Uporabnik capl pravi:
Jst nisn nič po vaših koncih zadnje cajte hodilCitat:
"nam - žlahti" 15 kur ukradli!!!!![]()
Peš pač ne moreš pretnajst kur odnest. Rabiš vsaj avto s prikolico in cerado.
Uporabnik capl pravi:
Jst nisn nič po vaših koncih zadnje cajte hodilCitat:
"nam - žlahti" 15 kur ukradli!!!!![]()
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Zaužile so ga v prosti reji - pove zgolj to, da prosta reja še ne pomeni, da je meso/jajca zdravo.
The bigger problem comes with the environmental contaminants, and here the factory eggs have the edge. Research in both the U.S. and the E.U. has shown that free-range chickens have higher levels of PCBs, simply because they get out more and can peck almost anywhere.
Read more:,8599,2002334,00.html#ixzz2YdhmImUm
Uporabnik QBR pravi:
Ja. Ne poveš pa tega, da nesejo le nekje do konca oktobra in prično spet šele v marcu. Razen seveda, tega tudi ne poveš, če imate v kokošnjaku naštimano luč, ki jim umetno podaljšuje dan. Tako zvečer, kot zjutraj.
In seveda, poleg tistega kar same pobero po tleh, imajo poln pitalnik krmilne mešanice.
Pri kuri sploh ni važno, kje je. Lahko je na prostem, za ograjo, na veji, na tleh ali pa zaprta v gajbi. Nesla bo vedno enako in isto kvaliteto. Važno je le, s čim jo futraš in koliko dolg dan ji naštimaš - vsaj 15 -16 ur. Simpl kot burek.![]()
Članek iz TimesaCitat:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Ker se mi glih da...daj link do te raziskave, da vidimo kam pes moli taco![]()
Results suggest that grass pastures may enhance vitamin E in eggs of pastured hens more than clover, and pastured hens supplemented with commercial mash will produce eggs with significantly more vitamin E and total omega-3 fatty acids compared to eggs from caged hens fed only commercial hen mash. Pastured hens may have lower body weight and egg production than caged hens, unless they are supplemented adequately to meet their dietary energy and crude protein needs.
The research did not address flavor, food safety concerns, or overall nutritional quality.
Quality is measured by Haugh units, named after Raymond Haugh. In 1937, he developed the Haugh unit as a correlation between egg weight and the height of the thick albumen, or thickest part of the egg white. The Haugh unit has become the most widely used measurement of interior egg quality and is considered to be the "gold standard" of interior egg quality determination.
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Pa še ena študija, ki potrjuje, kar si že prilimal:
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Quality is measured by Haugh units, named after Raymond Haugh. In 1937, he developed the Haugh unit as a correlation between egg weight and the height of the thick albumen, or thickest part of the egg white. The Haugh unit has become the most widely used measurement of interior egg quality and is considered to be the "gold standard" of interior egg quality determination.
Jajca proste reje imajo več vitamina E in omega 3 maščob. Pomembno pa je seveda, kje se kokoši pašejo.Citat:
Results suggest that grass pastures may enhance vitamin E in eggs of pastured hens more than clover, and pastured hens supplemented with commercial mash will produce eggs with significantly more vitamin E and total omega-3 fatty acids compared to eggs from caged hens fed only commercial hen mash. Pastured hens may have lower body weight and egg production than caged hens, unless they are supplemented adequately to meet their dietary energy and crude protein needs.
Niti ne - zgolj ne mislim se spuščati na vaš nivo obkladanja z 'moja stara mama je rekla itd' - na internetu so dostopne prvovrstne raziskave s področja eksaktnih znanosti - če je tvoje mnenje v nasprotju z njimi, si ga pač povlekel iz riti. In vaše mnenje, da lahko ločite med bio in nebio hrano, je povlečeno prav iz tam.Citat:
Uporabnik skala pravi:
mogoče je stalno prehlajen in zato sploh ne čuti okusa in vonja. potem pa so za lase privlečene "študije" ki so v veliki meri podprte s "statistiko" edina merodajna stvar. sem pa večkrat tudi že opazil kako "novinarji" vlečejo "rezultate" iz povzetkov "študij".