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Koliko uporabnikov uporablja LTE? v %?
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Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Koliko uporabnikov uporablja LTE? v %?
While about 1,000 companies make smartphones, Apple reaps nearly all the profits, according to estimates from Canaccord Genuity.
Apple took 92% of total operating income from the eight top smartphone makers in the first quarter. Samsung took 15%. The two companies account for more than 100% because the other makers either broke even or lost money.
Apple's profitability is even more incredible given that it sells less than 20% of smartphones. Part of the way the company keeps profits high is by keeping its prices high and by staying at the forefront of technology. Last year, the iPhone sold for a global average price of $624 compared to $185 for smartphone running Android, says Strategy Analytics.
Uporabnik damirj pravi:
Vam je vrocina resno poskodovala mozganeW10 in WP10 sta nastopila kot skupni igralec, in kot taka bosta zivela skupaj. Glede na to da je tudi na manj zmogljive tablice prisel cistokrven W8.1 in nato prihaja se W10, je kvecjemu pricakovat, da bo tudi telefine v prihodnosti pogajalo enako jedro samo drugacen vmesnik. Spekulacije so, da telefonov kot takih ne bo, bo pa nastala linija surface (tablet, pro, phone...) kar je bolj logicno tako po zadnjih narejenih korakih kot po potrebah in samo malo kmecke pameti.
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