiting for her boyfriend outside a store on O'Connell Street and decided he “fancied” her, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard. Kerai, of no fixed abode in Dublin 1, pleaded guilty to one count of sexually assaulting the woman on Henry Street on December 10th 2023. He is originally from Algeria and is seeking asylum in this country, defence counsel said.



6. sep 2007
Ponovno akcija v Parizu:

Attacker injures a police officer in central Paris​

PARIS, July 18 (Reuters) - A police officer was critically injured in a stabbing attack in Paris' Champs Elysees shopping district on Thursday after a security guard at a boutique called police after spotting a man who appeared to be carrying a knife, the Paris police chief said.
The attacker was also critically injured, the police chief, Laurent Nunez, told reporters.

"The perpetrator was immediately neutralised by police officers," he said in a statement posted on X. An official with knowledge of the case said the assailant was still alive and that officers prevented him from taking further action.

Thursday's knife attack comes just days after a man stabbed and wounded a French soldier patrolling Paris on Monday outside the Gare de l'Est train station in eastern Paris. Prosecutors said that the attacker was taken to a psychiatric hospital.



6. sep 2007
... sintalov varnostnik je prijel migranta...



YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
  • Všeč mi je
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22. jul 2007
Hoax. Kje za vraga so dobili vzmetnico gor na podstrešje tega starega mlina?