Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt, wie viel Lebenszeit Covid-19 den Menschen in Deutschland gekostet hat. Das Ergebnis ist deutlich, liegt aber noch unter den Werten anderer häufiger Todesursachen.
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Excess mortality: comparable to a severe flu wave
In order to additionally confirm their results, the researchers analyzed in a second step, independently of the other calculations, the extent to which there was excess mortality during the 2020 pandemic - i.e. whether more people died than would have been statistically expected.
In the evaluations, both the first and the second corona wave emerged.
According to the results, excess mortality in spring was similar to that of the 2019 flu wave, which was relatively minor. In autumn, however - despite the measures - similar to the flu wave 2017/2018.
»Viewed cumulatively, the years of life lost due to Covid-19 in 2020 remained below the usual loss of life due to other important causes of death. The analysis of excess mortality suggests, however, that the Covid-19 pandemic had roughly reached the level of severe influenza waves by the end of 2020, "the researchers write in their conclusion.