K: robotska kosilnica


16. mar 2008
kk recimo ce imas sredi trate rožice za čebelice, to rešši, AI worx add-on for bees? al kaj tretjega :evil:


9. maj 2012

Kaj je z njimi? Zraven dobiš šablono in navodila, kako položiti žico za odprte 90 (to so potem verjetno 270st ) in več stopinjske kote. Malo težje gre edino, če je v kotu tudi klančina, potem z originalnimi kolesi zna razriti teren. Ampak za Worxa spet dobiš bodisi terenske gume, bodisi špice.


9. maj 2012
torej no go cono kreiraš?

Boljše, ni treba nič po aplikaciji risat, ker itak potem čisto natančno spet ne moreš narisati :)Tu položiš magnetni trak okoli vsega, česar nočeš da pokosi.


16. mar 2008
lol, lepe cene za dodatke.

sej ne rišeš po appu, zapelješ kosililnico v real life in obvoziš no go cono. potrdiš in je potem to to, lažje ne gre . nobenega magneta za 150€... ce smo ze pri tem.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: MrDaco


9. maj 2012
No ja, 150€ je Off limits modul in ne trak.. Ne vem če ga dobiš zraven, ampak 20m magnetnega traku originalen Worx je 70€, lahko pa kupiš "aftermarket" za par €. Kakorkoli obrneš, še vedno je to ceneje, kot pa dodati zraven "dumb" kosilnice še 1500€ zato, da boš hodil za kosilnico in obvozil rožice, za kar boš potreboval več časa in še manj natančno bo :) Mojih 5c. Vsakemu svoje, ampak marsikdaj je tehnologija tudi bolj zakomplicirala delo, kot pa poenostavila.


15. dec 2009
še v SLO - ampak komaj
Kaj je z njimi? Zraven dobiš šablono in navodila, kako položiti žico za odprte 90 (to so potem verjetno 270st ) in več stopinjske kote. Malo težje gre edino, če je v kotu tudi klančina, potem z originalnimi kolesi zna razriti teren. Ampak za Worxa spet dobiš bodisi terenske gume, bodisi špice.

Bilo je mišljeno sarkastično.

Poglej malo nazaj mojo situacijo - cone, prehodi, ločene cone, otoki … in precej razgibano, pa še otoki se skozi leto spreminjajo. Ne da se ne da - je pa “nerodno”.

Saj na drugi lokaciji laufa husa 315 - in moram drugi teden “dodati” novo področje in otok narest. Žica je že doma, sponke in hakli tudi - bo pa časvno vzelo “duplo” več časa kot z GPSom - a dejansko to ni težava, saj tega ne počnem na tedenski bazi.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: damirj


9. maj 2012
Vsekakor ima svoje pluse, niso pa to tako zelo veliki plusi. Nerodno je, ker se postavljaš v situacijo s husqwarno, ker ne premore nekih pametnih dodatkov za takšne situacije. Na podlagi husqwarne te zato razumem in bi tudi jaz z obema rokama pograbil lubo.


16. avg 2007
Pa dobro to nardiš prvič, če si kaj zajebal. Jaz že 7 let nisem premikal žice na 80% terena. Dodal sem par kvadratov terena, ki se po novem kosi to pa je to.
Kaj to 3x letno parcele spreminjate prodajate pa kupujete al kje je problem s tem premikanjem? Če dam neko novo drevo naj se not zaletava. Sem dodal otroška igrala, se lepo zaletava, sem dodal visoko gredo se zaletava, ... itd. Vse pa tudi ne rabi bit z žico obdelano.
Če je kaj nežnega, kaka nova sadika tanka, zabijem 4 kole okoli dokler ne ojača in gremo dalje.


2. mar 2010
Še enkrat preberi …

Husa daleč, da je najboljša - a je, vsaj trenutno na našem koncu, edina kjer si dokaj siguren, da tisto kar (pre)plačaš (beri: ne obljubljajo gradov v oblakih) tudi dobiš. Še več - ko kaj crkne tudi najdeš nekoga, ki to lahlo popravi - predvsem nekoga, ki imq rezervne dele.

Sam sem šel na Luba 2, nimam pa nobenega namena Mammotion kriviti za “sranje” v katerem se bom znašel. Igram na karto: “Ne bo se meni pokvarilo …”.

In ja - husa (no - vsi “standardi”) bodo slej kot prej morali nekaj riskirati ali se sprijazniti, da bodo “zaostali”.
Je pa to vse skupaj odraz današnje družbe - vse takoj in zdaj in najboljše in skoraj zastonj.

Mimgrede - kje je Uberovo samovozeče vozilo?
Zadnjič ti je auto-update zmešal lubo 2 med košnjo, se jih ne da izklopiti ?
RTK postajo ti je tudi updejtal ?
Jo dodaš v aplikaciji kot lubo, samo dosti blizu moraš biti.

