Covid-19 Covid-19 A bo kaj od poletnega dopusta v tujini?


30. apr 2010
Še vedno rabiš utemeljen razlog za prehajanje meje.
z negativnim PCR gres lahko na svojo posest za kokr casa ti pase brez karantene. Tle te noben ne more ustavt. Isto velja za hotele, folk veselo hod v amarin, sam pac pcr je treba prej narest. Za nazaj ti pa hotel zrihta hitri test. Tko da samo neko jamranje za brezveze.


100. registrirani uporabnik
20. jul 2007
z negativnim PCR gres lahko na svojo posest za kokr casa ti pase brez karantene. Tle te noben ne more ustavt. Isto velja za hotele, folk veselo hod v amarin, sam pac pcr je treba prej narest. Za nazaj ti pa hotel zrihta hitri test. Tko da samo neko jamranje za brezveze.
A ni obvezna karantena ko greš domov?


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
z negativnim PCR gres lahko na svojo posest za kokr casa ti pase brez karantene. Tle te noben ne more ustavt. Isto velja za hotele, folk veselo hod v amarin, sam pac pcr je treba prej narest. Za nazaj ti pa hotel zrihta hitri test. Tko da samo neko jamranje za brezveze.
Jaz grem dol za velikonočni teden. Za cel teden mi ni problema dati tistih 60 EUR, za nazaj pa tudi ne tistih 200 kun za testiranje v Zadru.

Za samo za vikend pa res ne vidim smisla, da bi dajal 60 EUR za PCR test in še 200 kun za hitri test.

Še počakam na 1.4. če bodo Hrvatje dovolili tudi hitre teste za prehod meje, pa letim.

Če bo še kdo dol na Pagu v tem času, se kje dobimo, pa naredimo en Alter meet.


30. apr 2010
ja sam to je tvoj problem, ne hrvaski. Pac taka pravila so, ce si pripravljen placat si drgac pa ne. Isto v normalnih casih nekateri niso pripravljeni dat 200EUR za vikend izlet, drugi pa so.


14. avg 2009
To da turistično ne moreš v USA. Ker so šli.
Katerega leta?

In accordance with Proclamation—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus, effective at 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on March 16, 2020, the entry into the United States is suspended for most individuals, other than United States citizens and lawful permanent residents, who have been physically present within the United Kingdom, excluding overseas territories outside of Europe, or the Republic of Ireland within 14 days of travel to the United States. Proclamation 9993 regarding travel from a Schengen Area country also remains in effect. Any traveler with a valid ESTA who is subject to the Proclamation and who attempts to travel the United States in violation of the Proclamation will have their ESTA canceled. ESTA will not refund applications that are canceled due to this Proclamation. Travelers who have questions about whether they are subject to, or exempted from, the Proclamation should refer to the Proclamation language, and consult with the U.S. Department of State and the air carrier, as appropriate, in advance of travel to avoid travel disruptions. Proclamation 9984 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk), Proclamation 9992 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus), and Proclamation 9993 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus) all remain in effect.



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
ja sam to je tvoj problem, ne hrvaski. Pac taka pravila so, ce si pripravljen placat si drgac pa ne. Isto v normalnih casih nekateri niso pripravljeni dat 200EUR za vikend izlet, drugi pa so.
Jp, zato pa. Ze cel teden dam tistih ekstra 80 eur, samo za vikend pac ne.


16. sep 2007
Katerega leta?

In accordance with Proclamation—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus, effective at 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on March 16, 2020, the entry into the United States is suspended for most individuals, other than United States citizens and lawful permanent residents, who have been physically present within the United Kingdom, excluding overseas territories outside of Europe, or the Republic of Ireland within 14 days of travel to the United States. Proclamation 9993 regarding travel from a Schengen Area country also remains in effect. Any traveler with a valid ESTA who is subject to the Proclamation and who attempts to travel the United States in violation of the Proclamation will have their ESTA canceled. ESTA will not refund applications that are canceled due to this Proclamation. Travelers who have questions about whether they are subject to, or exempted from, the Proclamation should refer to the Proclamation language, and consult with the U.S. Department of State and the air carrier, as appropriate, in advance of travel to avoid travel disruptions. Proclamation 9984 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk), Proclamation 9992 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus), and Proclamation 9993 (Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus) all remain in effect.

V ponedeljek ta teden.


24. jul 2008
Tisti, ki hodi za vikend na Pag, je malo čuden. Imam dol 2 nepremicnini, pa mi na pamet ne pade da bi sel za manj kot 5 dni dol. Pag je v p.m., enostavno predaleč.
  • Haha
Reactions: zino


Tehnološki dinozaver/tabure selektor 1.snl
10. feb 2013
In še: če si v enem letu nisi našel enega Anteja, ki bi malo uč vrgel še na tvoj barako dol .... :sprasujemse:

NE GRE za metat uč, gre za PRAVICO it KADARKOLI do svoje/v svojo nepremičnino.
Pa ne glede na to, ali je v Prekmurju, na Lošinju ali mogoče v Keniji!

Ker NI tretja svetovna. Pa še med drugo svetovno, če si imel papirje, si lahko šel v Švico, v Norveško, itd. Če tega mogoče ne veste.
Torej so bile človekove pravice 1943 "večje", kot so danes!

Boste videli v juniju, juliju reakcijo Avstrijcev, Nemcev na zapiranje... Stotisoči na ulicah. BREZ MASK!

Zaenkrat skandirajo le Sieg Heil. Bodo pa kmalu, na transparentih, začeli pisati o Ciklonu B. Guglajte, kaj je to.
  • Všeč mi je
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