Uporabnik matejdro pravi:
Na p990i pa ima težave z priljubljenimi(ven vrže z errorjem, ko hočeš določene preimenovat, zbrisat ali zagnat).
Uporabnik joshyslo pravi:
Na n73 sem nadgradil na tole zadnjo verzijo in je nastal problem ... Ikone so nerazločne in nikako negre naštimat.Probal sem najprej odstanit in nato dat na novo in nič ni pomagalo Delujoča verzija je v 4.10.80S60.9.
Kako bi rešil problem da bi mi delovalo pravilno
Uporabnik NAVI_boy pravi:
Gledam malo za telefoni z moznostjo GPS, verjetno bi ta GarminMobile XT delal na tem telefonu;,114,3332
Uporabnik Flukturr pravi:
Na HTCju (WM6) deluje brez problema s 15 MB RAMa.
Change History
Changes made from version 5.00.10 to 5.00.20:
* Update the subcategories listed for City Navigator Europe 2009 maps.
* Correct various out of memory conditions that can occur.
* Correct the processing of a received Location Message to not save the point on the Recent Finds list.
* Correct the processing of received text messages to not close the GMXT application when a text message is received without a subject.
* Correct an error that occurs when a headset is plugged into some devices.
* Correct the use of the directional pad for movement between hyperlinks within Flight Status.
* Correct saving and editing waypoints with non-English characters.
* Correct various out of memory conditions that can occur.
* Correct saving and editing waypoints with non-English characters.
Uporabnik matejdro pravi:
Ne opazim nobene spremembe glede rama. Še vedno na 25MB javi, da ni dovolj.