In po updejtu pravijo naj bi ugasnil lubo&rtk izštekal iz elektrike ter spet prižgal, torej auto-update ni prav nič preverjal, če je to sploh primeren čas za update (ni bil sploh).


15. dec 2009
še v SLO - ampak komaj
Ni sploh opcije “autoupdate” - ker autoupdate sploh ne obstaja.
V aplikaciji javi, da je update na razpolago - in moraš update pognati.
Meni je RTK “izklopilo”, ker ne zaznala, da obstaja update (pitaj boga kdo in kje je zahebal v logiki - ker ob prvem updatu RTK tega obnašanja ni bilo) - in ja, imam RTL dodano v aplikacijo, saj drugače sploh vedel ne bi, da obstaja update.

So pa take “neumnosti” rezultat hitrega razvoja in nekoordiniranega dela dev timov - eni delajo na RTK, drugi na Lubi, tretji na appih - in če nimaš koga, ki usklajuje, imaš pa nekoga, ki pritiska, da morajo updati čimprej ven - imaš to, kar trenutno dela Mammotion - bin there, done that … v bistvu vsakodnevno doživljam.
Aja - ko, no, če bodo to osvojili, bo tudi cena zrasla … QA pač stane.


2. mar 2010
Update iz https://www.alter.si/tema/k-robotska-kosilnica.2585917/page-40#post-3561653

strojni prevod iz Fr

Still continuing... ANFR came to check after the firmware update (rtk and robot). The frequency band used is slightly different but the emission rate is still higher than the requested 1% (around 20 to 40% for me). So I made a new request for a fix... or to take back my equipment! If Mammotion can't solve the problem I think their sales in France and Europe will get complicated!!

Following the updates (RTK and robot), the problem seems to be resolved, after checking the ANFR at my place. I must nevertheless point out that in my case, Mammotion's after-sales service was responsive.

Mammotion is reportedly rolling out a global update in Europe to fix this issue. Until now, it was just a targeted update.

To avoid this type of problem again, I have installed a connected socket on the antenna that I can turn off remotely when I am not using the robot, without hindering charging.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mammotion/comments/1din374/_/latx1ka ->

Sporočilo iz fb skupine:
Luba Mammotion Groupe France

28.6 2024
strojni prevod iz Fr:
Hello everyone, this message to alert you! I have just had a rather unpleasant visit of a person presenting themselves as the frequency police with a vehicle worthy of the CIA. I checked the documents everything is true. This person demanded to enter my property because according to him I had frequency jammers in my property, he intervened at the request of Orange which said he had frequency scrambles on his antenna 300m from my home.
Initially, given the rather incredible situation I marked myself, then he asked me if I had a Luba2 mammotion in robotic mower. I replied yes, I have 2, he asked me to turn them off immediately otherwise he did not leave. He showed me the Pic de de de de de de de l'Anéne RTK which is 40 times higher than the authorized standards, Mammotion takes 40% bandwidth while only 1% is authorized. He did not move, so I had to turn off the 2 Luba2.
He took my contact details, told me that the investigating agency went around France from these waves and asked to turn off all Luba2 one after the other. Apparently I am the only one to have this robot on the Metropolis of the Grand Nancy, I can tell you that he was not laughing.
He then told me that Mammotion was aware and was going to change the waves from 40 to 20 % but the French state does not want more than 1 % (tako je določeno na ravni EU, ne samo za Francijo).
I may be one of the first but know that mammotion is aimed at.
I am especially disgusted that I have 2, I will contact Mammotion.
Let me know if you are several in this case?

slika iz teme, anfr agent



2. mar 2010

objavljeno 5 ur nazaj:

Hello everyone, good news, so I had the double update this morning of my 2 robots this morning and the 2 RTK antennas directly by mammotion.
The ANFR has just checked right now, there is big better compared to yesterday, we are still above standards but not far. The person of the ANFR has taken measures for 20 minutes, it should be done over an hour but the update changes a lot of things and will allow us to use our Luba without afraid of a visit and a mail of the ANFR if it is done at the national level!
So all those who sent me not nice messages yesterday, some of them, some resellers, you should rather thank me for stirring a bit of shit because it has changed things fairly quickly, you should have written to mammotion and Not to me , I was acting in our interest in everyone simply otherwise your robot was prohibited for sale if nothing changed.
In any case, the last update patch that I received apparently puts our robots in the standard or not far!
Hoping you all have the same update firmware!
The firmware that they installed me for the RTK antenna and 1.11.511.425 for the robot
Take advantage of your Luba


2. sep 2007

tole je kaj novega na trgu?